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Full text of "The dictes and sayings of the philosophers : a facsimile reproduction of the first book printed in England by William Caxton in 1477"

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The Dictes and Sayings 
the Philoſophers. 



IN I477. 


New York: 
J. W. BOUTON, 706, Broapway. 




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: © OUR hundred years ago, in the year 1477, a great 


marvel appeared in England, and many of her 
proudeſt nobles and wealthieſt citizens wended their 
way to the Almonry at Weſtminſter, to ſee the 
{mall wooden printing preſs which William Caxton 
had brought from Bruges and there ſet up in a tenement called the 
“Red Pale,” and to gaze in wonder at its almoſt ſupernatural pro- 

The “ Dictes and Wife Sayings of the Philoſophers ” was iſſued 
as a firſt-fruit of Caxton’s prefs, and the cauſes which led to its 
ſelection form a ſtory not without much hiſtorical intereſt. 

In the year 1470 upon the reſtoration of King Henry VI. to the 
throne of England, Edward IV. and his partiſans fought refuge at the 
Court of his brother-in-law, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 
William Caxton was then © Governor of the Engliſh Nation abroad,” 
or Merchant Adventurers, whoſe head-quarters were at Bruges, 
and he was therefore the moſt influential among the many foreigners 
who reſided in that city. There can be no doubt that during the 
few months which elapſed before Edward IV. regained the Engliſh 
Crown Caxton had it in his power to render many important ſervices 
to his expatriated countrymen, and thus laid the foundations of that 

V1 Preface. 

friendſhip and patronage which in after years proved of ſo much 
advantage to him, and which was in all probability a ſtrong induce- 
ment to his adoption of a new vocation and ſettlement at Weſt- 

However this may have been, it is certain that Earl Rivers, the 
brother of Edward's Queen, Elizabeth, was among the earlieſt to wel- 
come and encourage Caxton. Good-will towards one who had always 
been a ſtaunch adherent of the White Roſe, and perhaps alfo a little 
pardonable vanity in wiſhing to fee in print his own tranſlation, may 
have led the Earl to patroniſe the infant preſs. So it came to 
paſs that on the eighteenth day of November, 1477, was completed 
the “ Dictes and Sayings of the Philoſophers,” the book which is in- 
diſputably the firſt iſſued in this country bearing a diſtin& indication 
of its date of printing, and the only ſure ftarting-point in the hiſtory 
of Engliſh Typography. 

What grave incredulity would have ſeized the fagacious Earl and 
his ſober printer had they been told that after the lapſe of four cen- 
turies their countrymen would be honouring their memories in con- 
nection with that very work, and that a copy of it, however torn and 
time-worn, would be thought the brighteſt gem of which an Engliſh 
library could boaſt! How would the printer have laughed to ſcorn 
the idea that an art which would employ ſunbeams inſtead of types— 
one almoſt as uſeful and precious as his own—would one day be uſed 
to reproduce with minuteſt accuracy this early work of the Engliſh 
prefs, and that this. volume would be deemed a fitting tribute to his 

The “ Dictes and Sayings” were a kind of ſober Joe Miller to 
our forefathers, who lived in times when the changes and chances of 
life made men much more grave and thoughtful than at the preſent 
day. Theſe worthies gleaned from its pages pleaſant ſtories and ſmart 
repartees, wherewith to ſeaſon their converſation, as well as words of 
wiſdom upon the more ſerious aſpects and events of life. 

Pre face. Vil 

True, the philoſophers all talk wonderfully alike, and the pithy 
ſayings put into the mouth of the firſt, a very apocryphal perſonage 
named Sedechias, would have been equally well placed in that of 
Socrates ; while Solon himſelf appears but little, if any, wiſer than the 
unknown philoſopher, Tac. Many ſpecimens of the philofophic 
replies of theſe wiſe men might be given—we will quote but two. 
Hermes, when aſked why he married not, replied, © he that cannot 
ſwim in the ſea alone, how ſhould he bear another on his back?“ 
And Diogenes, when queſtioned as to why he talked ſo little, returned 
for anſwer, there was great virtue in a man's ears.” 

Much alſo might be written on the philology and orthography of 
the work, abounding as it does with French derivations and termina- 
tions, but we muſt paſs on to a ſhort account of the outward aſpect of 
the volume. 

The firſt thing which ſtrikes the eye is the abſence of any fort of 
title-page, the book beginning at once with the Prologue of Earl 
Rivers. We muſt remember here that the manuſcripts of the middle 
ages had no title-pages, and that it was not until after Caxton's death 
that Wynken de Worde, his chief aſſiſtant and ſucceſſor, recognized 
the advantage of diſplaying the title of a work alone on the firſt page. 

The next point which attracts attention is the peculiar ſhape of 
the characters. They are very pictureſque, and as cloſe an imitation 
of the handwriting of the time as could be made in letters ſeparately 
caſt; fo that people accuſtomed to read manuſcripts might not be re- 
pelled by any great diſparity. Roman type was not introduced into 
England until ſeveral years after the death of Caxton, and even then 
many long years elapſed before it was received into general favour. 

Another peculiarity is the uneven length of the lines, which gives 
a very ragged appearance to the page. This is a fure ſign of early 
work, and in the cafe of Caxton’s prefs is poſitive evidence that any 
book in which it occurs was printed before the year 1480. 

The ſpace left blank at the commencement of each chapter for 

Vill P reface. 

the infertion by hand of an ornamental initial letter, coloured blue or 
red, is another fign of early work. 

Caxton printed three editions of the © Dictes.“ The firſt, which 
is the one now reproduced, bears date the © xvii day of the moneth 
of Nouembre and the feuententh yere of the regne of kyng Edward 
the fourth.” The type uſed for it, and there is but one throughout 
the book, is that known as No. 2, the firſt employed by Caxton on 
Engliſh foil, type No. 1 having been uſed only in conjunction with 
Colard Manſion at Bruges. Thirteen copies of this edition are known 
to exiſt, two of which are in the Britiſh Muſeum and two at Cam- 
bridge: theſe are all of which our public libraries can boaſt. Earl 
Spencer alſo has two copies in his magnificent library at Althorp, one 
of which poſſeſſes an unique diſtinction of much intereſt in the addition 
of the following paragraph printed on the laſt page, at the end of 
Caxton's Epilogue :— 

Thus endeth this book of the dyétes and notable wyfe ſayenges of the phyloſophers 
late tranſlated and drawen out of frenſhe into our englifshe tonge by my forfaide lord 
Therle of Ryuers and lord Skales' and by hys comandement ſette in forme and em- 
prynted in this manere as ye maye here in this booke fee Whiche was fynifshed the. xviij. 
day of the moneth of Nouembre. and the feuententh yere of the regne of kyng Edward 
the. fourth.” 

But the fineſt copy which has ſurvived the ravages of time is 
that in the choice collection of Samuel Chriſtie-Miller, Eſq., of 
The ſecond edition, printed about three years later, is an exact 
copy of the firſt, only diſtinguiſhable by experts, who find that the 
face of the letter is thinner, ſhowing plain marks of a graver. All 
the copies known of this edition have the Colophon, which occurs 
only in the Althorp copy of the firſt edition. The orthography 
varies throughout the volume from that of the previous edition. 
The third edition, which was not required until about 1490, 

ee reface. 1X 

was alfo an exact reprint, even to the original date of 1477, the type 
ufed being that known as No. 6. 

The value attached to thefe editions by the lovers of our old 
literature may be eſtimated by the fact that upwards of fifty years 
ago as much as 250 guineas was given for a copy of the firſt edition, 
and that a very fine copy would now fetch £1000. 

The authorſhip of theſe celebrated Dictes of ancient wife men 
is veiled in obſcurity. They were originally compiled in Latin 
about the year 1350, and foon after attracted the notice of the cele- 
brated Provoft of Paris, Guillaume de Tignonville, who in the year 
1410 tranflated them into French; from which verfion Earl Rivers 
made his Engliſh tranſlation. The cauſes which led him to under- 
take this taſk are narrated in the Earl's prologue, and are remarkably 
characteriſtic of the habits and cuſtoms of the fifteenth century. 

In the extreme north-weſt of Spain, girt around by rugged and 
barren mountains, ſtands the Holy City of Santiago, renowned 
throughout the middle ages by the pilgrimages to its ſhrine of Saint 
James of Compoftella. As Cordova was a Spaniſh Mecca to the 
followers of Mahommed, fo did Santiago become the Pilgrim-city 
of the Chriftians who were forbidden by the Pope to engage in the 
Crufades for the recovery of Jerufalem, fo long as the Infidel 
remained unexpelled from Spain. There, from the twelfth century 
to the prefent day, has ftood one of the grandeft cathedrals in all 
Chriftendom, in the foundations of which is faid to lie the body of 
Spain’s patron Saint. 

The pilgrims to this now forfaken fhrine were once very 
numerous, for almoſt as many pardons and privileges were accorded 
to wearers of the Cockle-ſhell, the emblem of a pilgrimage to 
Compoſtella, as were granted to thoſe who accomplifhed the much 
longer and more dangerous journey to the Holy Land. Pilgrims 
from many countries frequented the Shrine of St. James, and during 
the ſummer months there was direct communication between England 


X Pre face. 

and Spain for their convenience, ſhips of the largeſt burthen ſailing 
from Southampton to Corunna. 

In the year 1473 Earl Rivers, moved thereto by a grateful 
remembrance of many perils fafely paſſed during the late civil wars, 
determined to undertake a voyage to the Jubilee of St. James of 
Compoftella. On board the fhip in which he failed was an old 
acquaintance, Louis de Bretaylles, a Gafcon knight well known at 
the Englifh Court for his bravery and prowefs. De Bretaylles, 
whofe character had a literary no lefs than a fighting fide, took with 
him, to beguile the tedium of the voyage, Guillaume de Tignonville’s 
verfion of © Les Dicts moraulx des philofophes,” which had recently 
been printed at Colard Manfion’s prefs at Bruges. This book fo 
pleafed the Earl that he borrowed it for home perufal, and upon his 
return to England, being appointed Governor to the young Prince of 
Wales, he reſolved to tranſlate it into Engliſh, “thinking alfo full 
neceſſary to my faid lord the underſtanding thereof.” The ſtyle of 
the tranſlation muſt not be criticiſed too cloſely, for in the then 
tranſition ſtate of the Engliſh tongue there was no acknowledged 
ſtandard. The Earl is certainly very literal, and as though diffident 
of his own judgment in the choice of words, and well aware of 
Caxton's ſucceſs in tranſlating © The Hiſtories of Troye ” and © Jaſon,” 
brought his manuſcript to the printer and requeſted him to “overfee” 
it before it went to preſs. This reviſion reſulted in the addition of 
a whole chapter containing the © Dittes” of Socrates “ towching 
women,” which, having been omitted by the Earl, was tranſlated 
and printed by Caxton, who excuſes himſelf for fo doing with a quiet 
humour which reveals to us more of the real character of the man 
than any other of his literary works, and affords, at the fame time, 
evidence of the intimate relations which exiſted between Earl Rivers 
and himſelf. © But I ſuppoſe” fays Caxton, © that fome fair lady 
hath deſired him to leave it out of his book, or elſe he was amorous 
on ſome noble lady, for whoſe love he would not ſet it in his book, 

P reface. X1 

or elſe for the very affection, love, and good-will that he hath unto 
all ladies and gentlewomen, he thought that Socrates ſpared the footh, 
and wrote of women more than truth, which I cannot think that fo 
true a man and fo noble a philoſopher as Socrates was ſhould write 
otherwiſe than truth. For if he had made fault in writing of women, 
he ought not, nor ſhould not, be believed in his other dictes and 
ſayings. But I perceive that my faid lord knoweth verily that ſuch 
defaults be not had nor found in the women born and dwelling in 
theſe parts nor regions of the world. Socrates was a Greek, born 
in a far country from hence, which country is all of other conditions 
than this is, and men and women of other nature than they be here 
in this country. For I wot well, of whatſoever condition women be 
in Greece, the women of this country be right good, wife, pleaſant, 
humble, diſcreet, ſober, chaſte, obedient to their huſbands, true, 
ſecret, ſteadfaſt, ever buſy, and never idle, temperate in ſpeaking, 
and virtuous in all their works, or at leaſt ſhould be fo.” The Earl 
certainly ſhowed his taſte in the omiſſion of the ſatire, which has 
little wit but much coarfenefs. The three following“ Dictes“ will 
ſerve as a ſample :—“ Socrates faid that women be the apparails to 
catch men, but they take none but them that will be poor, or elſe 
them that know them not: — And he faw a woman that bare fire, 
of whom he faid that the hotter bare the colder: ”—< And they faid 
to him and demanded wherefore he blamed fo women, and that he 
himfelf had not come into this world nor none other men alfo 
without them. He anfwered, woman is like unto a tree called 
Chaffoygnet (Cheſtnut?) on which tree there be many things ſharp 
and pricking, which hurt and prick them that approach unto it, and 
yet, nevertheleſs, that fame tree bringeth forth good dates and ſweet.” 

There is in the Library of Lambeth Palace, a manuſcript copy 
of Caxton’s third edition, which is well known from the frequency 
with which its fingle illumination has been copied and referred to. 

This illuftration has been fuppofed to reprefent Earl Rivers prefenting 

X11 Preface. 

Caxton to King Edward IV. The Earl is kneeling and offering 
a copy of the © Dictes,” but it is not Caxton who is by his fide, for 
the tonfure upon his head ſhows the perſon to have been a prieſt and 
probably the ſcribe who wrote the volume. 



May, 1877. 

qa Here it is fo chat euery humayn Creature by tle 

fuffraſice of our loꝛd) god) is berg g oꝛdeigned) & 

be fubgette and thral Into the ſtormes of fortune 
Ando fo m diuerſe g many ſondry Vyſes may is perplex⸗ 
id) With Poꝛldly Duerſitees Of the Whiche J Nnto ine 
Vydeuille Erle Tyuyeres Lord) Scales ae haue largely x 
in many difffirent maners haue Fad my parte Nnd of hem 
releued) by thynfynyte grace @ goodnes of our ſaidy forty 
thurgh the meane of the Mediatrice of Merey / Thiche Fee 
euidently to me knoÞey g vnderſtonde bath compelled) me 
& ſette a parte alle ingratitude / And droof me by reſoy g 
eon ſcieice as et as my Beech dnes Bolen fuffyſe to apue 
ther fore ſynguler louynges ge · thanles / Nnd evoꝛte d me to 
diſpoſe my recouerd lyf to his ſeruyce / in foloſdig his la des 
and eom̃andemẽte / Wid jn ſatiſfacoy @ recopence of mpi 
Inyquptees © fabtes before dog /o eRe g evoetcube p Verlies 
that myght & moſt acceptable to hym/ And as fer as mpy 
frayl nes Bold ſuffre me J reſted) in that By e purpoſe 
DBurynay that ſeaſoy ] vnderſtode the Jubylee g par do to 
be at the holy Nppoſtle Seynt James ty Spapne Vhiche 
Was he pere of grace a thouſand, CCC C. lxxiij. Thene 
J xtermyned) me & take that woyaqge « (Brzped? from ſou; 
kthamptoß ny the moneth of Juyll the ſaid) pere / N nd) fo 
ſayled) from tlens til J come j to the Spapnyſſh fee there 
lacleyng ſpabt of alle londes the Pynde beynq) good and 
the Weder faye The mnie for a recreawh x a paſſyng of tyme 
J kad delyte g axed & rede forte good hiſtoꝛye And ambay 
offer cher Was that ſeaſoy in my cõpanye a Woꝛſh ipful gen 
tyl maß callidy loſdys de retaylles / Phiche gretly delitedꝰ 

hym in alle Errtuouſe andy honeſt khynges that fapdy & 
me be hath there a Book that he truſted) J (Buldy lybe it 
right Welk andy brought it & me / Whyche ok J had) 
neuer ſeey before, andy is called) the ſaynges ox dictis of 
th hiloſophers , And) as ] vnder ſtande it Vas kranſ⸗ 
lated) out of latyy in to frenſ he by a VPoꝛſhipful may cal; 
fin meſſire Jehay de Teonuille prouoſt of parys Whay 
ry heededo and) bolted) vpoy it as ) had) tyme andy 
ſpac J gaaf thefo a Krap affection , And) in eſpecial 
Bp uſe of the holſom̃ and (Bete ſaynges of the paynems/ 
Vhyche is a glorious faye mprrour & alle goody eriſtey 
people to beholde and) Inderſtonde, Ouer that a grete cons 
fore: to euery Wel diſpoſed) ſaule / It ſpeketh alſo vniuer 
ſally & the pample, Pee? and) dockryne of alle kynges 
prynces and) & people of euer eſtate -JE taſtes Lertu 
and) ference / It blames Dies and) ignorance , Windy af 
le it J Hude not at that ſeaſoy ner 1y al that pilgrema⸗ 
ge tyme haue leyzer & ouerſee it Pele at my pleafure · What 
for che diſpoſtcions that belongech to a taker of a Jubplee 
and) par don. nd) alſo for che grete acquepntaunce that 
J ſonde there of Voꝛſhipful fol lies / With Blow it Bac fit; 
kyng) J (Poly Reps good) and) hooneſt dom panye yet ne; 
rertfelts it reſted) (tpl in the deſyrous fauour of mp myn 
de / enten dyn) Beery to take therddith gretteꝛ acquepn 
taumce at ſom offer donuenyent tyme + (Ando fo vemapz 
nyng m that owynpoy after ſuche ſeaſoy as it lyſted) the 
liynges grade oomaunde me to gyue mpy attendaunee Spon 
my ford) the Prince , and) that J Was m his ſeruyſe / Thay 
J bady leyſer ] lolied) vpoy the ſayd) Hooke , Andꝰ as 

the Caſt conclined sy my ſelf to krãſb ate it in to thenglyſſh 
tonge / Tiche im my Jugement Was not before. Thynliyng 
alſo ful neceſſary & my ſatdy ford the vnder ſtã dyng ther; 
of. &nd leeſt ] coure not at al tymes be fo Bele cupied⸗ 
0z ole falle m ydlenes / Vhay ] myght/ nod and thenne 
A felle kane Wich alt Nnd dre We bothe the ſentẽte and 
che Woꝛdes as nygh as J coude-(Nenertleles ) ſaue ſeyy g 
herde of other of the ſame bookes Vhiche difference and be 
of other inpoꝛta unde (Nndy ther ſore ] over that ſuche as 
(Bold) liſte to vere he kranſlacoß g haue Feray jntelligeiee 
of ony of thoos bookes /eytſer in latyne or 9 frenſhe ſholde 
Fonte errours in my Werlte /Nhiche ] Fold) not afferme 
cauſe of the contrary ut allecrxe th deffaulte to my 

Vith the dyuerſptees of the boolꝛes / humbly 
tſpryſig che veformracoy therof With mpy excuſe / and the 
rather fon after mp rudenes not expert /] in my maner fol 
Wed) mp coppe and the grund) J had) & fee Spon / as 
here after eiſieldis. 

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Sapienee Vas Pmerſtande and laVts reſcey⸗ 
ued) · Vhiche Sedechias faire that euery crea; 
ture of good beleue ought eo haue in hym ſixtene Krtues 
Th farſt vertue is & drede and) lenode god) and) his 
angell ys ¶ The ſeeonde dertue is 6 laue diſcrecioy to diſ⸗ 
crene tle goode from the badde andy to Se vertu andy fle 
Brees ¶ The chride Kextue is to oleye th Lyne oꝛ princes 
that god) hat h oꝛdepgned) to repgne Spor hym and that 
haue loꝛ dſh ip and) per vpoy the people The fourth, 
Lertue is & Bor hip hys fa dre ¢ hys modre ¶ Tle fyfthe 
Lertue is to do Juſtely and) truely to euery creature aftir 
his poſſibilite ( The ſixthe Lertue is b& diſtribute his a?; 
mes & che pouer people · ¶ The ſeuenthe Lertue is eo Rope 
and) defende ſtraungers and) pilgrymes Th eyghte 
Lertue is to bynde and deterynne him ſelf & ſerue our Lorre 
cody ¶ The nynthe vertue is to eſchelde fornicacioy ¶ The 
tenth: Lertue is & haue mame, ¶ The enleuenth ver cue 
is to be ſtedefaſt andy true I The t Welfthe ferme is & 
be peaſible and attem perate and ſhamfaſt of ſpme ¶ The 
thertentle Lertue is to loue Juftice ¶ The fourtent he kez 
tue is to be liberal and) not couetoup ¶ Tlx fyftentle Fir; 
tue is to offre ſacrifices to our ford god) alimpabey for tie 
benefices andy gracs that le ſheweth hym dayly q The 
ſixtenthe Fertue is to Vorſh ip god) al myghty and) & put 
hym hooly in his protection and) defence for reſiſtenes of the 
in fortumtees that dayly falles 9 thys Woꝛl de {Ele faire 
Sedechias ſaide that right as it apparteineth to the people 

Edechias Was the firſt Philoſophir by Soom 
FS thwugh th Wil and pleaſer of oure bers god) 

fo be fabgeck and) obbeiſſant & che Lopal mageſte of tair 
png) oꝛ pyrnee right fo it behouech ter Bintan oꝛ prone 6 
entende diligentely to the Pele and) gouer na unde of hys 
people/andy rather to Wil the Bele of the thay his ow ne 
propre lucre, for bp ſimilitude rpcht fo is lie lynch or the 
prince With hys people / as (le ſaule With the Lop ©! (Ando 
ſapde Sedechias / if a pn) ora prynee force hym (elf 
& ga dre money 0: treſoꝛ by ſubtyl exoꝛtacion oꝛ of hes vnde⸗ 
He meanes le ought & bnobey he wth ampſſe / for fuck 
treſoꝛ map nat by gadred) Pythoute the ſequele be & hys 
daungeꝛ 07 depeopulacioy of hys Poyaume ox countrep 
End ſaid) Sedechias / if a king) oꝛ a prynce be ne 
gligent and) ſloughful and) take no hede bo ſerche and) 
enquere the diſpoficioy and) Rorkic of Gps oinempes. Coss 
tent By? and) dedis of hys ſubgettys he (Bal not & long 
in furete in his mpame ¶ And) ſaid) Sedechias the peo 
ple 16 foꝛtunat andy happy that haue a goode andy « Keres 
ous kyna) ox prynd diſcrete and) Pyſe in ſeunees . Andy 
777 ax che people jnfoꝛtunat Vhay enp of thyes thynges 
lab in Chote lynch) or prynde · And) ſaid) Sedech ia 
if a kyng) 0: a prynte fos ſLouthe leue bo do np of the lytil 
thynges that hym ought / and) is oꝛdeygnedꝰ he ſhulde 
execute lighely af tex he leueth greteꝛ vn don and) (oo confer 
quent iy fe map boſe alle, ryght as a Gal ſelieneſſe or hurt 
Vyt houte it & fone and) Wel remedied / may cauſe the Dif 
truction of alle the hoe body. © (Ando ſayd) Semdias 
if a kynch 07 a prynce byleue Be ſapre Noꝛdes and) flate 
ryngis of hys mzempes hauynch noo Feſpect to theyr Mer 
Eis it 16 mezuaplle hut che ſayd kyng oz prone therby 

fowpnly takte Farme | (And) ſaydy Sedechias. Je azar 
teygneth & a lynch o a prynee (o arfourme hys fore yy 
Lertue and) ſctenee and) foe he ſhal gouuerne hys lande 
af tir hym hodde he ſhulde be right Vis & hys people + hodde 
Br ſhoulde loue andy haunte hys linyghtes not ſufferyng 
them to Sle & myſtel huntyngis noꝛ offer del neſſes / but 
inſtructe hem bo haue goode eloquence andy & eſcheue alle 
Tunes (And) ſapd) Sedechias It aſparteygneth to 
« Bona) oꝛ to a prynce, if he Bol haue eny nygh ſeruaunt 
tft & ino de hys gupdync andy oon dictous and) ho We 
gouuerneth hym eh hys houſe andy amougis Hys 
ſelladdes . andy if he vnderſtande hym of goode don dicloy 
and) gounernaunee hauyng pacience in hys Duerſite weep 
ne and) take hym thy hardely. Rnd) ellis bt be Ware 
of hym nd) ſaydꝰ Sedechias if thou haue aKrry 
true frende that louet h the Wele thou ought & eae hym mo 
re in thy loue andy fauour , tay ony of thy lienneſmey de⸗ 
ſiryncy thy wth for to haue the fucceffions of thy goodis 
N ndꝰ ſayd Sedechias commonely euery reſemblance 
delyteth other Nnd) ſapdy Se dechias fe that Wyl not 
& chaſtyſed) by fayre and) (ete Boxes . ought to be correc 
ted) by ſharp andy haꝛde correctioy © Windy ſayd) Sedechi⸗ 
as the gretteſt richeſſe 16 ſatiſf acid of th herte nd ſaid 
he is not riche / eo Phom richeſſe lo ſtet hot / ne Whay thy 
map be ligheky talen a Payt / Wut the beſt richeſſe is that 
thing/t hat dudeh ore Andy ſayd) Sedechias the 
obeiſſaunde wy Sp our is more ſexme thay that that is woy 
by myght ox dred⸗ qi Andy ſaydꝰ that epperperter 13 « go0de 
Gaſtiſemens ¶ End) fapdp te loliyng) Spy th: ende of 

che Borke / pf it be good) + peueth hope bo ke Eenpmipng 
Rnd ſaide/that goode ren õmeꝛ and) fame is right prof⸗ 
fitable in this Woꝛlde/ che dedes ther of auaileth m the otfes 
Boakde ¶ Rudy ſaide/ it is better a may o holde his peas 
thay & ſpelie myche & np ignoꝛant maß. and & be a lone 
thay to be acopupned) With euill pope Mind ſaide Tay 
a Syma oꝛ a prince is eal tachedo and) Sraoup / bettir is 
to chaim that haue noo lenoſblege of him thay to thoos that 
be grefteſt maiſters in his fouſe ¶ Nndy ſaide/bettir is a⸗ 
Womaß to be bareyi thay to bere ay euilk diſpoſid) oꝛ a 
Wik Redy childe And ſaide / the compante of a poure Wieſe⸗ 
may is bettir thay of a riche ignorant that Neneth to be 
Vyſe by fubtilitee ¶ Nndp ſaide/he that offendeth god) his 
creato4*6y gretter reaſoy he faileth & other  (Nudo faire 
bileue not in him that ſeith he leueth and lino eth trodth 
and) wth th contrary f Mundy ſaide/the ignorante mey 
Wok not abſtynt them from their ſenfualite es but loue their 
Caf for chair pleaſaunce / Vhat deſende ſo euer & made Into 
theym. right as chil dre enforce them ſelf & ee (Bete thin / 
ges. and (le rather that tp be chaꝛged) the dont rarie · but 
it is other Wieſe Wich Pieſemeñ for they loue thir liues but 
onely & do goode deddis / and to hue J del neſſe g the delecka 
oſis of this Voꝛlde ! N nd faire, bode may be cõpared the 
Werkes of che im that ente nde the pfeckioy of tle goode thi; 
ges perpetuel/(o thaim that Pol but thw delides traſptorp 
nd (aire that th Wieſe mey bere ew greues g forbes 
as they Were (Bete vnto them · nod ing hw trouble paciẽtly 
takey+the onde theꝛof Baſle to their merited (nd faire (hab 
it is ꝓufitable g goode to do Pele to them tlet haue deſerued it 

Andy that it is euill dooy eo do Pele ko thaim that haue 
nat deſezuedꝰ it / for alk is loſt that is yeuey vnto they, 
right as tle repne falleth Spon the quel Rnd ſaid he is 
happy that Sieh his rapes in doyng couenable thyngee / and 
taltith 1 this Woꝛl de but chat / that is neceſſazie vnto him 
and may not foꝛbere / Npplying him ſelf to do good dedis 
to leue the ba dde ! (Nd) ſaid) amay onght nat to be de 
med) by his Woꝛdes / but by his Borkie / for oomenly Woꝛdes 
len Veyne / but by the dedes is linolden the haꝛme oꝛ te pwuf⸗ 
fit of euery thing ¶ nd) ſaid) Þhay that al mes is diſtri 
Bute to pouer indigẽt peple/it proffiteth as a good medicine 
couenably peuey bo them that be (eRe / but the al mes peuen 
bo the nol indigẽt is a medicine peut Vit hout cauſe (Nd 
ſapdy/he is happy that Vithdra eth his ere g his eye from 
alle vyle chingẽes ! And) fapdo the moſt couenable diſpen 
ee that eny may may make m hys lyf 16 hit that is (cote 
in the ſexutce of god /g in good Workis* And the ſend is 
that 15 ſpeed in necſſarie thiges that may nat le ſorboꝛne 
as mete dꝛinlie clothing /g fox remedies ayenſt ſilteneſſe g 
che Woꝛſte of alk is that is diſpended in ſpy g ank Terſts, 
Ermes Bas Lorne in egypt sand is as myliyl 
Þ to fap thr as mercuri/ꝝ in ebreu as Enok Mhide 
_ Vas fone (o Jareth the fone of Matuſale the fone 
of Maſaleel the fone of Caynay/tſe fone of Enoes fone 
of Seth fone to N dam / Nnd bo fore the grebe flow called 
Moes flode After that Pas there another litik flode / Phiche 
droPned / but the contre of Egipte onely afore the Vhiche 
che ſaide Her mes deparbeth tens and) Wore through alle 
lan des tpl he Bas four ſcore pere olde and j Nndꝰ Vith 

him hadde Ceri, perſonnes of dinezs EngesPhiche aldeye 
ſtevedy and evhorted) the people bo obepe our lord, g edified 
C$+toTnes Vhiche he ful filled) With ſcioꝛtes · And Nas 
the firſt that fone tft ſciende of ſcoles / eſtabliſſhe d to he 
people of euery cłlymat falbes coutnabl and appar teig; 
nyng to thai opimons. to the Vhiche hermes th kyngis y 
tho dayes paf grete audience and obeiſſaunce in all khair 
ſandes and fo did) theuhitantis of the Iſkes of the ſee he 
tonſtreyned them to liepetle laſde of god in ſaing trouthe & 
diſpiſe the Woꝛlde bo Reve Juſtiee, bo Bynne th: ſal uadoß ny 
che offer Woꝛlde. he om̃aunded) oriſons g pꝛaiers & be ſaide 
and b& faſte euery Pyke ooß dp + bo deſtroye ehe ennempes 
of chr lade to peue al mes to the ouer goddis people · chat is 
bo ſay · to the feble and Impotent. he oom̃aunded) that poꝛbe 
fleſſhe and amel ys cholde be ec, and ſuche ſemblable mez 
tes · and eom̃aunded) they eppreſſely . that they ſhulde liepe 
them fro pariury. he ſtabliſſbody many feſtts at oertam ſeas 
ſons. and oꝛdeigned alſo diners perſones to offre ſacrifices 
at khe riſing of the ſome *and ſom ot her at the firſt nedde 
moone · and at the ooniuncti oy ofthe planettes. z alſo Vhan 
te planetes entre m to there houſes. and Thay they aſcẽded 
and» Þhay ep diſcended). The ſacrifices Were of manp 
things . that is bo ſap of wſes · of ours of grepnes of 
Whee , of barley + of frutes , of grapes of licours + of 
Wpnes , Ind) khr ſame hermes ſatde , that it Bas noo 
toom penſe ſuſſiciont + bo thanke god) onely for the Fee 
be bath ſent vs ef And) ſaide. O thou may pf thou dre / 
deſt 55002 Tele , thou ſthuldeſt neuer fülle in to the patthes 
hal beincgelh may to haxme . ct Andy faite + make not 

elamours & god) as Ignoraundes ful of cozrups Wil 
Fahnes. and; be not jnobedient Into oure Lorre cod) + noꝛ 
treſpaſſours & hys lalde · And By? nooy of pou do to pour 
ſeloſde . other dyſe thay ye Nolde & dy to. but be condoꝛ dat 
and) loue & gyders Iſe faſtyngis and) oriſons 1 pure 
and) clene Willes. donſtreyne pou to do goode dedes humbly 
; and) Withoute pryde in ſuche manere as of pour Verſes 
map gro We good fruptes · and) kept you oute of the coms 
panpes of tutes of forniaatours. and) of Hoos that vſe 
euik Werkis ( And) ſapd) bee you that pe be not pariu 
red) and) let Erouth be al wey in pour mouthe / and) (eve 
not but pe andy nap . enforce pou not & cauſe them 
[Weve that pe linoſde Wel Pye +leſt pe be parteners bo kleyr 
parutrp, put pour truſt in god) that Rnolbeth alle ſecretes 
and) fe ſhal his pou ty equite at the grete day of Juge⸗ 
ment Whey he ſhal peue vemuneracioy to the goode ſoz tleyr 
go0dneſſe and) punyſſh che euil for theyr BypCRpwneffe, 
(And ſaydꝰ · ye be certain that the vedemptour our loꝛdꝰ. is 
the greteſt ſapiende. andy the greteſt dileckacioy that one 

& haue of Bly alle goodeneſſe comet h/ by Who 

alle che yatis of Witte ¢ vnderſtã dyng bey opened Ando 
god) that hath loued) his ſeruãtis hath yeuen them difcrect, 
oy e bath eſtabliſſſed) prophetes x propheciers.æ mmſtres 
ful filed Wich ehe holy qooſt by the Phiche he Fath many; 
feſtely ſhecded Biro then the ſecretts of the lade g the trouth 
of the ſapience bo entente that they ſhuld efchue al errours 
e apple chem to ale good de dis {Andy ſaid) vſe faprence 
E folotbe che la Wes / be merciful and) garmſſſẽ you With 
Foode dockrines think g loſte Pele Spoy pour Perks Without 

Rafting pou to myliy@? g in eſpecial Thay ye Bal puniſſh 
mifroers and pf pe vſe erp manere of thinge lilely eo ſpite 
be not Bamefafte to Rich draſe pou therfro-and take 
penaundce fox the ſame fox to peue other exemple, for pf it be 
not pumſſhedy m this Woꝛl de if Balle at the greete day of 
Jugement and fue ſhalbe tourmente d With grete prines 
Whitoute ony pyte taltey vpoy them Ando ſaide-correcte 
pou by pour ſelf and folo e the Vieſe mey lernpng of hem 
good Lertues / z lette all pour deſire be /o dymꝛe goode renou 
mee and fame. employe not pour tyme and your mynde ny 
FP [Bode noz 19 malte? ¶ N nd ſeide lolte ye ſette noo Bay 
&6 & the nopſaunce of eny body. nox that ye ſelie thaire 
hurtes by au tell es oꝛ ſotiłk tees. For fuck Works Mol 
not be Grove, but at the laſt they Vol azpere ¶ Nndp ſaide 
donſtreyne you to amreve the loue of god and of pour feith 
Into ſapience , and yf pe do fo all your lyf . it Halle & 
you agrete prouffitable Synnyng) rand of that nobel tue 
(Bal come Sno pou greter benefices · hay pF pe ſhol de aſſe; 
ble grebe golde and fifuer or other treſours not durable. for 
it (Balle to pou a grete richeſſe ny the other Vorl d that neue: 
{half haue nde ¶Nnd ſaidy . be al one Withm and Vith⸗ 
oube in that ye Bal ſpelꝛe. c beſdare that your Woꝛdes be not 
contrary to the thoughtis of your Pest ¶ Nnd ſaide hüble 
and oleye pour ſelf & your kyng) and pour pꝛynces. and 
Woꝛſhip the vets ynniſtres vnder them, loue god ¢ trouth 
7 peue true counſaile & that eitent pe may the more fool 
With pouz good penaſter be in th: Baye of ſaluacis ¶ Nnd 
ſaide/yel de lourg vnto your loꝛde aſ Wele m pour tribulacion 
as in ꝓſperite ny pouꝛe pouerte aſ Wele as in pour richeſſe 

End (aide pe (Bal Bere hens noy offer khingis but pour 
Verkis-and) erfore ke Bare that ye Juge not vniuſtly 
and) deſire rather & laue pourete in doing) good) dees/tlay 
richeſſe ny ſyß/foꝛ richeſſe may ſooy le loſt / and good dedis 
(Fal euer abyde ¶ End (aid be Bare of to mylipk laughi g 
and) mene enp perſone-aV be it/pe pezceyue in him ony 
ſoule oꝛ euił tache +pet vebube them not diſhoneſtly ,but 
thinlie that god) Bath made pou alk of one matere g img 
a made pou as eutk as qe / Nlyafore pe ought & thanlte hys 
goodeneſſe that bath ſhe ed pou fuche grace /and hach Rept 
pou from myſchef in te kymes paſt and) preſenk. And? 
pꝛay him of his mera he Vol fo kepe pou fort he ¶ Nnd ſaid 
if it ſoꝛtune 5 the ẽnennes of pour ferth Bil diſpute Bith 
pou, by diuerſe ¢ ſharp ſeyngis / anſ dere chem in ſeteneſſe 
6m Sumplite prayng god to be of pour cornſeile, x that he 
if Iddreſſe alk his eres tures to the goode feith for there 
przpetuek ſaluacioy ¶ Ind ſaid be ſilent in oounſeil and 
be Bel Ware · Bhat pe ſpelie afor your enemies leſte ve reſem 
Ble him that ſelteth a wd) to be betyn Vith alk nd ſaide 
pe map not be Juſte Sit houte the drede of our Lord god/by 
Whiche pe atteyne hel pe of the holy goſt that (Bal open you the 
gates of para diſe / Wherin eden ſtal entre. Vith thoos 
p haue deſerued euerlaſtig ly ¶ Nnd ſaid eſche Be the copa; 
ny of thoos that Louch you not of euil peopel of dꝛüſten mey 
E of ignoraũtis N ud Bas pe Heke en good tought eves 
ee its pe may jneõtinẽt leſte pe be let oꝛ Vith drawey ther 
fro by eny ſiniſtre 02 euil tẽptacioy N nd fard haue no mute 
though ef ſe np proſperite cont & ay euil may / for his 
ene ſtal not be goode < Rudy faire . malie pour chil drey 

lerne goode in there poutfe oꝛ they falle bo malice, and fo ye 
Hal not ſyme in them ¶ Nnd ſaide. Vorſhip and pray 
& our loꝛde Bich a clene Pik g a dreſſe al your deſirs to him 
and fe (Bal lekpe g enhance pou · Phat part fo euer pe go. 7 
fubde de your ennempes vnder you ¶ Nnd faite , hay pe 
Wil faſte-make fizſt clene pour faults of al fil the. that pour 
faſtig may coi of pure {xs Without op em? eogiencons 
hide god reputeth vile. and as pe ought to abſtene pour 
ſelf from metis. ſo ought pe eo abſtene frome ſynne. fot it 
ſatiſfieth not to ſpare mebes · and do em dedis ¶ Nndꝰ 
ſaide /n pour ponge age viſite our ler dis houſes and lette 
al pour oriſtons be in ſ etteneſſe ¢ humilite Vit hout pom⸗ 
pes oꝛ pꝛide. nd Play ye be mooſte mezp in pour houſes 
Vith pour folRes laue in remembrance our loꝛ dis poure in 
diqenk people. and departe Into them your almes ¶ Nnd 
ſaide/ yeue conforte & pꝛiſoneꝛs. to them that be in ſoroÞe 
and trouble. Bele the (eRe. clothe the naked, eue mete to the 
hungery. driſte & the thurſty. harlero de pilgrimes make 
ſatiſfacroy & pour ereditouꝛs. and pramely fuffre the In 
turies that bey wy vnto pou ¶ Nnd ſaide/diſconfoꝛt nat 
few that bey m affliction but hel pe them With (Hee and 
plea ſaunt Boxes (And if it be ſuche as affore haue hurte 
vou benignely for peue it them. ſatiſpying pou With the 
peyne that they fuffre · Ind faire / enfoꝛee your ſelf to Vin 
ne frendis. g thay firſt preue them ar ye put & moch truſte 
in them / leſt it le to youre hurt /and that after tlewof ye reg 
pente you ¶ N nd ſaide/he that god exal ed) in this Dorlas 
ought to take no pride noꝛ Kipneglorye m hit / noꝛ repute 
him ſelf gretter thay con of his ſelades for god bath made 

riche and poure of 003 creaton through Vhiche ale be egall 
nd) ſaide/ beware that in pourJre oꝛ Indignacioy ther 
eſcape out of your mouth noo foule Nodes. for it is dif hon 
neſte and) ngendreth hate .it is not donuenyent for hym 
that Wil laue ſcyence + bo ſeſte it by mede oꝛ fox money · but 
onely by deleckacoß and) bycanſe it 16 more precious thay 
other Hinges af nd) ſaide that leyng) is good) andy no; 
ble / tat cauſith in his Foyame coor Tales to le bepte g 
ma inbeynedꝰ and the Brow to be layde doſdne «And? ſard 
latgeſſe and) liberalite is Gnother, Bay a may is in neoeſ⸗ 
fie g pourete, ( paciene. Bhan oor bath power to Juge and 
Be auenged) </And) faire he that Voꝛch iped te Wyeſe mey 
loueth Juſtce sandy dot h goode dedis. and) enſoꝛtet h hym 
& Vynne ferencis and) goode con dicons andy ther ore he 
(Bal finde that that libeth hym in this Woꝛl de ox in the offer 
&ndꝰ ſeithᷣ. he is vnhappy lothe here and) there that hach 
Witte and) Bol lerne noo ſcienee ne dottrine ¶ Nndp faire 
he that Vol not teche that that he vnderſtodeth in ſtiende x 
good) oon dicions. he (Balke partenar to the Janoramſe of 
fro dard folſie Nd) he that denyeth to teche ference to him 
that it is couenable Into fe ough to be depriued of his &; 
neſieæ j this World) Sut cher is noone that doth fo ſaue 
Inoraunt folſtis Biche com̃onely Key enuious froBard 
andy il Tiley ¶ And ſaide , liberalite and) largeſſe is 
betttꝛ in ference thay m richeſſe for th: renomme of a Byles 
may abideth · and) the richeſſes abideth nat. (Andy a man 
ought not to offen de noꝛ hate him / that Bath treſpaſſed⸗ 
vnto hym. but ought bo do goode apenſt harme for the Ber, 
Ree of the Bieſemey is preued) 19,19 Þthinges that is to 

ſeye ko make hys ennemye his Frente / Nnd) to make the 
e bo refoꝛme the euyl diſpoſed) Into 
goodeneſſe «Andy ſaydꝰ / He map be gal yd) goody Thay 
other fare the bettir for his coodeneſſeC] nd) ſad) he that 
Couch che Wele of his neyglour as his ofbne 4nd fap; 
de That grete ſeienee prouſfpteth litik eo a couctous may 
Gut litil ſcymee prouffyteth moche to him that Nithdꝛa⸗ 
Weth his courage from wuetiſe ¶ Ando ſapdy / That the 
lyff may be reſembled) to the flepna) of ay amie - Nndꝰ 
the det h is like the lyghting) therof 9 Qnd) ſayde/ It ys 
more wezptozy andy bettir & haue pytie vpoy the fool thay 
Vpoy the Poul dely Byſemay I And) fayd He that bol, 
dech gym not ſatyſf xedꝰ Wich chat that god) had ſent hun 
Deſeꝛueth not & haue more ¶ And) ſaydꝛ / N repre »_, 
or « oontryue: of talys domonely / other Be Wyeth to hm 
that he telletÞ chem or he is fals to ehoos that he bath ſeyde 
it of ¶ Andy ſaxdꝰ deryſioh andy Feonpnsy putteth aap 
and) Paſtith leue as th: fiere wth ehe donde e And) ſap 
de The mupous may is frendely & him that is preſent /g 
in e. is his ernemp andy fo 3 — _ his ſren 
de by Bore, AHH dinẽ mx bp dede Nndp ſaid / Ny enuious 
= ſexucth of noght 2 o diſprayſe alle other ¶¶ And⸗ 
ſapde he is right ſure chat ſeleth him ſelf Vit houten gilt; 
is n none furcte that Pol not linoſde his ow ne gilt And 
ſayde. We Ware obeye not vnto couctile fox Pay ye Told 
it Wol not oleyt vnto youll Nndꝰ ſapd) / He that peuet h 
good) cõſeille co otk folkiis / begymeth to do pwuffyt & 
him ſelf/ g Vas axed of the ſaid hermes Nhat it Bas that 
mooſt letted a twublech may / he anſueꝛd/ Ire g euie/af bez 
. re 

cbey axed hyin Thee ſore/ ehe Wieſe may ſtode more atte ya 
tes of the niche man / than tle riche man atte yates of the 
Wieſe may , And) & anſ Berd, the Wieſe may Knolbeth 
che prouffit of th niche, g the riche KnoVeth not tle prouffit 
of ehe ſcienctal Wieſe man. (Nnd) faire le that bath Witte 
and? diſcregoy andy linoſdeth it not jndede veſembleth the 
tree /tlat hereth noo frute l N nd) (aire, be is Wieſe that 
knoÞeth Janoratmee and he that lnowith it not is igno 
raunt / and) he that EnoVeth not him ſelf, oe ſholde le 
RnoWe oꝛ deme anothere And) faite ther be. h. ma nere of 
mien the ooß ſeketh and ary not finde / tle ot her findeth and 
eay not price Qnty ſaide / fapionce is lie athinge fat 
ley in a Watre. Vhiche cay not be founde. but by them that 
Mol ſerche and) fette it from the bottom Mnd ſaide With 
oute chaſtite / amay cay not be derry par fightly Wieſe / and 
Withoute Witte he may not be pur fight in ſciene Rudy 
ſaide diſcipline is the oꝛnament of itte. Vith the Vhiche 
euery may ought to enriche himſelf nd ſaide it is not 
honeſte & chaſtiſe amay afore all folk1s / ratſer a part 
(nd) ſaid) Way a may of es excuſeth Himſelf his 
FnoBey gilt. it auſich his errour the more to be remebꝛed 
nd ſaid · che Ig noraunt perſone is but litik · al be 16 
Be Be ofdy + and) the Wieſe is mode + al be it he be yonge 
¶ And ehe Woꝛlde diſpraiſeth noe amps thoos that afor 
it Was Wont to Woꝛſh ip / and) the erthe Paſteth and eteth 
them that afoꝛ it Was Bont & norpſſſe and fedel Nndy 
ſaide · the fole is enoſden by his Voꝛ dis · and the Vieſemay 
By his Perkicl Nnd ſaid Herb felBe folBie muto? of a de 
may/but cherbe many that Bol lye Spon them And (asd 

be mery andy gladde and Je ſuffyſeth & angre tie nuyous 
may / Nndo ths Bas aped of the ſayd) hermes / hy he ma 
ried) him nat/he anſuerd) Ae that any not ſPymme in the 
fee alone hoe ſhulde he bere anotlyꝛ in his necke ſ Fymmĩg 
And ſayd) Beye the oute of the company of a Jangeler 
Which reſembleth & a 1 chat ſemeth good a ferce / and 
nygh It is right noght ¶ (Andy ſapd)-He that Bolle do 
euylk at thiy Jnſtaunde ayenſt another / Eyght fo Wil he 
at his Jnſtaunce do ayenſt Be ¶ Ind) ſapdꝰ / He Gre Bie 
prepſe the of Leztues that bey not in the /and) thou reioyte 
hit /he may Vele allegge the Store that he ſeth in the / Rndꝰ 
ſayde / Ire twubleth reaſon/ and) letteth alle goode Ber bis 
and) furtlerethj all eupk ant) ſaydꝰ he that labeuret h in 
that /that may not auaple/leſeth ther fore that / that myght 
pꝛouffyte Cindy fapdy the hurte ¢ the trouble that is wy 
enuſed) by ant peple lettich the deſire and) Bele of the goode 
And ſayd han thy frende erceth o: myftaleth him apenfé 
the , pet as moche as thou may depaꝛte not from his amps 
tice But affape the meanes & vedreſſe hinz & nd ſapdy 
Vyſe liynde andy ede that Wil lyghely forpete the 
errour of his frende Undo faydo Je is bettir chaſtyſe 
thy (elf than lee othe do nd) fapdo / The goodeneſſe 
that cometh of ay Janomamt may / Jo life th:rbys that 
awbe oy atone) hit Nndo fapdy ay eupk felalde is like 
atree kywdeled Wherof the one branche ſetteth the of hex aftere 
¶ Andy fapre The nobleſt thing) that god) bath made 
in this Woꝛlde io amay /g te richeſt thing & him is reaſon 
by tie Phiche hx liepeth tuſtice g eſeheſdeth ſynne ¶ Nnd ſatd 
the fole Bol noe y him (elf no Bile thing 7 the ignoraũt 

Beneth lightely a chinch be offer thay it is. and) € ec 
tious. may maketh many wubtes of that ae ade 
; | An de se ene and Jy 
erthe is a true tange®! (And ſaid. a king oꝛ a prince ought 
[Fa & peue ele noꝛ a e Gar to 5 0 e 
; able folhes, Ind therfore they ſhuld loue tlem/ as the fadre 
doch his chil dreß et nd ſane it ſholde fuffiſe amay and 
ought & holde him ſelf recopenſed Way his Duerſe partie 
required of him party And it Pas aped him Plat Was 
a liberal thinge. he ſaide to yeue filuer Go vnſinoddey mey 
for, che loue of the RnoBey mey · and to for yeue them that 
aue noted him / for che four of chem that haue holpm Guy 
¶ Ind ſaide the lyf in this Worker is fo (forte that ther 
ought non? concepuc Fate noꝛ Wil harme to other And 
faid eſtabliſſhe g eaſe thyy Ive. With thy paciende/ thin Je; 
norance BY Op ſapienoœ. thy foꝛyetful neſſe. Vith thyy 
demẽ date nd ſaid it is a goode ſigne / Phan a Hila: 
is ſhamefaſte/foꝛ it ſh edeth he ſhulde haue Wie Qnd aid 
it is Vel don that tfou do good Phile thou art 39 profperice 
Jer gate in Duerſic fp uber Ba at (Wd fd 
e puttis him in danger. that abideth m a pronnice / Thies ther 
is no loꝛde. (hat Woll Lenore the Jniunies wy kherto .. Wer 
ther is noo Juſte Juge. Where ther is no Vyſe leche. Where 
ere is noy habondamil market, and Vhere there is no ren⸗ 
nyng Vater ¶ And ſoid7 it aparte igneth to euerp wan 
Wich alk his power ko fee sal cher Wich eo fortif 
fie hauynch a eye vpoy his nemxes + andy 
K be her re 050 hiche m pride by lor dſ hip oz offs 
richeſſe Gio Wel dis Wore and) hie dodis al Wap es be. 

egale/and) fo ſbal god) four him e his ſuceſſioy Andy 
ſayd) thes map none eſta pe bo be atte grebe day of Jugemẽt 
and) his hel pe (Gale there by⸗ ij · thinges / Diſcrecion/chaſ⸗ 
tete andy goode Werbe, Gl thinges map be hfe, S aue 
goode de dis / N Le thinges may be chaungedꝰ / Saue nature 
(Ale thynges may be vedꝛeſſhedꝰ and reformed) / Saue aul 
wis, Alle thinges may be eſſeued) / Saue deth/ andy te 

ſentence of oure loꝛde ¶ N nd) ſayd)/ It is no mezuaille 
though he be goode that is not oouetous. Mut It Mere are 
te meꝛuaylle/ If a couctous may Reve goode ¶ Andy ſayde 
The errcur of a Byfemen may & reſembled) & a Craſcdy 

ſhyp / Nhiche in droBnpng heꝛ ſelf / Dꝛoldneth many offes = 

Und) fapdo / truſte is in mane of a bondeſhip / End 

myſtruſt 16 a liberte Mud tie ſayde Heꝛmes corredy ng) 
Kpne hamoy yaue him this pꝛeerpte g charge Toke that firſt 
affore alk tl mis ye loue / drede/and oleye our leꝛd) god) 
And ſayde a ll men that haue dminacon a loꝛdſhip Lpoy 
the peple ought alVape of neceſſite / o haue-1, thinges ) 
mynde/ Firſt & vemebre the peple /t hat be fubgect vnto him 

Secundel y al Be it chat they be in his ſeꝛuitude / pet ought 
he to his polbes to Reve them in fraunchyſe and) liberte and 
nat in thral dom / Thirdely Holbe his loꝛdſhip g pode in 
this Works may not long or dure nd) ſayde /o ling Gas 
mon it behoueth che to Reve thy ſaule/ Eight Vyſely in Vyl 
and) Woꝛde/and) thou oughteſt not & be ſlodbehfull co the 

diſtruckioy of the myſcreaiites/ but to conſtreyne them € 

oleye our lord god) @ deſire not & haue eny richeſſe Tit hout 
tt be right fully gotey . Fox thinlie Krilp te prop le Hol ab 
Bape obrpe & them that do rightfully and Pele 1x chat Bol 

mapntepne tem and) kfere may noo Vele be in a Lopate 
Wie houte it & ha bildaunt of people for the decuy of aLopany 
is fa dee of people. Wid. if they Wich draVe y th prince 
is left Loree alone and kler fore remern ore Wel thy devis 
andy eftſones thinke oy thy ſaule and put 19 that gariſoy 
OR that thou ſhalt haue nede of 19 the other Woꝛl dy N nd 
pf it happen that thou muſt god in the Perce in thyy one 
rerfone , beſdare Bele that thin ennemyes ſupriſe the not 
by FPoBEH ful ſoiournyng) . (Nndy Why thou gooſt to 
hataile lolie that firſt thou ſolicite andy evorte thy people as 
corgeouſely as thou ]. and) PoRe that alle thyy babil 
mentis of Werre & redp , and) enery may ſet n hys Warde 
and) appointed) foe they ſ hal fight and) ſette oute 

¶ And be ware Wele that thou be not ſupriſed by thin 
ennempes * for lalilte of Bache and) good) eſpial + ther 
fore mul tiplie thy frobee Wache and) thyy aſpies fo that 
thou mayſt al aye knoVe the guy inc) of py oinemyes 
and loſte that thou be fare they deceyue the not , (Andy 
hay thou ſhalt oommaunde thy fol lies to do oty thing) 
lolie ſeeretely Vlyt her they haue obſerued) it after theyr 
charge 02 nat + Phiche (Pal make them drede the more 
& offende the. ¶ Nndꝰ Bhar thou ſſalt comma unde orp 
lettres to thy Elerke to be made / ſigne nox ſeale they not 
til thou haue pd thaim + for many haue bey diſcey⸗ 
ued) therby. ave chou be not to famil ya: Vith them 
that thou linoſdes not. Sttre not the ſecretes of thy here 
but to chem that thou haſte preued). andy CnoVeſt true 
vnto the + ¶ Gourseene the fo Pyſely , that thy lenygh⸗ 
tes, and) thy people map haue pleaſir of the. andy gladd⸗ 

o be ty Bp company, nd) delite they bo fe the right ful 
and) of good) gouernatmee , Slepe no more thay ſhal fuf⸗ 
fyſe onely for the fuſtentacioy of thy body. and) the reſt of 
thy Poste and) eit vemete not nor let thy Werſtis be · but in 
right Byſeneſſe and) frouth Tichoute diſſimulacioy · and⸗ 
ſkoutle noꝛ delay not that thou muſt newly execute. Suſ⸗ 
beyne and loue alſo thoo that be the grete mul tiplyeꝛs/ehat 
is & fape-the cõmones that labour the erth/by tylth andy 
ſoVyncq ſedes vpoy the ſame . by the Phiche the wyaumes 
and) the people be fuftopned, the knyghte hode multiplied) 
and) the louſes (ull of richeſſe · Vhezfore facie thinges Vol 
be gretely kept / and) cheriſſhed) · Nndꝰ Fé behoueth openly 
do Woꝛſhip thoos that be goode. euer y may after his diſere⸗ 
cioy oon dicioy andy ſcience & that entent . that the people 
may fo Eno de them. and) be bonteuous & alle thoos that 
(Re ſciendes. bo toraqe them the more & lerne and) entende 
To ſtudpe .fo that the wyaume oz proupnee may be the ets 
ter for thaur oonnynges. Geſye thy ſelf eo punyſſhe may 
kefactours, and) tloos that puttet h che in daunger oꝛ troub; 
le dithm thy wyaume oz lordſhip · malie firphe of the ir he 
des publyltely that other may tale example by them , to a 
theffe kee his Bante & ſtrylen of To a robber of the hygh 
Bape let him be langed) , that the Bape may be the ſure: 
rey the Sodomptes and) punyſſte ch mey talen m foz⸗ 
nicmcoy af ter ther eſtate. Nndꝰ the Nomen m like Vyſe 
Wave the of the Ronee of lyers. andy fuche punyſſſe. fe the 
pryſoners ones in a moneth · And Delpuxe thoos that 
ought to be delyuered) + andy peut tly m of thpy al mes pu 
af] y moontinent tos that haue deſerued) J t · Pet not fo 

laſtyky but that sp map haue leyſir of reptn@aunce, andy 
tat offer let hem be Rept til thou knoſde the twuth · We⸗ 
ther they be gylty oz not · Geddare alſo,(Pſe not thyn oF; 
ne counſeple oneky · But be auyſed) by men of ge anda 
diſcreaoy , (Ando fuche as heey experte i many thynges 
A ndꝰ Bay thou ſFals inde ony fue Juſt and vightfu 
be counſeple dy by hy / Nndp elles veporte the to th; mooſt 
lolſome oppmoy of alk thy ooun ſeyllours , and) god) (Bae 
hel pe the nd ſaydꝰ . He Jo noble that Sith coors 
neſſe. · nd) It is a grete goodeneſſe & vſe Inſtyee andy 
chaſtyte + and) to peue lylerally oꝛ It ſe axidꝰ © And) 
ſapd) + Whay N kpna oz a prynce ory nox Bp reſtray⸗ 
ne hys cup Dios « couetiſe, hodde ſhulde ſe repreue his {cx 
tuauntes. and) Whay he cay not wrrecte hys pꝛopꝛe ſezuaun 
tis. fotbe ſhulde he correcte and) gy alle hys people · andy 
ſpecially thoos that bey ferre from hym + Tlerfore It hy 
houeth N ſiynq) oꝛ a prynce fyrſt bo & lorde outr hym ſelf 
And) aftiz Sp ock Gp oe d (Andy ſepw goods 
kynq 02 « prynq ſhulde not be & full of Sufpecoy for 
Jt Wol make mey drake from hom . And alſo fk ought 
not & haue enp of that dyſpoſicioy in hys houſe. N ndꝰ in 
efpeepa ft. ¶Malibytezs , Contryuets oꝛ Peprtere of tales 
For Whay there Jo dyuyfioy oꝛ twuble ij & kyngps oꝛ 
ma pryndes bouſe+ Eyghtly no good) Counſeyllours 02 
ſeꝛuaumtis Wolde ahyde there 

(@) (Ne fapdy he that cay not refrapne his Tre bath no 
pRes ourr his Witte ¶ And ſaid aÞyſe Rina oꝛ a 

prince duchs not & malie compariſons noꝛ diſpute in dif; 
creo} Wich a greter and myghtier thay he is ¶ nd ford 
han a Gpna ox « prince Bath conquered andy ouer come 
his ennemyes he ounht ko mapnteyne them 19 Juſtier. in 
coor cuſtumes and) liberalite and) pacienee, (Ando fo map 
be make of aimempes his Friveel] nd ſaid pf a king oꝛ « 
pez aſſembledy ay outrageous trſour and) diſpente it 
nol as it aqpartepueth he Bal leſe boch it g his Popatime 
¶ And) ſane, the prople ar & th: lynch as th Tyne & 
a grebe fyere, for the more the Pynde is the ſtrenger is the 
nig Qing) ſaide a liyng) or a prince ought to knoVe 
thoos tat Wele andy tviely haue ſerued) him and) eſtabliſ 
Be khoos a boute hym ſelf after krouth Witte and) doſiyng 
and) ought to yeue and) de lounte wous Into the ym af tir 
hexe merites. Bind if he he geue by Wil eo noughey fol lis 
this haue not deſerued) it /it putech « eye the courage of 
his godde ſeꝛnaun tis · ko ſerue hym Bek exp lenger. and 
fo ſhal hebe baſti?p fo full? of noughty people that Ney be 
Wolde he cay not be delyuerede of hp] Wnd) (ardp it ts 
conueinent for a kyng) oz a prince to lerne and knoſde but 
not all fox there is many thinges that a Byway oꝛ a priuce 
dughe not to ſenoſde noꝛ vnderſtande 
lquinus ſayde + that mey recepue grebe benefi⸗ 
ess dayly of god) oure creafour al be it that they 
le ſpuners They they be boüde. to thanke hym for 

errxee's and) bo aſſie Spry par don for thapr cveſpaſſes 

And (ard many thyngts ſeme right good) · chat be 
full Grow , and) after gretely Blamed. . nd) many 
thenges be diſprayſed iy the begynnpng) . that afterddard 

len founde godde and) deſired) ¶ ud) fa (tir it is 
& the to haue grete neceſſyte Chay & Gade S in Vhom 
thou Faſt no truſte ¶ And) ſayde If thou laboure bo beche 
a foole/tle more (Bal fol ye enceeſſeſ And fapre J meꝛutik 
of thods that abſteyne them From metis noyng & the body 
and maketh none abſtynenee of ſpun ndy ſayd mul 
teplye ſilence , for that auopdeth peꝛelles andy Bie touch 
Whiche diſcipline Hal maynteyne the andy thy Verbs /g 
he that Wok Pele ſiepe the feyth ought to leue bo his frende 
of his goode / and) to be gracious to them that he CnoVeth 
good) and) no denpex of Juſtio © his one mpe / and) to 
Hele alle things · chat touch eh diſ Woꝛſhip 
Me: Was ay anucient Kxafiex n Grece and) of 
the reteſt aſtate there. he Was after moyſes / v. e 
ES, pere he made many goode thingis · andy alle 
fle verciſieꝛs of avece folo ved) his diſcipline , The Vhiche 
omeꝛ N fortune Was takey and) empriſoned) + andy put 
to be ſole as a prpſonnet oꝛ a blondemay. N nd) thay one 
aped) hym . We ns he Was · He fapd of his fa dre and) of 
His modre. Wilk chou chat J cha ll beye chu And g anſ⸗ 
ueꝛd) Vhy axeſt thou me counſeple What thou Wolt do With 
thy filues nd) they axed) him · Vherto he Was good 
He ſaydꝰ. To be dellueredꝰ , Wid fo ale long) in prpfoy 
QUndy at the laſt chey Ree him go + He Bas (N may ſayre 
formed), and) of laꝛge ſtature . and) kpued) . C viij. pere 
(Kindo here after foloBe his ſeyinges. ge is diſcrete that can 
refrayne his foncedy (Rnd) ſayd he that Weꝛ kith by gſep? 
peueth him ſelf reft and labour & ot heꝛ ¶ And ſapte it iz 
aftendely lyuinq ko dele Withoute fraude g karate] And 

faire ae mpanyt the Vith good people. and) fou ſhakt be 
oy of hem. atom pany the With badde/g thou (Bale le oy of 
thos ¶ And (aire he is good and liberal tat applieth him 
to good Werſtis and clene · and that putteth ery in evens 
0) oꝛ euer ther come orp occafion of empeſc emen Andꝰ 
ſaid the hert ſhyneth in Krtue and is fare hay it is ſet 
in fapiẽoe Ind fraude g larat is m tle fruit of em though 
tis ¶ And ſaid the mouth ſhedeth ofte / Phat che hert 
thmlceth And) ſaid? the looke ſheddeth ſomtyme tle diſ 
poſicloy of the bert afore the Bones heey ſpoltey ay And 
ſaide it is agrete ſarete fox amay bo puruepe by tyme ny his 
cauſis ¶ And) faire it is merueile of amay-that may be 
in reſemblaunce & god) ands enfoꝛdeth him ſelf to be like 
69 che leeſtys ¶ And ſaid Bare thou do ne tal / no thing 
chat thou fereſt to be accuſed) of. for if thou do thou ſhalt be 
te acuſe of thy ſil ſe ¶ Andy faire payne thy ſelf to Tins 
ne good oon dia dus and Lertues · fox therby Lies x hazmes 
(halle eſehred Andy faite ther Vas ſomtyme a Viſe 
may ſhaped) out of a broley and) Loft ſhip m & ay Fle 
of the ſee · and fo bepng ther alone dreſde a figure of geome⸗ 
trie / vpoy the ſan dis Mere Vith he Pas fonde by oerta me 
ſhipmey . that brought hym to Che lynq) of that grounde 
tell yng) hy that ais and) auorture , Andy tler fore the 
liyng) ſent through alle hys proupnees . and) charged) 
them they ſhulde enforce them ſelf & lerne and) haue fuche 
donnyngis as ſhulde dyde With them after kleyr ſhip Vere 
oft , that is & ſep . ference and) goode Werlys ¶ Nndꝰ 
man &rith Vith byy . y . Kſſeles the oy le fore andy 
the other be hynde · In tat byfore be the errours and) Sree 

of ocher forties, Jy that bebynde be Gis one ¶ Ind) (aidy 
to his fone, Geware that thou be not couctoue?for if thou 
le couctous / chou ſhaft be youre ¶ Nndy ſapde If chou Ge ys 
cient thou fete be prepſedy- JF thou be w de thou (Bale be 
blamed) < nd) ſayde / Nmay is better thay all other bf; 
tes of the erte Nndd ſayte,Sapience is as b Werbe by 
4 And) ſayde noſblege 16 better thay ignoratmee 

Mindy ſayde this Worl is ay fouſe of maꝛchãn dyſe ſoy 
Byrne therm by theire good dedið / and) ſomme lieſe by thi 
re cup? goͤuernaunce CUnty ape by grere diligence ſom 
mey atteyne to the purpoſe © (nds ſayde / he that hath 
grete myght and) goue: na unce this Woꝛlde ought to ba 
ue no grete reioyſſyng / ande le that hath noon /is diſpreiſed 
¶ (Ando ſapte ther is no Wiſiliedder thing) thay lyeng/ 
ther ts no goodeneſſe in alyeꝛ 

Aloy Was of (Nefenes andy made many books 

of predicacions/{Nnd) eſtablyſſtedy the la es the 

re Whiche Was a Cyte in thoos rapes ful filled 

Vych Nyſemey he ha dde rig ps techync) folic to of 
HeBe their propre Villes nd) ſapde / hay thou Wile 
doo ony thing foloVe not thpy ow ue Wil but ſelie counfey 
le Endo. tlerby (Balé chou ſino We/ ele trout h of the Berkes 

It Pas aſſed) him / What Was the mooſte difficulse 

in amay anſ Werd) + To lino de hym ſelf. To Ge, 
"Y fræunchyſe oꝛ likerte . To ſpelie in places Whe he 
t not / To be angry / Vith chat e may not amende 

( & coucpée that that he may not haue ¶ nd ſaid the thin 
gis of this Noꝛl de at eſtabliſſpedo by la Wes /g che la des & 

RAY Kun j · chingis that is fo fap by [Verde and Bp 
Payere UNnd) ſaid) to his diſciples a that pe be no 
mokers for that engen dvel h battered) nd faire the $2; 
tous hues of a may be not tos, that he yeueth him ſelf 
But thoos that bey peuty hym for his goode Verſies · Ando 
it Was aſſed) him Boo Bas liberalk he ſaide. he that vſith 
liberalite. not couetyng offer memes goodes N nd ſatd 
ay ank tonge Was ſharper thay a glaxue. ade may af; 
kedy him That Weve his goodis. he an Bere mp treſoꝛ is 

ſuche that no may map haue yt Vit houte my Dyll and may 
not be mpmiſſſed) for noo thing) chat J peue of it but 

thou maiſt departe With nooy of thy) Wit hoube dymynua/ 
ciey (Nndp ſaid if thou Kilt. the loue of thy fron Bal 
abyde ferme Into the. be tur te iſe & him andy ſpare Spry 19 
his angre oꝛ errour U N nd ſaide. thou oBahte/t not eo yeue 
a may greter preif yng in his pſence thay he is Þorthy for le 
bnolbeth the twuth Nnd Bas axed him hoe amay ſhold 
Tyre frendes. he anſ Reed in Worth ipp ing 7 ſeyng good of 
ehem 19 che ir abſence U(Nndo ſaid) agoode ſaule Sach ney; 
ther bo grete Joye no: & grete ſoroPe for che veioyſeth nat 
But Whay che ſeeth goode thynges and nooß euylk · and⸗ 

bath no ſow de ,but Whey che ſeeth the euyt chingis and 
nooß goode · And Wa (Te lolteth on alk the Borld, ſk ſceth 
che goode g the cup fo dibermedled che fe (| 8 
ply reioyſſe fer ſelf noꝛ trouble her ſelf angrely U Nd 

ſar a kync) that doch right x Juſtice ſtall reigne and) 

gouerne Wel his people / g he that doth Jniuſtice and vio⸗ 
Pere ſelecth another bo reigne for him ¶ And ſaid it behoueth 
a mg 02 a prince fir ft bo 02dre x dreſſe him ſelf g after & 

dꝛeſſe other / 02 ell is e ſhulde be libe him chat Bolte dreſſe 

his ſſadodde afor him (elf / Nndꝛ pt Was afGiny of hym 

Whay Contrees and) tones Wer Wele gouerned) / oe 

_ and ſayd Whay the ir PUNKS ruſe them /after ther 

RBpoy Vas agrebe deffen dour of his neyghlours 

fa dde certayy frendes / Thiche a king Wolde ſlee 

nd) hay the ſayde ſabyon vnderſtode it he Wee 
1th them m refiſtence of the ſapd) being) Whiche Cincy af, 
ſembled) fo grete nombre of Enyghtes ayenſt hem / that he 
Bas diſcomfit g aGen/and Tas commanded & le put hy 
engyne andy toꝛmẽtedꝰ / Vit houte he Wel de accuſe them che 
Wes cõſenting & make Werre ayenſt the ling / Lhiche Sa⸗ 
cl that for no payne / he Pold) not belle (hat 
thing that ſhulde nope his frendes / Nndꝰ in dx leyng m 
che eigyne cut his Gong Vieh his oVne teth / to thentent 
that he myght not acuſe His lobes and) frendes ¶ Rnd | 
fap fahr yard. er . ger and) Br af: fe 
of his ſeynges & his diſciples (Rnd) ſapd if ye leſe ap 
thing fap not pe haue loſt it but fape pe haue reſtored that 
Pas not poures (nd) ſapde to one of his difcipke / mul 
tiplie 6p frendes and) that ſſalaſſBage thy care ¶ nd 
ſayde a Þyſemay ought & be Ware. holde he Veddeth afapre 
Bomay for euery may Wil deſire & haue her loue / Nnd ſo 
they Bol (eRe their pleaſirs + bo the hurt and) diſpleaſir of 
her uſ band 0 (And) ſapd) . Deleckacioy in richeſſe is a 
dangewus dice / nd) chere cm one of his ſeruauntis vn 
& him oy a tyme and) Glee him that his fone Bas dede · g 
e ãſuez d chat he ineNe Wel p he Was mortal g not ĩ moꝛtaſ 

and a may ought not bo drede te wth of the body. but te 
meh of the ſaule · Ooß aſ led Thy he ſaidꝰ ſoo · conſidering 
chat he hel de thoppynioy that a reſomꝛable ſaule myght not 
dye. de aunſ Rerdy Play a beſon able ſaule 16 conuerted) to 
the nature of a fee Bethoute BE of reaſoy al be ik that 
ic he fuſtaunte indorruptible. pet is [Pe reputed) for dede/foꝛ 
He leſeth che Intellectif byffe. he founte a pong poutr may 
ſict ing) Spon the fee ſyde Bepyncy tha duerſitees of this 
Woꝛlde. ES Who he ſaide · dyfpaire the not. for if thou Pere 
Nich grete richeſſe in the myddel of pen dre ſee in grebe dan⸗ 
ger of thy kody · and of thy goodis/ chou Fol de Niſſſe right 
hertily to le ſere Vith oonely thy lyue ſauedy*(Nlfo , and) 
if thou Were priſoner · and) the lepers Bolo (elle the. and 
tabe from Ehe all that euer thou haddeſt chou woldeſt be gladde 
to haue oonely the del inra unde of thy body. the pong) may 
aunſ Wer d that he bolde him twuth · ek thay ſaide Sabioy 
Sn hym. role chyndie tay tlat thou laſt bey yy all this 
dancers andy haft aſcaped them. and art noVe at thy free 
liberte ther ſore holde the content With the ſtate that hou 
noſe ſtandeſt n. {Ando fo che pong may departe d gretely 
. betoomfortedy, 

WAS Was viſciple (S Eſtulapius the ſecond) 

Whiche defcorted) of blode Royal · Nnd) he Bas 
2 che firſt fynder of the art of phiſilie. Lhiche he ſhe 
Wed and taught to his chil dreß and tom̃aunded it Hubs 
not be lerned & op Straungers but oonely from tle ſa dre 
fo the fone (Wn fo the ſaide ſtiẽe to veſt in them (Nundo | 
comand that they Hula Pelle in the mi ddel habitactoy of 
genes m. ii · Illes. Nnd ypoeras veſted ny the Je of Thu 

ndꝰ in Chen other Flew he ſtudye Pas loft in his dapes 
Th opmoy of tle firſt , Eſculapius , Tac chat pheſylte 
ſhuld) be $ſedy onely by experience fox it Vas neuer founre 
but onely therby. and) fo Bas it $ſad) . n CCC · yer 
after til that another phiſiaey came call id Methio) Phoos 
oppmoy Was that experioꝛce Withoute Leafoy , Das aan 
gerous thing) Andy fo tlep Bed) te h + oppmious Sj 
honderd) peer, tif another phifaciey cum caſed) Mramar⸗ 
dos. Phiche oifpraifedy thexperiene 4 ſayn g) that to many 
errours gredde kherby and) that m ocupyinq) phiſilic amay 
ought to vſe reaſoy onely Not Wiehſtan dung he hadde + iy 
diſciples Vhiche hel de after him. i. diners opinions The 
oy Vſed) evperiener onel y. The other reaſoy onely The + iz 
fub til eraftes and) enchante mentis. and) foo tele + 1y + 
Veyes Were vſid). vij · C pere AH that plato anys Phiche 
taucht diligentely the ſeyngis of his predeceſſours in hys 
ſciente/and) ſhewedy that evprriente onely Was cancerous 
and reaſoy onely coſe not be fu fficient g tookee the boolies 
aſ ele of ſubtil crafte / and enchaũtemẽt as thoos of onely 
reaſoy / and) brent them all but thoos that Were of reaſoy 
and? experi once to qider le veteyned) andy Rept hem andy 
dom̃aunded that Gey uſd) & vſed / and) after his drth fe 
lefte che craft to. 5 · of his diſciples The ſirſt to oꝛdeigne 
phiſilte & th body Tthe. y+ & bope andy to lete Blow Th 
114.60 hele Voildes Ele+ iy, bo Pek fee eyen The. V. 60 
Rnptte and) ble Broken bones And) af tir this came Efers 
lapius the · j. Bhiche taught diligentel y th diverſe opimde 
nd in efpeciak tos of plato Phiche te fed and? ole 
fos moſt true andy veſonahle Nndꝰ le left after hym . thre 

diſciples that is ko ſey/ Ppoerus and). ij · other Thiche dpedy 
andy fo reſted) chat ſcieno andy erafte onely in him. thay 
reſted) ppocras alone parfight 19 Lextues ty bis dipes vſing 
reaſoy The Nhiche ypogas ſcepng) the craft of phyſilte iy 
Wepe of per dicioy becauſe alle his felaBes Pere dede and 
that he Vas left onely in the Jſle of chau. Thought chat ha 
Wold) fox the mooſt pwuffyt that che craft theꝛof Bere fie 
Bed , and) taught not onely to his childꝛey and) Bonz 
neſmey. (But generally & alle that Bere apt & lerne if 
End) dampned) in that ference dyuers thinges andy adde d 
bo eextapy compyliccions ty breue Woꝛdes nd ommaun 
wd) his. ij. ſones that Bere mapſtres of ſcrorees that they 
ſhulde (Eee It generally, for be ſapdꝰ JE Tas more coues 
nable/ It ſhulde be taught to ſtraungeꝛs able and) apt & 
the lore/thay to his one Eynneſmey not diſpoſed) & lers 
ne · Indy as le oꝛdeignedy Was wy and) Jo Bfady to thie 
daye / ande i his lyff he (Bed. hit to dyueꝛs ſtrangers 
and) mare hem expert thezm / tall ing) pꝛomiſſe of th m & te 
che it further / It happed) that a pray of perſe called) de 
four ſent vnto the lyng) of thyſle of Thau all edo pplabe 
pꝛayng him to ſende him. ppocras/and he Volde peue him/C 
lynta es of golde/and thay Bas th lande y gredꝛ deutded 
9 many liyngdoms / of the Thiche ſomme gaf truace to the 
Lyne of peꝛſe / Birdy fo dyd) that of Thau / Ehr Whiche fay 
de ypderas go & the ſapdꝰ kynay of perſe -for & bole cer ay 
peſtilendes that Were thay n his Toyaume/ Heying) If fe 
Went not / Jt mpahe be & grete a danger & the Iſle ſeeing 
che fad) pylate Was not of poder s reſiſte ehr ſaid hing 
of porfe / The Phiche yperas anſuerd) that de Polde neue? 

g00 to ſole the enempes of grede. Nlſo thenbabitaymii of 
the tones Where le duelledy in · ſaidꝰ they ha dde leuex wpe 
thay ppocras ſhul de departe from them · The ſaid) ypocras 
Pas . Cyl vj · ere after Nabugodonoſoꝛ he mate diners 
books of phiſißt of the Thiche +yvp, be hadde and) of thos 
xi. the moſt be ſtu dyed by ordre Offer booltis be alſo ha dde 
of Gal eis maſiyng). The ſaid ypperas Vas of littel 
ſtature grete hededꝰ. crolie backed). moche ſtudpeng andy of 
lictele langage , andy noche foipng) why to th erthe/ſol⸗ 
ding) in his honde a flabotomye of munpcioy for latpngy 
bloody ox a grene braunche prouffitable to tle eyey/he leuyd 
four ſcore · vj peres Pherof le employed · x vij. in ſtudye/and 
the vemenaunk in epeeraſingy of his compngts, N ndy here 
foboWeth dyuerſe of his ſeyngis Pouerti? in ſurete is let 
tex (day richeſſe ty feen End ſaid) tat ſs ef is 
thought Fort / the peyne is thought longe/wperince bars 
de & cone bye and) Jugement daugerous (Nndp ſaid) 
the helth is not to be (Lobe fuk in goode . irs 
nat & fil hys body Vhiche Wynes and) metes . (Ando 
faire if is better G ampunſſſe that hurteth tay & enereſ⸗ 
ſe that hel peth h nd) fatdy / the berte is fourmented) 

+ + paſſcons that is co ſape With foroBe and) thoughe 
of ſoro de cometh the dremes andy the fantaſpes / and) of 
thought dometh the Waliyngis and) vnreſtis / and) ſoro de 
is a paſſioy of thynges paſt / and) thought is fere of 
thynges to come | (ind) ſaid) . that fausle is loſt thab | 
Ketceh hys entẽt Spon Woꝛdely hinges + that is b& ſep ny 
couctife (And ſaid be that Wol the lif o tone lete hym 
moꝛtifie hit 2-yeue it papne in this Bork d And ſaxd ther 

may Wele be loue bit wene · j Pyſemey, but nol bitwene, y. 
foles. al be if that their fool yes bee equal. for Wye goth 
by ordee andy map toncoꝛde in one ſentence · but in fol ye is 
noo due oꝛdomaunde andy therfore may they neue: concorde 
in bus ¶ Nndꝰ ſayde· Nmay ought not to (Bere, but xt 
is ſo/oꝛ it is not fo GERD) ſayde hol de you content With 
tlat that ought rat you sandy fo pe ſhal not haue no 
gruuggynch. the leſſe grugge pe haue. the more pe fle fro ma 
lice and) Til bedeneſſe Dit hdꝛadde you alſo frem ſpme 4p 
ſelie the nde of Kextues and) goddeneſſes ¶ Nndy ſayd · He 
that Tol be fre let him not coucpte that thinge / tlat he map 
not haue / for and) he do he is boune therto · and) therfore if 
thou MLE haue that thou deſireſt wfive that thou mapeſt hag 
ue , It Das aſſed) of him a queſtꝛoy of euyl and) vile 
thinges. To th Vhiche he anſueꝛd) noo thing) + They aſ⸗ 
Redo him Vherſore he foake not. He ſayde that ſilende Bas 
the anſ were of ſuche queſtions ¶ And) ſapte, This Bouts 
de is ko noo creature peꝛpetuel therfore they let nooy di fer 
re oꝛ delay bo doo goode thinges as longe as le map. Andy 
namely that. that he ſ holde Bpnne goo renommet t herby 
Nad) ſayde He that linodeth not trouth is rather fps 

Re not & do it / than he that is enſourmed) andy taught the 
to And) ſayde/ Science is liße a mote of a Tree/and 
optrad dy is like the braunches · and) ference is lite a ching 
engendrynq). (Andy operacioy is liſte a thing) enen dred) 

Mud ſayde. Take a LHe of ſcioio at ones fo (dat 
thou maiſt lie pe it and) lerne more + For iß thou Vylt tas 
be more at ones thy thy Bytte map fuffiſe thou mayeſt 
ligheely forcete af 

Atacoras ſaide that it is aViccht bleſſed) and) a 
noble ching bo ſerue god. g to ſayntifie his ſame; 
<< tes co diſpreyſe the Morfd)-fo vſe Juſttee,and of 
lle vertues + th: mooft principal is to aßſteyne hym from 
Tyme, Andy it is good) to Hfe faſtynges ¢ ſtudyes /and 
to make hym to be Bifoucd + andy it is goode to haue ſciẽce 
to vnderſtande tle twuth of thinges. and to lerne it to the 
men and cheſde it & the Women he oꝛdeigned) alſo predic 
ons and) to poliſſhe and) enourne the ſpeche : nd ſaid 
the ſaule is per petuel and oouenable to vedeyue merites and 
peynes / he moderated) fo his mate and) his drinke that he 
Pas at noo tyme fatter no: Kener thay otfer, he Vas a ſub 
til may and) loued) aſwele to do good & his frendes as to 
him (elf, ſayng) the goodie of frendes ought & be compy 
He maze , CC + four ſcore Þlumes of booltes. und) Bas 
boꝛne in the countre of SampeU ¶ nd ſaid ay harme not 
durable is bettir thay a Welche not dee, fe chat Was 
Vretey both in his ſcale and ny his gir dil N nd fard as 
the begynnyng of our creacion cometh of god. right ſo is 16 
beßoueful. that at our ende out ſaule retourne to hi nd 
ſaide if thou Wilt EnoWe god enforce not thy ſelf to knolbe 
the Boꝛdelp people ¶ ¶ nd ſaide aByfmay reputeth not te 
Woꝛſhip of cody in Bore but m WHIM ¶ Nnd ſaid fapraree 
is to loue god) / andy he that loueth god) wth that god? 
loueth Nnd he that doth the Ber Bis that god) loueth is toy 
Hard god. and he chat is Bard god. is nygh vnto hym 
Cc (And ſaid god is not Woꝛſh ipped by tle ſacrifices 02 by 
other oblacious don vnto hy. but onely by the ByKK andy 
acceptable ententis ¶ N nd) ſayd) be that elatereth moche 

if is ſigne that hy GatG litil BnoBlexe Lindy ſayde al ak 
tymes What ſomeuer thou do/ aue i thy remembrance tha 
god) is by the / and) lenoſdeth thy thoughtes / and) ſeeth 
thy wees + N nd) ther fore by veaſoy/thou oughteſt to & a; 
ſbamed) & do ampſſe Nato fapd Body onelp linoſdit 
the Vyſemay that dredeth him. and) meꝛueylle not though 
the people knodeth not the ¶ And) ſayde/ God) hach not 
19 this Woꝛlde amore eduenable place / than m a clene and) 
a pure faule ¶ And) ſayde/ may ought & ſpelie of bo; 
neſt and) goode thinges / andy ell is hazſpy to them that 
Wil calle $:20F indy ſayde. grucgge g eſchewe all Sph 
Hinges aſ ele of the / as of other / but in eſpeciale of che 
ſelſe Rnd ſayde /purchaſſe the goodes of this Voꝛlde in 
rightful laudable & Woꝛſhipfulk manere g diſpende they ip 
lilte Wyſe ¶Mndꝰ ſayde/ kept thy pacienee Vhay thou Breſt 
leſinges / and do to de dis that nomay may ſpeke harme 
of andy entende bo tle ſaretie of thy body /be attemperate af 
oy mete m thy dꝛynlie /m thy lying With Nomen andy ty 
all tpy otis ſafours Nndp ſapde / foꝛte th 7 60 
do foo Thee tal offer men haue orie at Ce Bin’ ayde 
Diſpende not to outrageollſely nox be not to ſcaꝛſe /ſo that 
thou be not bounde to thy kreſore/haue therm attemperaune 
and) meſure / Thiche ty ak chinges is prouffytable Md 
ſapde. Oe Valeing and) heꝛbenyng) bo tp counfeple /for 
thy nedi6-fox if thou ſCougth it /oꝛ ſlepe it/hit myght eu. 
fe che & le paꝛteneꝛ of thpy one wth ¶ And) ſapte mes 
dplk the not to do any thing) . that ought not & be dooy 
And ſaid/ he that is not content cay not attepne & troutß 
Nndꝰ ſaide/ he that Gath no ſciende/ought to be diſpraiſid 

«\ And) fapdy the Juge Gat demeth not Pightfullp/deſer⸗ 
ueth crete blame, Pare that thy tunge ſpelte no vilanye nor 
thut thou peue thpy eeres to here it Mundy ſapdy amay 
oughe not tenforce hym ſelf in this World. /6o malie yur; 
Gaffes noꝛ byl dyngis to ſerue otfer after his dh , but 
ought to peyne hym to Wynne and) to gete ſuche thyngis 
as may prouffit him after hys det h And! ſapd) It is 
bettir & amar to Pye vpoy the harde gro Unde beleuyng) fer; 
mely in god · thay to Cpe m ale dde of gol d/puttyng doubtes 
in hym Snr ſapdo let thy marchaun diſe by ſpiritu⸗ 
elk and) not corp andy the nereſſe and: Vynnynq Bal 
& goode, and) durable nd) ſayd) + he that bath prec 
Spy hys one ſaule fereth our loꝛde ¶ (Nnd) ſapd Play 
thou Pyle ſette Spor eny may, thynke thou Vol deſte deffen⸗ 
de the pf thou Bere ſet Sporn ¶ Nndy ſapd diſpoſe thy ſaule 
& receyue alle goode and) oõuenable thynges ¶ N nd ſaid 
ſette a (pre the Kinptes of this Woꝛl dy. for they lette and 
empeſche thy reaſoy ¶ nd ſapdy , thou oughteſt not 
to ſlepe eny nyght. a thou haſt remembred) and) conſite ; 
red) / thy dedes of the dap paſt , Ando pf thou haue Wel dooy 
be gladde ¢ Jopod therfore and) thanke god? therof. Nnd 
pf thou baſt ered) andy won a myſſe· repente tle cherof 
and) aſlie foꝛgeueneſſe and) par doy of god). andy Hy 
thy ſelf. fo doyng) + thou mayeſt opteyne vnto hys grace 
nd ſayde. ban thou ſh alt kgyme eny Werlte / pray 
god) of hel pe to bringe yt to a good) concluſioy ¶ And) 
ſapde . pf tfou ſaue haun ted) ey felobe , and) thou ſe bps 
companye is not coucnable Into the. ſpare it. and pet ele 
fo that he be not after thin ennemy/g pwue euery may by his 

dedis andy not by his Voꝛdis. fox ffou fhalt fynde many 
of cup? Perl16,, and) goode Bows) nd) ſayde · Nma 
map nat ref rayne him from doynch ampffe , but Phan le 
bath treſpaſſed). let him beldare & falk eny more in that er⸗ 
wut i ſapde · Vyne is ennempe bo the ſaule n talem z 
of it oüt regeouſely · and) is like ſetting fyre. to fyre. And 
ſapde. aſezuaunt ought to be obeyſſant vu too his loꝛde / but 
not fo abſolutely that he leſe th; zbx all his likezte ¢ fraun⸗ 
chiſe (And) ſayde · It is more couenable for amay & fuf 
fre det h. thay & put his ſaule in perptuel der nes. Andy 
ſapde. Decte not & doo goode de dis · though thy be not pſa; 
ſaunt to the Loꝛlde ©) Qnty ſayde. dele al Saxe fo & thy 
po We. that thy (awk map ſtand in goode andy noble ſtats 
Phat ſomeuet fale of tho body! nd ſapye Sens and 
pure ſaule bath no delyte in Voꝛdely thinges ¶ And) ſay⸗ 
de . go not the mathe that thou maiſt gete hatered) cherby 
¶ End (apr , thou oughbeſt eo Bynme frendis / ſoꝛ the 
mayntepnynq) of thyy aſtate , andy do not thoo thinges 
that chou ooueteſt. but that chou oughteſt & do. andy take 
bx hay thou Galt ſpebe · and Bay chou ſhulde holde thy 
prace Nud) ſayde. he refrepneth him from ae that 
letteth not to ſpende his goode for his frendes X 
ſayde · Put alk douetiſe from the · and) thay Bale thou ap; 
petcepue frouth ¶ Rudy ſayd) *He is not Keep yaciens 
that ſufferyth but as moche as he may Gut he zs preſen 
&fp pactent. that fuffereth ouer $15 pode ¶ Ando fap 
de Pptagoras + Eyght as a leche is not reputed nox talten 
fox goode nor connyng that helech offer sandy can not Ile 
him ſelfe · right fo is he no goode gouernour that gmandet h 

older bo of Hoe viers + and neffer ay nor Wyk leue ther 
him ſelf nd) ſapde. the Voꝛlde Vrrieth node Pych the 
and) noſe apenſt the / If it be Fith et binke & do Pele /e 
if it & ayenſt the abe it yaciently QEnty ſayte*many 
Fxrmes come to beeſtes. hy ouſe thy le wmmerandy In 
men through cere one — nd) fapre hade it is 
& greue him that cay abſteyne him froin · iin. chingis tas 
is to Witte faſtyneſſe / Bil fulk froVarreneſſe, pride. andy, 
ſeoſdthe. for haſtyneſſe atuſif3 vepenta unde. Wil ful froBas 
deneſſedueſſe cauſeth loſſes . pryde aiuſeth bactered) ,andy 
ſ boeh cauſetch difpreyſing + He ſabe amay right nobly 
andy richely arraped) / Thiche la dde vyle andy foule Woꝛdes 
To Toy he fap, Other ſpelte after Spy arrape . or let 
thin arraye be af tit thy Woꝛdes · Th liync) thay of Cecil 
le defiredo hinz to delle With him · To Pho he ſapdy, thy 
Wertes and) thy demeanyngis be countrary to thy pwffit 
(Wndo they office is not Welk executed) · ſoꝛ thou diſtwyeſt 
te fundement of thy feyth . Blexfore J Vol not oibee 
Wich che / for the phyſicien. Jo not fare +for amongis his 
jacintis,, he map take ſelteneſſe eine» ſaydꝰ · If chou 
MILE chat thy childeren 02 thy ſeruauntis do no faldtes thou 
wſireſt a thing) innatura le (And? ſayd) . The ſoult tab 
18 9 Che company of good people is m deleckacioy @ Jope 
no Bey it is among euyl. It is in ſoroÞe a g heuineſſe 
¶ And ſapde . The Ppſemay thenſielh oy the Bele of 
Bis ſaule as ackentyuely as offer attende bo the Tele of then 
dee qr fpte ale Frenbip of oy as ſv ſee 
foloÞe frouth / thmlte oꝛ thou Berke ind ſaid right as 
a phiſicien q not Bele his patient Wit hout he bell him ehe 

krouthe of hys diſeaſe , right fo may not amay be Pele 
counſeled) of hys frende Withoute he ele hym the play, 
neſſe of hys cauſe ¶ (Nudo ſepdꝰ many ennemptees gwo⸗ 
Bey fox faulte of truſt bet Wix par ties / and) truſt aufee} 
often many harmes ¶ And Bory pptagoras ſat in his 
cheyre be vſed) in ſhe yng) his dockrines & fape , meſure 
pour pathos andy go the right Pepe. g fo Bal pe go ſurely 
(Netempre pou from oouetiſe/andꝰ pour coor aſtate Gat? 
dure , vſe Juſtice and) pe Balle byloue d) and) dredde · 
Reve nat pour Boop m grete deleckacions / ſoꝛ and pe fo do pe 
Bab not coy ſuſteyne the Duerſites that myght falle Sno 
vou nd) he fae ay ol de may that Bas ſhamefaſt & 
ne. 6 Whom he ſap Science is bettir in age thay ty 
boughe ; J End) ſapd? . If thou Wylk diſprepſe Hyy » 
chat thou hateſt . ſhedde not that thou art hys ennempe 
And) ſapd) 4a goode Lyra oꝛ prince oucrht & thynke dr 
ligentely to the ſtate and) guy dynq) of hys lande and? 
oucht to ouerſee hyt as often as a goode ga: dyner wth 
his garden ¶ (Nnd) ſapte hyt kehbuch a liyng & peut exã⸗ 
ple him ſelf to Rept his Lathes and fe that his next kynneſ 
mem and) frendes do fo after hym andy it apparteneth not 
bo a bing to be probe noꝛ o do af tir hys obne Wik onely 
noꝛ to ride coucreely itor jn no derlie nyght but gla ddelp 
ſbewe him ſelf open faced amongis his people / and conuenp 
ently be donuerſant amongis them Vithout ouermoche fas 
mylyarite ¶ nd) Bhar a kyn g) or a prince ſhal go & 
His weft, that he ſe ther be coor Bade, and) if they faille 
kherxy that he punyſſk chem Wele / and) & beſdare bo ef 
the mete chat a Jalous Pomay peueth hym oz orp other 

fuſpect perſone (And) ſapte, the Bele viſpoſedy may vey 
membreth But his ſynnes / andy He euyl diſpoſed) bach 
mpnde/Put oy his veꝛtues/ It foxtuned) his Wyf Was deceſ 
ſed) in a ſerre countre / and) ſom axedy him If there Bere 
enp difference & dye in tir ir propre lande orell is ferre From 
thens / He anfucrdy, le rſomeuex one dye th Bepe & te 
offer Woꝛl de is all like (Nnd) ſayde to a pong man that 
Wolde not lerne m his pontle / f thou Bo not ake peyne 
bo lerne thou Balt haue the peyne bo be leſdde andy Incon 
nyng ! nd ſayde god) loueth hoo that bee dif oleiſſalt 
to euyl bemptacioy Andy ſayde / good pꝛaeyeꝛ is one of 
fe beſte thinges amay map preſent to god /g if thou axe 
him enp Boor lebe thy Veꝛllis be agreable Suto him 

(Pogenes ot her Vyſe called) dogly byquſe he ha dde 
© ſom eon dicions of a dogge / and) he Was he Tyſeſt 
may that Bas in his dayes He difpraiſed) arte 
fy th Woꝛlde/ and) lay in a tonne / Whiche he tour ned) for 
his auantage from the forme N nd the Vynde/as it plea, 
ſed) hym / andy the rin he reſted Vhanſomeueꝛ the nyght fil 
Spy him / He ete Whanſomeuer he Was hungered) Were it 
by day ox by nyght in the ſtrete 02 ellis Bhere Vythoute eny 
(Fame the rof , And) Bas content Pyth h. goPnes of 
Wollen cloth in cle pore + Ward fo he leuydg and) gonuez; 
ned) him ſelf til his det. Somme axed) him Why de 
Was called) dogly / he ſapte be cauſe J karke vpoy the fog 
les and) fabne Spy the Byſemey . Nleyſandie the grete 
eum vnto him of Plom be tobe litle regante , he axedy hum 
hy he ſette ſo litil by him / ſeeyng that he Bas fo mighty a 
king and) badde noo neceſſite/ſe anſueꝛd) J haue noght to 

do 1302 ſette by him that is bondemay & my thrall, Php qdy 
Klex ſan dre · am j fo chay / ye ſaid) dioxenes. for am Poste 
and) maiſtre to alk oouetiſe · and holde her vnder my ſee as 
my thra andy couctife is thy maiſtreſſe / andy thou art 

bounde vnto her. and fo art thou hounde to my khra lt Chay 
ſayd) alepandre , pf thou Vp axe me orp Hong) of this 

Woꝛlde J Wol yeue ik the Syogenes anfihereo- Why ſhulde 
Jape te enp thinq) · While J am Ticher thay thou art. for 
that littil chat ) haue dontenteth me bettir thay alk the ave 

te quantite that thou Rafe ſatiſfieth the · J prey the ſtande 
out of my light. and) take not from me that, that thou 

mazeſt not peue me. Tele qd) alexandir . Bho Bal bery the 
Whay thou art wd) He anſ Werd). he chat Vol not ſuffre the 
ſtenche of my carepy aboue the erte And te ſaid) dio 
genes ſaide he is not par fitely goode + that wth but onely 

abſteyne him from euil wois fr fae 5 Jong may of good 
and) ver tuouſe diſpoſicoy., Fhiche Pas euil viſaged) . to 

hom he ſaide/ ke goodeneſſe and vertues that be in the yeue 
| Rau in thy face Nnd ſom axed) him Wry it Bas tyme 

amay to ete He ſaidy Phay he de dde apetite and mete. and 
if he hadde noon hay he myght gete it ¶ nd ſaid it is 
goode amay liepe Spry from tte gyle of hys ennemp. (Andy 
the enuie of hys frende K ſaid) right as amay ame 
rech gretter 19 a myſt thay in aclere Peder right fo azpereth 
more his Bice in his Fre thay ny his pacienee gf ind) ſapd) 
to aledan dre ine not thou art t$ more Bortbp fox thy 

Fraute, treſour and ride araye / but onely for thy liferalits 
and) goodeneſſe. ¶ And) faydo + They thu difpreyſeſt 
« Pic m another may + ſole that thou vſe hyt not thy ſelf 

2 ſayde · hay thou ſceſt adogge leue his maiſtve / fold 
Be che. Sryue hem «Pape. for right fo Wil Be leue the & go 
& anotle: , He fae amay that prayed) god bo yeue hym 
fepiende. To Bloyy he ſayde/ thy peticion auapleth not Vith 
out firſt “mn payne thp ſelf & lerne it. And) ſapde · of alle 
Lertues of humant ber quantite therof is tle better 
ſaue of Woꝛdee Sind ſaid it is not honeſt to pour prayſing 
to a may of a chung that he Bath not deſetued · He ſaVe a 
peyntour thut Was Bape a phyſicien. (o Who he ſapte thou 
bnoddeſt that mey might ſc at the eye/tle falbtes that thou 
dideſt m thy crafte/but node they may not be prrecpued for 
Hey as hide Int her the erthe . nd) he fale right afaire 
perſone / Nhiche Das a foole, and) thay he ſayde · lhes is a fax 
re fuſe, andy right ay eupl hoſte f2zforoBedy cher . He 
fale alſo afoole fitte in a Tivol And he ſayd) / Ther 
ſittith (Nſtone vpoy a ſtone / One axed) ham What Was 
koue + He ſayde JE Nas Nſelieneſſe that greſe of Jarl, 
neſſe and) for lake of Si tuouſe excereiſe. One aped him 
What Nas vicheſſe / He ſept A bſteynyng) from cout; — 
ſe ſapde ©pogenes Vas in &Nſeaſoy ſelie, and) 
his frendis eum to Spfite hin 4 Sey ving vibe pe nat. for 
youre ſcKeneſſes come — of goodie Mille. He anfuerd) 
Therſore am J che more aferd Ge fare ay old wer 
that dped) hys leeres To Whom he (ayo hae a: 
Web hyde thy Phpte her res, but nat thpy age © le 
ſapd) . Jt is more Poole , thou goo to the ſeche + Ebay 
the leche & che. 8 by ſemblably J fepe 16 + of ele leche 
of ehe ſaule A Andy ſapd) Dyogenes Jf thou Tye 
oreeche any may (Re it not by Ppolence , ut as Ap 

fur yen doch to che ſeliethal is to ſaye ſofteky and packen 
ly but and) tfou Vilt correcte thy ſelf /diſpoſe the as khe 
hurt may, wth to the leche · Ie Bas axedꝰ hym/ho de amay 
myght Reve hym from ire/he anſ Weredꝛ/aman ought alle 
Wape & haue » Lemebraunce that he ary not at alk tymes 
be ſerued) but ſomtyme ſ hal le fepy to do ſeruice / and) alſo 
he (Sal not be al eye obeyde but at ſumtyme he muſt oleye. 
aa Be (Bab not at alle tymes be — in bps Kyl kut 
at fumtyme he muſt hauyng) thys ny hys mynde / it 
ſhulde appeaſe Gee Jew Gen om cee ae 
Alexandre ſittynq at his dyner / Niche praiſed) hy ou; 
krageoſely · and) dyuerſe herkened) geeteky therto the ſaid 
dyogenes began & ete faſter thay be fore + ſom axedy hyy 
Why he fexfienedy nor the fepre ſeyngis of the geſter/he an⸗ 
ſWered). J do moze prouſficablp thay to herliey leſyngys 
What is ſache prapſing) Worth, Tay be is neuer the better 
kherſore nd) ſapdy / pf thou tallie Tpth a ſtraunger 
ſpelie not inode tit thou haue firſt made com pariſon by 
tene the connynch of his ſtiende and) thyy / and) pf thou 
hy thyy better thay hys / (pele che boldelier and) ellis 
lde thp peace and) lerne at hym Qf Dpuers dylicious 
perſones blamed) hym of hys manete of leuyng) and) he 
ſaydꝛ/it lieth Bele in my poder pf mp lyſt to lyue afrer 
youre giuſe / but it is nat in pour power & kyue after mp 
maner <>] (Rnd) it Bas cole hym that eertapy perſones 
oo ſap cup of hym in hys abſence / he anſ Wered) it 
i not Surge me though amay (trike at me and) touche 
me not, ¶ Rnd) ſayd) . it is achurliſſh oon dictoy 6 
anſ dere difhoneſtely/ andy a noble eon diet oy to anf Were 

paeyeikly ¶ Windy ſapd? “Chee is no greter kreſour thay 
Diſerecioy and) Wpete / Nox greteꝛ pouerte thay Jano 
ratme / Moꝛ becteꝛ frendeſhip thay goode condicons/noꝛ 
better guydeꝛ thay Js goode fortune ¶ Ind ſapd) / Se⸗ 
keneſſe Jo ch pryſoy of the body · Andꝰ fomibe Jo te pry; 
for of thy ſaule + Ther Vas maß of se byrthe that ve 
Buked) hym / To Wow he ſapd)-/My bloxe and) lynage is 
enfaunſed) by me / and) thyy Js hurt and) loued) by the 
Th ſapd) , Dyogenes Vas of litik ſpeche / Rnd one 
aſked) hym Why he fpake no more / He anſueꝛdꝰ Ther 
Was grete er tue in Nmamiys eres ¶ Tks Was amay 
ſaydꝰ hym grete upſanye eo Vhay ze fapdy No Wore One 
aſked) hym Why he anſuered) not / He 'ſapdy J cour 
do hym no retter dpſPoxſhyp thay he wth hym ſelfe 
For he hach oontrybuedy blame Into hym that bach not 
wferucd it ¶ One aſked) hym / Hob be ſhulde trouble 
hys ennempes . He anſuered) Enforce thy ſelf to be Fr; 
tuous and) good) N nd) If thou Walt, hat thy goodeneſ 
ſe appere grete Into ſtraungeꝛs / Tepute & them thy ſelf 
ee nd) fayd) .Jf tu peue power & thy Vyff one 
ky & trede vpoy thy fote oy the moro de (fe Boldy trede v⸗ 
y thy hede ¶ Andy ſapd) · Company of Women Js ay 
— chat cay not be eſcheuedꝰ ¶ End) fapdp, He thae 
doch good) for th: goodenoſſe of hit onely / ought not & 
Drew Before Vhom he dot h not for te pꝛaiſing ne blame ths 
of ET One af Bed him Whar he ſhulde knoVe his frende/ſa 
ſapdy in neceſſite for in pꝛoſpeperite euery may is frendel 
Ther Was anotheꝛ may ſaide vilanye Into him Wher al 
& oft noy angre t Vas aſked him Why le Was fo mace 

fe aunſBred) offer halh he ſand foth ox liedo/pf he haue far. 
twuth/ ] ought not do be angry and pet leſſe if he haue 
lied). he fake aman cates fo muche that thr cole no bo dy 
make hym holde his eus /e Phom he ſaide/frende thou haſt 
y eeres and but oy tunge / Pherſoꝛ thou oughteſt to heꝛſtey 
double aſ moche / as thou ſpelieſt · he (abe a faire yon) may 
Sat we grete diligende eo lerne /to hom he ſane ye do paſ⸗ 
fing) Wele & make pour dedis aſſemble pour Raker, 
crabs mr grelies konge is bo fap /Reper of Juſ⸗ 
tice he Vas maned apenſt the cuſtume of that coil; 

boolzis noꝛ paue no doctrine & his diſciples / but onefy by 
Voꝛdes of diſcipline/and) that opimoy he helde of Tumo 
Whiche Was his maiſtr for as the ſaide Socrates beyng) 
of tẽdre age axed his maiſter / Vhy dil ye not fuffre me to 
Write the doctrines that pe &<e me Tun aunf ered hin 
touete ſt thou more the Weed beeſtes / ſliynnes to be Voꝛſh ip 
ped) With ſapiende thay thengyne of may ] ſette che caſe 
that on mete the in the Bild ſeld/and) axe the conſeile vpoy 
a queſtioy. Tere it goody that thou ſhuldeſt ſape/let me go 

home and ouer foe my boltes firſt. It Were more honeſt & ha 
ue a vecours to thy remembrance andy terupoy briefly to de 
termyne/ It Tere fo oer tamely ſapd) Socrates / Rel they, 
reteyne it Wel in thy mynde . that thou ſhalt lerne · Andy 
put it not in thy Sooke in Thiche opynpy the ſaid Serates 
veſted / he defended that no may ſhul d Woꝛſh ip falſe poles 
But Volde chat ale fomour and) Voꝛſh ip ſh ul d be referred 
& th creatour of alt chyngys , and) for that opynyon he 
Das eon dẽpnedꝰ to deth by xi · Juges of Nthenes · Phiche 
oꝛdeigned) that he ſhuld) drinlte oertem poxſons / Merof the 
Lyng of that oountre Was forp. but he ode not reuoke the 
ſentence, ſe gaf him as Lona reſpit of his Juge nent as he 
myght. The ſao bkyng ha dde a Bip charged With thingee 
that in oertam tymes ſhuld) be offred) in the temple lo the 

pdoles , fe hade a euſtume that he Toor peue noo Jugemẽt 
and) eſpecially vpoy mannes det h). tile che ſaidꝰ ſhip Bere 
retourned) & at henes / Vhiche Bas not yet dom home And 
Vpo0y her tom̃yng) home one of Socrates ſela des axlled) 

Inelites col de hym in the priſoy-that te ſaid) (Dip ſholde 
come & the poꝛte oy the moro de oꝛ the next day. Vherſore he 
ſarde , It Ver goody that Be (Hula yeue. CC CC. pees of 
gol de to thy ſiepers · that thy Vol d leeee the ſecretely efcape 
and) Bay myghteſt thou go to rome and) nedeſt litik & 

drede them of athenes · e anſ wered. alk that ] haue is not 
Worth four honderdꝰ . peeis of gold). no ſaid) Inclites · 
and) thy frendis haue fo muche Whiche We Wok 9 4 
peue thy Ropers to ſaue thy lxf if it pleaſe the 60 the Þhichs 
ſoerates anſ Reved this cy her J muſt fuffre deth. is 

th naturaſt place of my birth Brim] muſt dye Pit hout 

ceſerupng onely by cauſe that 4 repreue hem Froty doyng in 
tuft dedes / and for Woꝛſ hippyng the falſe and Vapne poles 
and) that J Wold haue them Fonour the true god). Vherfo⸗ 
re J fape If this mey of mp nacion pezſceute me for ſuſtey 
nyng & ſeyng twuth/right fo Vil ſtrangeꝛs do bletſomenes 
4 &eoome, for ] Wol neues ſpare & fap crouch not Be no 
leſinges / and) ertapnly ooo Wolde haue leſſe meꝛey of me 
than tloos of this Cobre, here in ] am Sen / It Goyer 
ned) that the tleꝛde daye his diſciples um vnto him g fore 
him m pryſoy Bp the oma undement of the /dij / Juges they 
aped) him many doddta ble queſtiond /touchyng the ſaule/ he 
anſuetd) thy / as largely and) as gladely as euer he deve 
le of they mexuepNed) & ſc fo grete gftaunce ij amay 
fo nygh his wth / One of his diſciples calledꝰ Demay ſat 
de maiſtre ) Enoſde Nele „It is ay harde thing & the. for 
& (be and) teche vs in the cage / that thou node ſtandeſt 
m g Malina of thy lore is 6 vs atamegeous thing for 
in this Noꝛlde haſt thou no ſela We of good) dockyne / So, 
crates anſueꝛdꝰ. Spare not & enquere of me Who it plea; 
ſeth pou for it is to me a greee pleaſcz thep axed him queſ 
tions of the ſaule / Whiche he anſueꝛd / g after tp aped him 
of the (late of the Woꝛl de /andꝰ compoſicioy of ehe Elemen⸗ 
tis Vhiche alſo he anſuerd) right per fundely / Windy & fare 
Sno them J two We the hour of my wth azprocheth npgh J 
Nil bayne me g malte me clene in this Voꝛlde/ g ſep myn on 
fone bo thentẽt that ) (Bal haue no payne af ex my delh Phe 
fore J pꝛay you ſpare me for a While/ſe ortred) & alous and 
Laigned him ¢ ſaid his oriſ ds /g thay called his Tyf g childe⸗ 
rey 2 gaue them many fete doctrines g badde them payne them 

for & do goode adreſſe there ſaules (o hym that afl ereatedy 
andy thay aum one from th Juges to hym With wyſoy to 
drinke ain (aro O ſocrates thinke not that J am he 
that malteth the bo dye-for J RnoWe thou art the ſt may 
that euer arm in this lande / but ) am ſent from the Juges 
for to ſle the /g here is the cõſectioy þ chou muſt drin bie talie 
it paciẽtly ſithey thou maiſt not ſcape it / Soerates ſaidzJ 
fake it Vieh goode hert /e Gnole Pele thou art not gylty 
therof /g fo drinke it And Vhay his frẽdes falbe that/chey 
made grete Veping) g lamentacioy Vherof he blamed) them 
ſeynig J haue ſent a Bape the Women by cafe they ſhulde 
not do as pe do/he Went alitil from ehem /g ſaide O god ba, 
Ur merep vpoy me /g anone his ſpneſdes \Franlte his fete 
Wexed oolde / and thay he leide him wÞy / one of his diſciples 
(oolie a bo ddeliyn e priklied him in his feete / and axed him 
Jf & fete 00 thing). Nndp le ſaid) nape/thay he priltlied⸗ 
him in his thyghes andy apedy him if he felt it Le fapdo 
nape, Nnone che cole ſtralte vp Into his ſydes thay ſocra 
tes faire Dhar the ool de cometh & my hert J muſt nedis dye 
Thay ſaide Inelites O dere maiſtre Welle of ſapienee and) 
of ference correct and) teche vs yet / Vhyle thy ſpeche laſtech 
€ Phom he faite] can noy ot her Vieſe fie Be your node dyyng 
thay J haus wor afore in my lyf The ſaid) Inclites ſane, 
for domaunde me What khync) pe Wyk, he anſ ered) noo 
tpn), and) lift vp his epey to the (Rye ſeyng) ] preſent 
mp ſole to the maker of alle the Poꝛldy andy fo vpedy 
Thx (apdy ſocrates hu de. yy, M, diſciples andy diſ⸗ 
ciples of his diſciples nd. in hys lyf he deuyſed) that 
mey (Gules be guyded) aftre , ih, oꝛdres that is eo ſaie m 

Cleꝛqie / in arpa before x m comones and) orreranedy the 
tleꝛgie aboue ih Eup Rowe / the Rupahefore aboue the prple 
andy tat te clergie ſhulde pray for the Enpahthore g the 
prple th: linyghehode ſholde deſende the clexgie g the yas 
people to labour for the cleꝛgie andy the knight hode 

ſayde ſocrates Was of rede cofour /g of competent ſtature ho 
re heded) / and) Bele facedo/demure of ſpeche/a grete ſtu dyer 
and) lolter vpoy the eꝛthe / and) They he fpake he Vaggedy 
his Gal Fpnger fe lyued) four ſcore · j yeres / Bas Lapetery 
in his ſcale/pacioice g good) byleue in god) malketh amay 
vickorious / Ind) Was Prpttey i his girdel/hauing reſpect 
and) confireractoy & them of euery thinge cauſech che fals 
uacion of the ſaule and) of th body / fe eſtabliſſtedo ſakes 
Whiche Were ſent into the Eeſt/eſt/South/g Moꝛth/g 
alt Was goueꝛ ned) by them ¶ And) ſapd) Che firſt ching 
that thou ſhulde fixe thy Til i is to Reve dyuyne Juſtice 
and) to applye thy Vil & che ſame / and) not & do ſacre fi⸗ 
ces NOs no iniuſt thinges noꝛ to (Tere no falſe otles / And 
ſaydꝰ /right as a may is heled) of his ſelteneſſe / by dertue 
of a medpctne-right fo is ay euyl may heled) of his malice 
by Krtue of the lade ¶ Indy (aire co his Diſciples J am a 
til may / and) Lertues bey the ſedes / and) ſtudy is the Vater 
that meiſteth them / Wheꝛfore if the ſedes le not elene · nor 
the Water fufficiené , What fomenes be ſoſden pro fitet h Bal 
End? ſaid / one ought eo meꝛueile af hym that ſoꝛgetetß 
the perpetual goodeneſſe of the otheꝛ Worle for the goodes 
of this Voꝛlde/that is not durable End ſayd · the Belk of 
poſed ſaule loueth to do Vele · g the euil diſpoſeth ſaule buct 
& do farm And ſeid th goode ſaule graffeth goodneſſe g 

the fruyt therof is ſakuactoy, Nnd the euil difpoſed) / 
2 the fruyt chef is dãpnacioy eet 
th: goode fable is kinoſdey by p Be recepued gladly truth 
| TS ew ſaule by that Ge —.— alad\Fſpnges 
(Nudy ſaid) tat Bey aperſonne do eth m do xte fut 
thingis and is ſtedfaſt ny thoos that key oper and eu: dẽt 
bo che eye /it is ſigne that he is of goode vnderſtan ding 
(Nudo ſaid) that te ſaules of them that bey goode / Ber 
foro fall of th Verkis of chem that beey emi? ¶ nd ſaid 
the may that foloſdeth oouetiſe leſeth him ſelf endeleſky/e at 
the [aft is alk diſ ſonoured Nnd Bhoo that hates it geteth 
vnough /g at the ende is right Bele Voꝛſh ipped Gad ſaid 
that the goode ſable ſaueth him ſelf. g otfer ben ſaued) by 
him ¶ And ſaid) th fable knoVeth ak thinges / thay 
he that knoſdeth his ſaVle RnoVÞpth euery thing. g be that 
ſino eth not his ſa wle /ſenodeth not hing Gd, ſaide he 
that is Rept to him ſelf/he is more ſeytif to anotler g he 
that is liberal & him ſelf / is oom̃onely liberal eo anotlet 
{andy faire litik teching fuffiſeth & the coor ſales to 
the cut ſoule mode teching may not a daile ¶ Nndp ſaide 
that. vj. maner of mey be / that neuer be out of angre / that 
is & Vitte / che firſt is he that may not foꝛgete his trouble 
the. ij ay niuous may that dÞelleth Vith fol bis newly en⸗ 
richyd) ; the · ih · E chat dBellech m a place here another 
bath thriuey g he cay finde no prouffitk here. che · iin. a che 
may fallen in pouer tie. che. v. be that enforceth him ſelf to 
dom & the ſtate that is not bylonging to him bo haue (Rnd 
the. vj. he chat hath deli) With a Pyeſemay / and) bath 
noo thing lernedꝰ of him ¶ And ſaide Who ſo faynelh him 

(LF to ſe dock zyne & amay of eupl couracerefembREh 
to him /that Vol maiſtrie a ſtrong hoꝛs / Vhiche if he pare 
him not a ſtrong bitte Vith a cork fy (Gal nenex coy gouer 
ne him! And ſayde to mode haunting feliſſhip enge dꝛerlß 
not grete loue bit Lene them / abſteynyng from them aw; 
ſeth ennemytees /g thay it is beſt to rele therm moderately 
And) ſaide he that doth good) is better thay the goode · g he 
that «tb euyl/is Gore thay the eri (Nudp ſaid) ſcience is 
had by oiler of mey / but diſcrecioy cometh of god. nd 
faire Byf dom is the lee of the lade /ꝛ moneye is th; ſelie⸗ 

neſſe . Wher the leche may not ble him ſelf/ſode chulde be 
Bole another indy ſaide thou maiſt not be pfectely good if 
thu hateſt thyy one ny / What (Bale thou be thay if thou ha 
teſt thy frẽde Andy ſaide this Voꝛlde may be likened) to 

a ay ful of thiſtlles in a manere brow hes amay is pꝛilt 
lied / that entreeh ty it /e if he aſpie them he Pol be Ware of it 
And ſaide he that Couch the Woꝛl de/hal h but labour 1; he 

that hatech it /hath reſt udp fair he is right ſrple that 
is ceꝛceyn bo parte from this Voꝛlde /g beſiech him bo malie 
in hit his bil digis Qld. ſaid this Voꝛlde is like a light 
be ning fyre/Vhezof alitil is good & Rpndpl his light & 
(Rebbe him the Wey/g he dee & moche therof map ligh 
tely Brey him ſelf Wit h al arty ſaid) he that ſecteth afk 
his mide in this Mork Lefer his ſaule /g he that thenlieth 
oy his ſaule hateth this Voꝛlde nd ſaide le that fourth 
this Woꝛlde map not faile to falk in one of theſe/ h/ incoͤue⸗ 
mẽ tis oꝛ both/that is co ſay/otleꝛ & diſpleaſe our lord god 
ozellts & be enuted at of mightieꝛ men they he is / And faire 
im ay chat (eR eH to haue oinempes ſeketh his diſtructioy/g 

he that bath many oxupers g omempes is in the Wileer of 
eral foꝛtun nd) ſane this Woꝛlde is but a paſſacce ry 
to the offer Vo:kde-and) ther fore. ſe that purucieh him of 
415 neceſſarie for that paſſage/is the farce ſoz all pills 
End ſaide er ouble not thy ſelf gretly/ Wilh Noꝛdely ac 
quiſic de /but reſemble the birddes of the ſpe, Whiche in tho 
moꝛnyng (eRe but their vefection for that day ¢ ſemblaby the 
Dil de beſtes that coffe oute of the * fee 
the ir fore sandy at nyght vepeire home ayen ¶ ndꝰ ſayd⸗ 
che exroux is EnoÞey in the one bo be curl / and) that that is 
goode / is the more clerly ſcey after therby/ Plato Hoke Spy 
bim eo go in a Wyage andy wfiredp & knoNe of Socrates 
ode he ſhulde gouerne hum ſelf therm /andꝰ he ſaide tolbte 
the — thou knoVeſt-z Kibave of thoos chat thou 
RnoBes noc /g go not by nyghl / ete noon her bes that thou 
Enoddeſt not /g Poe that thou Rope the high Weye/klough it 
be kle lenger / wilẽde not & chaſtiſe him /that is oute of alle 
reaſoy / ſor thou ſ halt make hym therby thin ene tnt 
ſayde Pye not With a Bomar Withoute neceſſite conſtrapne 
eC Wind) ſayde tido khynges be laudable/that is for to 
fape Late and) ſapieite /lalde bepeth right yſneſſe / andy 
apince auſith good condicions, Socrates acompamtedy 
hym (eff With a Fiche may , and) kley mette theues in ay 
byah Naye/ ehe Fiche may ſaid) It Were daſigewus bo me 
if they node me N udp focrates ſaid) Jt Bere the better 
for me / If y Pere knoVey by the nd) ſapd) aBpfer 
may onght & Ble hys apes in one of theſe (o maneres 
chat is io fepe', ny that that may exuſe hym to haue 
Jove in thys Worlde and) m the oeher . o in that / that 

may arufe hi m to haue goode name in this Worker (And) 
ſaide this Voꝛlde is deleckacioy of ay houre / z ſoro de of ma; 
ny daies /g the other Voꝛlde is grete reſte g long ioye / Andy 
ſaid Vhoſomeueꝛ eee the one Kone of ſoprece doch the mos 
re goode / thay if he gafe the of his geld Mrd ſaid (Bere 
not by our loꝛd/ſoꝛ no ma nere of lutre al be it thy cauſe be 
true /ſox ſom Vol thinſie thou forſ wereſt thy ſelf ¶ nd fat 
de take hede hoe thou peueſt thy peftes/ for fom ſiple fol lies 
eue to the vnnt dp / and) refuſe hit bo thoos that haue nede 
Ind) ſaide If thou Tilt Wine afrende / ſpelte good of him 
for Tae t encodieth loue /g euil ſpeche engendꝛelh hate 
red) (And) ſaid a being ought to put from him all cup 
diſpoſed pſones for the hazme that they of his oom panye do 
is reputed his dede Gn faite he that exreth ¢ knoVeeH 
hit. and) after repenteth him theꝛof Bath deſezuid) par den 
End ſaide he that medleth to correct eueꝛy may auſeth eh 
mooſt part & hate him ¶ Ind (aire & a may that ha dde ve 
ptoued his linage /f J be che Voꝛſe for my linage as thou 
ſayeſt thy linage is che Woꝛſe for the ¶ Und ſaide he that ſe 
Reh the whee of this Voꝛlde is like vnto him (hat ſeliec h 
6 mG zarab Wenyng it Vere Bates g rẽneth to mine it 
tik he be Wery/ g Ihay he cometh to hit. he findeth no thing 
e Bar he is more (hriſty than he Bas before for zarab is a 
myſt in a medeſß/ Phiche at ſõtyme by veflection of ehe (One 
ſemeth a abeꝛ g is none in dede (And) ſaidy a may Gath 
neueꝛ pfy& reſte @ Jope in this Bort), for fe ary not al 
Wape pſcuere in dſcctacion g poſſeſſe his Vinningis g oft 
bath twuble g ang Wyſſhe/aſ Bele fox loſſe of his frẽdis as 
otheꝛ wyſe / Nnd ſaid the loue of this Woꝛl d ſtoppeerh mines 

teres / from hering ſapiẽce / g blyn fildeth the eyen froin ſept” 
twuth. a hit caufath alſo amgy bo be muied) x on ” 
from doyng goode de die ¶ (dp ſaid he that Louch a v 00 
frouth bach moo ¢ gretet ſeruauntis tay a kin 
ſayd) Be is not free that byndel h him to another nd ſap 
de afferme noo thing /til thou knoVe the twuth not do nod 
thing. but it le couenable noꝛ begi ne nothing /but if thou 
fe Soe to bringe it & good) conclufion, Ther Bas a ihe 
may ſaid) & him /O ſocrates hp art thou fo pure / Eo 
Vhom he anfuerd If thou kneweſt That is pouͤtee thou Bol 
weft haue more foroBe of thy puerte thay of my nd? 
ſaid It is a grete merueile to ſe a Dpfemay angry. nd 
ſaid) de det h is a thing that map not be eſheVed) /g ther 
ought none to drede hit / but ſuche as haue cõmitted) grete 
iniqinte e dy litil iuſtide / xz fore they ſhuld drede dãpna 
coy for their demerites after their det nd) [a1 good? 
deth is not & be diſpiſed / hut o be mace fied g prepſed 
fox it maliith traſmutacioy from the Þorld) of vnckeneſ 
ſe and) ſhame & the Woꝛld) of Woꝛſhip + from the Woꝛld⸗ 
not durable & che Voꝛld) perpetuel From the Voꝛl de of for 
lie and dunites & the Woꝛld) of ſapiẽce reaſoy and trouth 
nd fro the Woꝛld) of traueile and) peyne to the Bor 
of conſolacioy and) veſte ¶ End) ſapd) Jt is merueile f 
him that do dteth to dye / g wth thiges contrary bo his ſa 
uacion And) ſaid det h is lyſfe & him that bnoPeth to 
faue ioye after it Indo ſaid he that Cucth Wek Gal die 
Bele Ind ſaid better it is Borf Bip fick det h chay ſhamefut 
liſe. Nnd ſaid dech is the reſt of couebous peple for the lege 
thy lyue the more multyplie che ir oouetiſes . ¢ ſo Nth is 

more coucnabl for thy thay Cf for the deth of eutl prople 
is the Vele and) ſurete of the good) Mectuſe they (Falk do 
nomore ſynne no: hurt & the people ¶ And) ſapdy the lyf 
Jugeh indereckely amongis the ded And) ſaid) . one 
ought not to Wepe for him that is ſlapne Vit houte cauſe, 
but for hm that hach (Rayne him / for he chat ſleeth vniuſte 
ty aap Hin ſelf Ede fib Be Be Dee on 
thing / ought & his per & be Ware eof Alſo be that © 
wibeeth o haue peines for his ſinnes af tit his wth, ought 
fo to dele /khat he map eſcheue that pave (nd) ſaide Thay 
chou Bolt do eny khing lolie for What cceafion hit is Andy 
if thou ſeeſt che onde theꝛof goode/haſte the ooncluſion · and 
eſis reſiſte chy Bil nd ſaide bettir is to amay bo Cue 
harde. thay to loro dde of him chat reputeth his Gal lones g 
pef tes & be grete g Vithoute exuſe Bol khinlie aman to be 
iy his danger ¶ Ind faire take in no preiſyng the lone o 
peft of him that bath diſ Woꝛſß ipped the for the diſhonour g 
ſhame tferof is moze thay the Gpming He loued al Rep to 
lerne / Vherof fon rebulted him · o Plow he ſaide/t he gretteſt 
ſbame/ that aay dome to ay olde may is to be ignoꝛãt/he forte 
a pong may that ha dde foliſſhly ſport a Bafted his fabſtace 
and) Was broght & ſuche pouerte · that he Was ſeyn & ete 
olyues /o Whory lx ſaide if the olyues hadde be as goode & 
che at the begynnyng / as they be node. chou ſhuldeſt haue 
adde pet largely of thy goodes Ind) ſayde ther is noo 
difference bit ip agrebe teller of kydyngis , and) a lper 
End faire the nobleſt thnic) that childꝛen may lerne is 
ſcience / ſor cher by chey eſche de & do euilk Werkkis And) 
ſaide the greteſt Vynnyng that amay map haue / is & gete 

atrue frẽde/ſe herde amah ſap tha one Bas furer ty lieping 
his tunge / thay in moche ſpelting for in moche langact one 
map lighely erre. To Wlom he ſaid one ought not to Sunder 
ſtãde that in them that ſpebe Bele, Nnd ſaide the prof fie of 
ſilẽce/is leſſe thay the pwuffit / of ſpeche. 2 the harme of firey 
che is more / (hay the harme of ſilence · Ando ſayd one may 
benolde a Byſcmay by Barking 7 lol ding his tüge. ¢ amay 
may linodde a fole by his moche claberẽg. Ind ſaid he that 
Vol not holde his peas til he be gftrepned is not to be blamed 
@ be that Dil holde his ras til he be boden ſpelie is to be prep 
ſedy. And farde It is ay ignoꝛãt thing to diſpute ny thins 
ges p map nat be vInderſtãde / Nnd ſaide the meane is beſt 

in ail chẽges. N nd) faite mode rẽning maketh mode He 
rineſſe. And ſaide if the Titte of a may oumaiſtnie not his 
fraifte fe (Bab fone be outcome ¢ Brought to noughelſNnd 
ſaid he is akeſt that cay not diſ derne the good fw the euil 
And ſaid ke is a good frẽde that wth the good /g a myghty 
Frente /t hat defedeth the fw m haꝛme He Vrote Suto a ling 
vecõſoꝛting him Whay his ſone Vas wee in this maneꝛ / god 
made this Voꝛlde ay fous of deleckacioy g reÞazd g tle tou 
bles m this Doꝛlde cauſen vemuneracioy in the other Find 

ſaid no may ought to repute him ſelf Fyſe / And ſaid this 
Woꝛlde peucth evemple & thoos that abyde by thaim p depart 
And ſaid the loſſe of [Sure is leꝛnĩg to other / Nnd ſaid he 

that truſteth in this Voꝛl de is veceiued/ z le that is ſuſpecti 
ous is in grett ſoroVeOne of his diſciples gafe him a gif 
te/g he Vas troubled Vith al/ It Was axed him Whp he re 
ioyſed it nat / he ſaid the recepcioy of this gif te hat h pared 
hie Poꝛſ hip ¢ put me in his dãgeꝛ / And ſaid be bo thy fader 

and) ko thy moder/ as thou Wile thy chil drey bey ko he 
And ſaide be not 2.angry nes 6 Wrath full fos chat is the 
Werke of a fole ¶ Nnd faite one ought to haue ſhame to ſpe 
fe that he hath ſhame to do ¶ Ando ſatde refrapne tht fro 
ices ny thp pouth g it (Bale te feireſt garmet/that thou 
maieſt Per EH nch ſaid) gouerne the fo & thy poder /t hat 
nonay fay har me of the / albe it / it Pere leſynges/for alle 
mey knodde not the twuth /g yet they haue eres /plato deſi 
ved) him bo anſ Were y. ij · thingis @ he Wolde be his diſciple 
the firſt Vas What maner of mey one ought to haue mooſt 
pie of/the h. Vherfore ſoy mennis Wiꝛſtis preue not / ehe 
1 . tobe aman ſhulde do & haue vet ribucioy of our lozdy 
The fir ſt he anſ Bered that amay ought to haue pite m. ij 
Vieſes p is o ſeye of agoode may m the handis of aſhrebe 
for he hach there but all ſoro de /g of a Rieſemay ty the gon 
waiter of a fool Thiche is & him grete heupneſſe / z a liberal 
may in che ſabiectioy of a baytif for he bath the rby grete tri 
bacon Cle. ij che ir Berkis preue nat that haue goode con 
ſeile/z Werlte not ther after / a haue richeſſe g Wil not diſpen 
de hit fox cheir nede The · in · is the goode vetribucioy / that one 
receputth of our loꝛde god) cometh to be oitierky obeiſſant 
Into e him Fro ſyſie · g Shay platoy Was thus 
anf Were d/be ary his diſciple all his lyf Nnd the ſane fos 
rates ſeide diſpreiſe thy bodeli deth/g it ſbal be the lyf of thy 
ſaule /folo e Juſtice g thou ſhake be ſaued nd ſaide a ie 
ſemã reſteth g wich him / Phan he findeth twuth ¶ And) 
faite aſßieſemã ought ko ſpelie Nich ay ignorãt / as the phiſe 
dien wth Pitch his price ¶ (And ſaide be that taſteth his 
pleaface this Worle muſt nedis falle in one of theſe. y- 

exuſes that is co fay other bo ſale that ſe courts or & lt 
ſe that he hath Lone With grete payne ¶ nd ſayd & one 
of his diſciples · ſuffiſe the & ete that Wil ake ba e Op 
hungere. g dꝛincſte that Til ſtanche thy thurſt amc 
Welk thy ſaule, @ foloBe goode Wezſtis. lerne ſapiẽde of t 
mooſt Wyſemey that & in thy dayes. eſcheue the genes tha 
Women ſet to tale mey Bith al. for they be hidꝛers of ſapi 
ce ¶ &nd ſaid he that loueth this Woꝛlde is like to him tas 
entreth m & the ſee fot if he eſaxye the parels of the fame mey 
Fol for le is foꝛtunate · g if he be periſſped they Vol ſey he is 
Dil ſully diſceyued Env ſaid) may bath powder ouer his 
Wo: dis. tif thy be ſpobẽ · · Whar ly bath ones Sttered them 
he bath noo poder oueꝛ km (And ſaid he that hath no poder 
to ref reyne bis tõge hath no mpghe & reſiſte al his othe 
delectacids [Rnd ſaid ſik be g ſpeche is goode jn diuers Shp, 
ſes g places ¶ Ind ſaid if a may be moche hore ſpelte. one 
map knoVe if he be diſcrete oꝛ not ( if Be hold his peas: oꝛ 
be litil. one Wil the rather deme he be Byſe(Nnd) faro 
y amay ſpeleth he ought to gſidere afc ve That he Bil ſeie 
for better it is he qſidere. thay another ſhol d. N ndd ſaid to 
one of his d ſcipſes han thou Bile ſpelie. fpele atrtaiſely 07 
hold thy ꝑ as Nnd fard he that hol deth his peas oꝛ ſpelieth 
Cel lerneth at? (rede of other / if he ſpebe /otleꝛ lerne at 
bis Woꝛdes / One axed him That Was a goode purchaſſe. he 
anſueꝛd that / that gro Beth in the ſpẽ ding theꝛof/Nnd faire 
dꝛoͤlienſ hip vn doth ami, ſaid one ought not & ape gfcile 
of him that Bath his herbe al ſecte bo the World for his a duis 
[Fale but af er his pleaſãde. 2 ſaid good gſeil ſheddeeh often 
the ende of the Werlte / cher Bas aBomay that called him old 

and ſaid his (ace Bas right foule Co Phom he anſBered) 
thou art fo erſte g fo kwublous a myrour that my beaddte 
ecy not be perceyued therm ¶ Ind ſaid he is diſctete hat 
RepethNele his ſecretes /g he is not Pyſe that diſcouers them 
¶ End ſaid amay ought to eye ſecrete that he is deſired 
to Reser he is more (o preiſe that liepeth that thing ſecrets 
Whiche le is not deſaredy to Reve And) ſaid) if thou cay 
not Reve thpy odd ſecretes / moche leſſe Wolk he lie pe hit /t o 
Whom thou haſt bol d hit to! one aped him Phy addieſe may 
Wil defare to haue counſaile. he fepre leſte his Vyl be in op 
Nyſe medio With his Bette ¶ Nndp ſaid) le that is of 
good con dicioy is of good and fare lyf / and is belouedꝰ of 
goode people / and he that is of cut? con dicions is eupy the 
cõtrary nd ſaid to one of his diſciples / truſte not this 
Voꝛl de. fox hit paieth neuer that it promitteth UNnd ſaid 
atuſtume pou to be content Vith litik + for ye (Bal fynde 
hit for the ſt, and chat ſ halt oom vnto pou repute it not 
for litil for it may encreſſe/p mnt tiple Bu ſelie & Tyme 
frendis in very loue ſle wyng them noo ſagne of hate. and 
one axed) him What differẽeꝛ Nas bet wene trouth and) le / 
ſingis / he ſad) aſmoche as is bit dene the cove and) the eye 
¶ Ind ſaid) he chat deſireth to haue move thay ſuffiſaũce 
fath tl profficeth him noo thing Und ſald to one of 
his diſciples/truſt not in the tyme. for it faileth )ncõtinẽt 
to hum that kruſtich ther to ¶ Nnd fard Ware thou be not 
diſcepued by thy Kae, and by thy youth /noꝛ by the helth 
of thy body fo thende of thy helth ſpalbe ſelteneſſe/and the 
ende of thy feReneffe ſhalbe deth /g thou maiſt not eſcheue the 
diſcaſes of this Voꝛld/ ther Bas neuer rope Bit houte ſoroſde 

noꝛ neue: light Biehout texKeneſſe-nox neue: veſt Ticheute 
labour / not aſſemble Withoute depazting (Rnd) ſapte, ke 
as the fortune of this Porlte , ſhal make reiopſing) Bpoy 
thiy nnempe-naght ſo may it malie thpy ennempe haue re; 
ropſanc) of the nd) fapdo he that ſtabrliſſſeth,and) fet; 
EB him ſelf in cournable place / is the more ſure for the pe⸗ 
ryls of this Voꝛlde Ind ſayd he that is fulfilled Vith 
the loue of this Poꝛlde diſpoſeth him & , ti), thinges / that 

is to ſape /firſt to wueꝛtte / for he (Bal neuer attepy to the 

richeſſe that he — — to ſuffve payne /thirdely 
to beſyneſſe / Sithout evpe dito End ſaid) /e le neues 

chy gfcp% & him that is angry Thay one praieth him & be 
pe it ſecrebe / One axed him Bhat he had Bone by his ſence 
Be fapdy J ary as amay ſitting oy the ſce (pre g bißpl ding 
the ſimple fol lies Brapedy in the TaVes of the ſee ©! Qndp 
ſaid. grete fredom gw with by ſezuree / for te more one ſer 
uech the more fre le bedometh nd ſapd, fe that Dil Win 
ne frẽdes lebe him lolie firſt if he cuy refrayne them from 007 
uetiſe /g if he can /reſt tay With them g ell is fone to departt 
N ndꝰ ſaid) if thou be not couetous thou map reſt in euery 
place ¶ N nd the ſard) ſocrates had many ſeyinges ayenſt 

Nomen Vhiche is not trãſlated / Nnd it Bas aped of him 
to Phat ſciẽce it Vas beſt & ſette his childe coſcole/he anfues 
de / bo lerne that that is bothe profficable in this Woꝛlde x ehe 

other / one axed him Whar he begãne to be Byfe dine tex 
anfucsd/ Thay firſt J refreined) my ſelf Tl *(And) ſaide 

Fay amayts ſo diligẽt & lerne /g louet h fo Mele ſcrece that 
he taliech nooy hede of pꝛepſinc) nos difpreiſync) for the lore 

theꝛof/thay is he Wyle It Was tolde him that ther ha dde no 

credence be yeuen & alle his Tones Be anfBeved,fo that my 
Pordes haue be goode and) reaſomable] geue no grete force 
To hach beleued) them oꝛ no ¶ Nndꝰ ſaid) He is goode sy 
the hpeſt degre of goodeneſſe. that enfoꝛceth hym to be good) 
Bing felf Andy h; is iy ſe h. degre ti enforeeth hin 6 
cauſe other & be goode/and he that velilꝛelh of none of thieſe 
h. 16 & be deſpreiſed) ¶ And) faire & his diſciples & not 
deſi-ous to haue the coor not durable. Put couctte & haue 
that is perpetuellp good) ¶ And) ſaid) · be not inguiſitif 
vyoh offer folſkis leſt they be jnquiſitif vpoy the atin 
ſad) put Vit and) diferecion afore the in alk thy Verlies · 
and thou ſhalt be th better qranyſſſed Phan thou ſhalt com 
& thepecucioy of the ſame ¶ And) ſaid) for bere not & do 
goode dedis alk be it they be vnknoſden. There Was one dif; 
prepſed? his face. fo Whom he faite it Bas not my poder & 
malte mp face/and) ther fore J ought not be blamed if it be 
foule that that J haue pouer ouerJ haue made fair and that 
tat thou haddeſt power ouer thou haſt ſoyled⸗ Cnty ſaid 
be true Into hym that companpeth Vith the-andy Kereth 
twuth vnto the. and) thou ſhalt be te more fare to eſchedde 
daſigiers ¶ And ſaid do & eher as thou Dol deſt they ſhuld 
do to th Nnd do fo noon offer but as thou oldeſt be won 
fo And) ſatd) amay ought bo be corrected) rience 
and) taught by the mutacioy of this Voꝛlde ¶ Andꝰ ſaid 
he is Geral + Bath greteꝛ deleckaeioy bo aue goode venoume 
thay money And) ſaide protence is g ſtrong caſtell. and 
haſtyneſſe oicyrdreth ve pen ta une And ſaid) honour 16 
(e frupte of trwuth,andy fos thy trouth thy froꝛdes ſ hate 
Horſhip the. Ind thy goodeneſſe (Balk kino den nol ſparig 

to do that/thab ſhalbe prouffitable < Ando ſaid) / it oughe 
fuffiſe a may & Bnote and) vndeꝛſtande that that be ſeech 
dayli fal m this World) fox the ꝛby he may lerne neVe fcr 
&5/ſe ought to be Woꝛſhipped) that Bileth Pele & eue ry 
may / and ly that Pol other memes haꝛmes putteth hoy ſelf 
in grete perille / dut the Juſte may reſteth in ſurete dd 
ſed he that Repeth him ſelf Wele is a grete onquerour / 

le that ſettith fo litil by him ſelf that he thenlieth not oy 
his ſaule /leſeth) him filf he chat is pacient doth Wele/ and) 
(Gal not vepente him / and he that holdeth his peas ſaucth his 
mungiet ¶ &nd ſard let thy ſees & goode Woꝛlies / z thou 
[Pale gadre flours of Joye andy of gla ddenſſe T Ando 
ſaid) / tpou (Galt haue reſt ty the com panye of a Byfe may, 
labour 1 the companye of afool ¶ And ſaid) & be Si 
fied) Wich lictel is Woꝛſhip/and) not to be ſactiſfiedy Pit 
mock: is ſhamed Nndd ſaidy enquere Bay thou haſt wor 
eny deffaulte / and) if thou haue exved) cozrect thy (eff and 
repent the and) af tir that repentaunce Pare thou falle nd 
more theꝛto/and) lobe thou Taunt the not of np of 4 
goode dedis ¶ (And) ſaide be that pꝛeiſeth him that doch 

le is paꝛtene: of his good) dedis © (Nnd) ſaid) accompany 
not With him chat kno Weth not him ſelf E And) ſaid) 
ſe is in gvete reſte p ref rayneth him fro ãgre l Nnd ſaid 
he is Pele diſpoſed) that cay eempre his delyng and) his 
Freche ¶ And ſaid-talte noo ſkame & here trouth of Pom 
fo euere chou hereſt it/ſoꝛ twuth is fo noble that it Woꝛſhip 
pech thoos that pronolice it ¶ nd) faidy that thmay that 
kepeth anes (ae ſhame is bettiꝛ thay the richeſſe purchaf 
ſed) theꝛby ¶ And ſaid many mey map aptzeepue faldtis 

in lhem ſelf · khat fyude fabio m aff otleꝛ ¶ nd) ſapd⸗ 
to a may that fled) Senqueff Ged from alataille/tlou doſt 
euyl to flee From the honourable wth to the ſhameffutk lpff 
¶ And fapdy he that erret h/ oꝛ he lino de the twuth ought 
the formes 6 haue ſoꝛgeueneſſe indy (aid moche Vyne g 
ſapience may not actoꝛde / for they be in maner gfrarious 
(Rnd ſatd) /ſu ffiſaun ee is a caſte chat Reeth Pyſemen 
fw euyl Berkis Gnd ſaid if he cay not eſchedde ire pet 
Rove it ſeize ¶ Ind ſaid that thing that afook leſeth cay 
neues be vecoutd But a Ax ſenay cay leſe no thing / There 
Was a foole that. blamed him / Ver fore one of his fela des 
aped him leue to auẽge him /to whom he faire /a Þpſemay pe 
ueth neue: licẽ te to do amyſſe «Andy ſard ak thinges be 
ſtrengthed) g fuſteyned by Juſtyte /g all thnges be amy 
nyſſkey e FATED) by Jniaſtice And (at aft cht thou 
voſt may not & kept gſeile/al be it / it be nat node vndez 
ſtandey it ſhalbe lenolden ee ſayd good) 
renomme is bettir thay richeſſe/ſoꝛ richeſſe Volle loſte andy 
renome Vol laſte / Sapioꝛde is a richeſſe chat Bil neuer 
faile nor Wusste, nd faire Bare the of mokenfFip for 
the Lit that is ouͤcome Nit h Ppne/16 Oke the hoꝛs that caf 
&th his maiſtre ¶ Nndp ſard take hede of the guy dyng) of 
him that thou aves gſeyle of / if he goueꝛne hym ſelf euyll 
by GRE pfore right fo Tp! ge gupde ch / fer Bp reafoy he ought 
o loue him (ef fe better thay the ¶ Andy ſaydy be Ware thou 
bꝛelie not the ſabes chat Be for the cõmone pꝛouffyt ¶ Ind 
faire pueztee is Better thay eupl gotey richeſſe. Andy ſaide 
ama Lit houte ſciece is PpRe a wyaume Vihout a kia / Rnd 
ſaid) ale ing) ought to take none to his ſezurce but ſuche as 

Be Meg preuedy afore good andy true e Ando (aidy hx tfas 
taketh ree in like don dicioy / may not make hem al his 
frendes ( (And) ſaide / e õmitte alt thy mules & god Vith 
out eny eveepaoy ¶ Ind ſard/vepute not thy ſynnes litil 
noꝛ magnifye thy good de dis for thou Hal haue new of 
chem if they Bere move] nd ſaid & his diſciples abe Wa 
re of this Woꝛlde cf Sipe if is a tfoꝛny buſſhe that thou 
muſt cer Spon ¶ nd ſaid iſe as thoos that le Woꝛdely 
Wyſe Kepe them from angre in the preſence of klxir lxng) by 
as grete veaſoy ought they to be Bare / ho de they degre them 
afore god that is & vndeꝛſt anden in euerx place for god is 
ouer a nd ſaid he that is long oꝛ le be angry / is fax 
des o azpeaſe/thay he that is lightly Broth right as the gre 
ne Bore is kottex thay the other Bhan it is Wel bymeledy/ 
Thez Were brought afore him oeꝛtu py people Vhiche ſard dy 
uezſe Jmutes to hym/he anſ ed) Af ye haue exp olheꝛ ma 
tere & Byrne of me they this / do it orellis hol de poure peas 
Theꝛ Pas gretes reueꝛẽ ce made & another may /thay to him 
Pier ſore ooh apxede him if fe hadde enp enuie theꝛat/he anſſde 
red if he ha dde more ſciẽde thay J/ ] Wolde haue ha dde eure at 
him oꝛ ellis not Nnd ſaid. ſapiẽce g goode renõme is net 
founte but m goode ꝑſones Wheꝛ fore they be better thay the gre 
te richeſſe chat is found in fooks ¢ curl propel nd ſaid 
thy ſaule ought eo thinlie Vel /g thy body bo hel pe therto 
And ſaid chat chou oughteſt Beye ſelivet 19 thy corrage dif 
outs it not (oeueꝛy mã Ind ſaid oon vnto him þ ſaVe 
him in a pure clothing this is not Socrates thus poueꝛly 
arraied Hat paue the la es bo þ peple of athẽs / oõ Bly fe 
anſ dered p true laÞ is not made by good arrapemẽt but by 

Reine reaſoy andy fepanee. Indy (apre b his Iiſciplis 
Dyſpreyſe the det h/ and ſemblably wade hit ¶ Andꝛ fay 
de a Pyſcmay ought & linowe What 16 his ſaule 
Zatoy is by inteꝛpretucioy as mode & ſeye as at 
p ded or ful filled) g Was of grece / by his faders ſyde 
le Nas of the noble eſculapi) ftnerede g by his 
dders ſpe of the kineredy of 3aloy that oꝛdeigned Diets 
lades / as it is alouẽſaide/he dwefſedy Dith ſocrates te ſpa 
& of /v/xeres. g after the deth of te (asd ſocrates he Sites 
(tow that in Egipte Were eextapy of pptagoras diſciples co 
Vhow he Vent /g proffyted) moche in lerning With them. he 
returned? thy ayen eo Nthenes /g there he oꝛdeignedy .. 
ſcoles g Bfcdp laudable lyff/ in deyng goode Berkie helping 
c nouriſſhmg the nedy peple / Nd they of Réknes Bold 
baue made him there lone he refuſed hit vtterlx for as mop 
che as he lnedde them of badde g Wikked g dycions /g Bnes 
We Welk that he coure not lightly chaũge their diſpoſteids /e 
alſo he Vyſte Wele if he ſhulde correcte them ikke as it aypers 
teyned they Vol de ſezue him as they did) ſocrates/ The ſap 
de plato lyuedꝛ Ppt. eres a may of good Bifcrecton, diſpo 
ſicioy/g right pacient /g a grete panes of his good) eo pours 
men g to ſtrangeꝛs /and he Baty many diſciples / amdge tie 
Vhiche · h. of them after his deth. that is io Bitte / zenoerd⸗ 
tes ¢ (Nriſtotiles eld) the ſcoles Qndy tho ſapdꝰ Platon 
ide be che his fappence by allegorye / to thentent that hyt 
ſhuldy not be vndezſtande but by Vytty mey · Nd) be ſexs 
ned) hit of Tymeo andy of ſoerutes /he made · vj/ boots /g 
preched? and) taught the people that they ſhulde pene graces 
and thanſtes & god for his goodeneſſts g meꝛey/g fos that 

Be made khem alk egal ty fo moche / hat be amah neuer fo 
mighty/his power cay no more /e hay if he Were apouer crea 
ture /vefiſte ayoiſt deth/ſemblably he Fad andy thanked god 
for the Witte khat he hach yeuen ko may! Andy ſaide yma 
gyne no thing bo be in him/but that that is nedfulk goode 
and) eouenabbe(] nd) ſaid) / be not couetons Spy Tore 
ky goodes / ſor god Bath oꝛdeygned) that Be chulde haue ſuf 
fiſaunce my this Noꝛlde And) fuche fuffifaunc is called) 
Sapience / The Whiche pe ought bo haue With che dꝛede of 
god · Phiche is the Repe of goodeneſſe. Ve z by ye may ottre 
and) atteyne to tfe goode and true richeſſe of this Noꝛlde /le 
uyng & do a ching) that may aꝛuſe hattered) and) euill 
Wik for andy ye Wiſt boNe ſumme thinges that ye loue g 
pꝛepſe/as eutl and) vyle / ye Wolde haue the m in more hatered 
chan loue | Rnd) ſapde. direcke andy amende pour ſelf. and 
after labour to corvecte offs and if pe do not ye ſhalbe dãp 
ned), And) J celle pou, the thing that bath made me mooſt 
gladde. Js that J haue not ſette by golde ne ſikueꝛ. for if J 
Gade ga dꝛedy grete treſoꝛ J chuld) haue hade many heuy 
tbuftes- Beweg baue noſße Joye g gladdeneſſe. Heide en 
ceſſes daily in me in lernyngſ Vyf dom. And) for to letz 
pou Wete. that goldy and) ſilueꝛ arey not good). o be oucs 
mode ſet dy + Ther is fumme tountre thé alittitk yuoꝛy 
0: Bnpeorne bone. Is Fought for a grete ſowne of gold) 
nd) in ot heꝛ places, mey take glaſſes bꝛas and) offs 
ſuche thinges. for aſmoche gold · Nndꝰ thexfore if it ere 
peꝛfptely goody of him ſelf. he ſhulde be egally Hofer, and 
louedy ouer alle like as ſapiemœ is choſey and) louedy 9 
euery Cuntte ¶ End) ſapd) . Enquere andy ſelie & 

halle Lertues /g pe (halle ſaued praiſe no foule thnigges and 
blame no thing that is laudable/g krauaile pou not for & 
inne thiges/ that (Bal lightfp be loſt / ſolowe after pour 
good predeceſſours aveape pou Vieh iuſtiee and cloth pou 
With chaſtite /g fo pe (Palle happy /e pour Verlies lauded 
And) ſard Cuſtowe is a grete (hinge Mnd ſaid the Bie 
ſted) Verlies dampne and diſtwye the good g tle bittreneſ 
fe of the aloe tre diſtroyeth the (Witteneſſe of ehe hony / nd 
ſaidꝰ. N Vyſemay ought not & think oy his loſſis Sué 
ought to ere Belt the remanaunt of his goody C And 
ſaid) le that dolh not for his frendis While fe map + they 
Pol ue him Shay he fh ue mooſt nede to them And 
ſaid) that ſapioꝛce is good; for he ary not be loft as other 
catalles and Hotel's goodes map / Nndy 16 Bas axed him 
herby aVpſe may might be knoVey-and he anſuerd Thay 
he Pol not be Broth of the munes that bey toy Into him 
and) retopſeth him not They mey pꝛeyſe him / Undo JE 
Pas apedy of hym / hodde mey might beſt de Enged) of che ir 
ennentpes/fe anſuer d for to be Leꝛtuous / and) 6 do goody 
andy noble wes ¶ nd) ſapd) & his diſciples Enfor, 
& pou & get Sens · by the Phiche pe (Pal dyreche pour 
(aula, N nd) do pour past for & ſiepe the lade m fue Bp 
fe . that pour maker may be content Vieh you ¶ And) he 
fale a pone may that had) fol de/ the lyuelode that Was oom 
him by fuceſſtoy. Andy he dyfpendedꝰ it ampſſe m ore 
e druers and) offer miſredle. To Pom he fatdy che exthe 
eteth offer men , but thy {eff eteſt the eꝛthe. And) it Pas 
apo? of him Gp it is that trefour and) Sane map 
not ac 60 gider . Andy he anfaczed) and? ſapy = 

that one thitce- look a cSpAffrs map not be dpuided (And 
ſaid) that Gehe cruſtes m his fortune / Nndd is not ſom 
What beſye and diligent to laloure in goode Berke the goo 
de reſoꝛted from hym / as doch the awode from the ſtone that 
it bath light Spo Cindy ſaid) le that techeth good fo o 
cher / and doch it not him ſelf. Js like & hym that lighleth 
acendefk & anotſcr and) goth him ſelf darbeling And 
ſaide a Binz ought not bo be gretely pra1ſed-thot repgneth 
onely but vpoy his ſubgieckes / but he aught & haue laſdde 
That reigneth and) hath lor dſh ip Spon his nnemyes 
And fapd) Be that gedꝛeth and aſſembleth mocke fifuer 
oughe not to be called) riche / but he that diſpen deth ꝛt Hor 
ſhipfully and) laudably. nd ſom aſked) him SoBe one 
micht Reve him from nede / and he anſ Neꝛed if men be riche 
let hem lyue tem perately / and) ſobꝛelp. and if they be pores 
lete hem laboure dillgentely / Thay ſome aded him of hoe 
moche goode amay ought to be content / Andy le anfBered 
& haue fo mode as he neded) nat to flatre not Bore of o 
cr dl And) (apd 6 Bie Difeepes, han ye ſſalle Tery 
of ſtudynch / ſpoꝛee pou in vedyng goode ſtories ¶ Ind 
ſay de / that the Byfemary ought not to doue ite th rhe 
fe of his frende / eſt he be Faced) and) diſpreyſe him ther 
fore ¶ Nnd) ſayde / Nlittiſt goode is a grebe thing if thou 
be content tler With Nnd ſapd/it is bettir and amore co 
uenable thing) Eo aint, / & vememhꝛe and) ſe & the goode 
gouernaunce of his people the ſpace of aday / thay for bo 
dauncs g ſpoꝛte hym a bole pore ¶ Nd ſapd Texſtrs won by 
Nyſ dom cauſech kino ſblege of thingis g them diſcreteli to vif 
terne / and Verſies woy by ignoꝛãee is ay vnlenolden thing 

til (wu ſtable g ſette lhem in there right Ley / g Noꝛltis 
wor by leſingis is for to diſoꝛdꝛe goode thiges /g put them 
oute of t&ir propre place ¶ Andy faire thou (Balt neuer be 
pacioit Whylk chou aꝛt oouetous / And) it Vas aſked ham 
holde he might haue ler ned) fo mode Vyſ dom /he anſuezdy by 
cauſe ] haue putte more oille iy my lampe bo ſtu die by thay 
yy in my arppe · And) it Bas axed) of him hat may is 
mooſt couenable to goueꝛne a tone / And) he anfuerd) he 
that «ty Bele gouerne him ſelf/ And it Bas alſo axed of 
him That may Nas mooſt Woꝛthy bo be called) Byſe andy 
he anſuexdꝰ he that taketh mooſt fre bo goode conſc ile andy 
cafteth mooſt dowtes ¶ Andy ſayd) that the Veſſels of 
golde be pwued) and) FnoVey by thair ſo dne Af they be bro 
key oꝛ hole /ſoo as mey proued) andy linodey by tleir ſpe; 
che if they be Vyſe oꝛ fooles / Nndy It Vas aved) him Whiz 
che be the mooſt Ignorant men in their dedis · And he ſaid 
ſuche as Werlte mooſt after their one donſeyle/and) that 
obeye & them ſelf · and) for deffault of goode Wutſement 
Diſpoſe hem haꝛdely & do Pyliltid) dedes Ind) they af ed 
him Pho woth mooſt Wrong & him ſelf, Nnd he ſard) he 
that meſh him to thoos that he ought not; (Nndo ſaid⸗ 
tle ignorãt peple Jugeth lightly the farreneſſe oꝛ the HEH 
that they ſe out Waꝛde. g the Vyſemay Jugeh by hat, that 
thy fc of mannes cOopaons nde {arty he findet h fa 
prince that ſeketh her Sp the right Pepe , and) many ere 
by cauſe they ſelie her vn duely and blame leꝛ Without cauſe 
End faire he tat is ignorant of good ſapiẽd e inoÞeth 
not him ſelf, « he that no wech not him ſelf is of alk ig⸗ 
norauntis te mooſt ignoruunt. N nd he is Wfe that kno; 

Werth Janoraumer and) be that knoVetH if nol is ignorãt 
And) ſapdy Wine le (Bae ya ſe Rnd ſid 
Ele bm reſembleth & a grete Ppupre groÞpnag) of lic 
and) ſmale rempng Watves and) (le ꝛfore if he be (Tete the 
Gal ſhulde be ſPete , nd if Be be ſalt the litik ſhulde be 
ſalt End ſaid) be Wele Ware chat in lataille thou truſte 
not alk onely in thy ſtrength diſpreyſing) thyy natural 
Witte cauſeth vickorie Withoute maht/but vnuethe ma 
mey haue vickorie by ſtrength Vit houte Se of natural We 
And) ſapd) Voꝛdes Wit houte goode effect , is lilte a grete 
Batre that dꝛodneth che people andy web it ſelf no pwuf⸗ 
fyt URndp ſaide a fuſpectious may is of euyl oon dicions 
andy lyueth in ſows ¶ Nnd) ſaid) be not Wyll ing to Sle 
ey Woꝛdely deleckaciõs / into the tyme that pe ſe Vhether Wit 
te and) reaſoy graunte theꝛto / (Nnd) if thieſe t o a coꝛde 
thou maiſte Mele and) lightky RnoWe the faireneſſe / and 
che fil th thewf. nd) in Bhat Vyſe they varie · and) That 
difference is let dene em And) ſaydꝛ · The Peames 
aren ſomtyme loft by neglygenee nd) ſomtyme for vſing 
to moche Jdel neſſe and) alſo by bo grebe kruſtyng ty fertu 
ne + ¶ kſo Whay mey enbende not to encreſe tfe people to ms 
habybe che lande. (Nndy allo Ney Werte laſteth long) ther 
jy Und) ſaidy The ende of Indignacioy is to be acha⸗ 
medꝰ of him ſelf + And) Jt Das apedꝰ Spry hoe & Wp, 
ſemay coud be twubledꝰ And) he anſuerd) · Whan he is 
compelled) to & th twuth of ay vnlinoldey khync & 
yy Bind fapdy , Wi Hou fake fe (Rmay of 
good) diſpoſicioy , and full of parfecpon* thou ought & 
do after hym + Fox couetiſe is tothe Welie and (eRe m Spy 

& wafer him / for oouetiſe is Bote Teſte andy fee 59 him 
aa fard,oifprxife not alitsk thing fox it map encreſ 

ſen (Xnd7 ſaid) Blame not nos vebulie omen By ſe is 
Proth, fot Bry thou mapeſt not directe him ¶ & nd ſaid 

le not gladde of the euilk fortune of another for thou Eno 
Belt not hoe che Bozkre may tourne apgiſt che Cl Andy 
ſayd ſtable thy Nitte Boeke at thy right hande and thy left 
| (Andy thou alt & Feel And) ſaid / klxre is thre thmges 
that wth me bazme bo fe that is bo ſape / N ude may fall 
in puertee sa Woꝛſhipfulk may diſpraiſed) / and) a Bp 
may moſtſed) andy ſcoꝛned) by ignoraunte people (And 
ſaid) not ry feliſſhip ates ce mey for -n00 goo 
de that they ory promiſe Heel N nd) ſaid) Thay a ropaume 
is in profpenite -Couctife is bounde & He King Vlay it is 
m & / the leg is bounde bo couetiſẽ N nd ſaid/ Co 
utte not that thy chung / bey haſtily don Bul deſire onely that 
they be Te nd fad amay ought to be better dontẽt 
@ is more Bounr bo his pꝛinte / ſoꝛ coy ae Text of hym 
thay if offer ha dde geuen him grete gift is ¶ N nd ſaid/tlx 
gyftes that & yeuen to the goode people af bith vetribucioy 
lie giftes that be xeuey bo the noghty people ouuſeth tem 
but to afGe more nd ſaid the Vilibtideneſſe ſolo wet h 
after th Viited mey/ g diſpraiſeth all goodeneſſe Ake as 
khefkye that ſetteth ler Spon corrupt thiges /g leuech the [the 
te flodres . nd ſaid haſte hou not to pꝛeyſe np thing vn 
& the tyme / that thou knoddeſt if it be Voꝛthy/for to be prap 
ſed or not] Ind ſaid) that a Byſemi ought not & exal te 
him ſelf byfore the vucẽning bub mebte him a thanke god? 
that it Bath pleaſed him bo exal te him in or /g put peine to 

brcnge hy out of his Janorance in the Bape of righe dy 
ſeneſſes g cortefie for if he ſhulde redukte him Famefully it 
ſhuld be cruel te g to iſtructe him eaſely is Wurteiſie / Nnd 
fard that. j. diſpute rs diſputing a argunc) , for & haue 
ſino lech of p trouth of a chig /haue no cauſe to be Twieh 
to gidre for tle ir queſtioy fallet h eo oo cõcluſioy / bul g if 
the one thmieth fcr to gquere the other/they may haue ligh⸗ 
telp hate d) to giter , for as mode as ich of them Volle 
berge his feladde & his one entente g fo to fubdue his opp 
spor] And ſaid Thay thou Wilt borobe oꝛ axe np thing) 
of any may if it le refuſed the chou ought & be mow aſſa; 
med of thiy af Binney thay Be of his refusll nd ſaid hy thut 
Ky not noꝛ Wil couerne him ſelf is not able to gouerne 
many other ¶Nnd fard a Pyſcmay ought to aſke air eyſe 
ly g meſiely /g Vith fre Voꝛdis Ake as the leche that va, 
eth more bloode of a may meliely g Pithout noyſe thay 
doch cle ſincerolle that pricketh faſter malielh more noyſe 
And ſaide amay of feble courage amoyeth hem lightly of 
that he Guts ſaid en force thy ſelf to knoVe god/e 
dꝛede Hiya prone the for to RnoWe thy ſelf tko 6eche offer 
andy rales to do fo thay to beſy the » thy other daily oxu 
conc Windy ſaid) Defive no thing of god / but the is 
p:ouffptable but deſire of him the good) that is durable Lo, 
ue te the goode lyff here / but principally the good) 
ene Windy ſaid) he 45 Inhanpy that gtinueth m his mali⸗ 
& g thinketÞ not oy his <1 nd) ſaide velien not thy 
getting in thinges that bey from the / ne tarp not bo do for 
ery that haue won for Fer til they aſbe the / the redompenſe 
(Rnd) ſaid) , He is not Levep Pyſe that gla ddelh oꝛ 

reropſed him in Voꝛdely pꝛoſperitees sand is kroubled in D 
uerſitees ¶ N nd Es fil th of Woꝛdely Witte is no 
Bey in moche ſpeche “1 Ind ſaid · firſt thinke g af tir dard 
ſpelie x thay execute for thinges cha unge lighely ¶ Andy 
ſald. angre th: not ſodeynly for if thou acuſtune it · it Dole 
bourne ones bo thy harmes U Ando ſaid, If thou & Wil 
ling & peue eny thing & enp ne dy body. carp not till & mo 
wulde. for thou kno0eſt not What may fal to the. nd 
pene & him that a not labour ne cote his lining ¶ N nd 
ſaid be not Lyfe onefy ny ſeyng but in dedes · ſor the ſpeche 
Vaſteth in the Woꝛld) g ehe ſapiende of dedis/is pꝛouffita 
ble in che euer laſting Berto (And ſaid · our loꝛde accep 
&th him for noble · that wth goode Verſiis though he be pe 
aſible of litle Voꝛdes + and reputeth for emit th pꝛateres g 
ſacrifices that hey woy by euiſk people ¶ And ſaid · If chou 
Paboure & wo coow, thou ſhalt cher ſore ſuffre no peyy ! for 
if thou Saft dilectacioy to do ſpye , ep dileckacioy ſhall 
1 @ be none / and thy fynne ſhall abide euer Nith ehe 
nd ſaid haue in mynde th: Supe that thou ſ halbe called 
to thy Jugemẽt /e fou ſtake here nothing gz thay thy elatte 
ryng tounge ſhalbe ſtitk · che thought ſhal fuck the thpy yen 
ſtalbe wake, and thpy humanite ſ halbe cõfumed in bo the 
erthe/and thy Bitte fo corrupt , chat thou ſhalt haue no po 
Wer & fele a+ ſtenche of thy body. nor loVe the Noꝛmes 
ſhall fuke thy wten Eavepy / Alſo haue in mynde the place 
Whee thou ſhalt goo · che loꝛdis andy the ſezuauntis (Balke 
alle like iy the ſayd) place + and) the ter may not her 
frende ne foo hurt nor hel pe the © And cher fore ler; 
ne good) ferences andy. diſciplyne + for thou ſ halt not 

node Whar thy depaꝛting out of this Noꝛl de ſpalbe and 
be certapy that amongis aff the peftes of god-ſapimee 
is the mooſt exellent, ſt yeueth goodeneſſe o te good prple 
par donneth & the Tiſiſied their Wibliedneſſes. thinke g 
— in thy mie gtinually that thou haſte ado /g truſt not 
in eny thingis of this moeuaeble Bory, le Pele Ware that 
thou do no foule dedis · ſoꝛ no deleckacioy not Win ingis. g be 
Ware that for the Vrria ble placſailees of this Wililted Voꝛl d 
chou leſe not the ioyfulk g euealaſt inc) blyſſt ¶ Rudy faire 
loue fapionce vnde: ſtande g herſien the Byſemey ¢ be obeyſ⸗ 
fant to thy forte Bore not but iy due tyme · g pet cake le; 
de pode thou ſhalt do it /lole that thou ſap no Bore Seon 
uenient /g be not pꝛoddde for no richeſſts · ne deſpeire the not 
for noy aut fortunes le Bek Diſpoſed) to alk peple/ g diſ⸗ 
pꝛayſe no may for his melteneſſe nd? ſaid) chat chou 
reputeſt no vice in thy ſelf Blame not another though he 
doch it. 2 thou ought not to deſire & be pꝛeyſed) of dertues 
that be not m che /ne do no ſuche ching ee thou Vol deſt bla 
me or diſpraiſe another if he dyd) it / Thou muſt do ſuche 
thingis as been good x coutnable though they be forkorey te 
And ſaide & Pyſeman ought & repute his errour grete 
& his good de dis itil ¶ And) fardy afolpe is bo ul the vy 
nes /: tale a Bey the euil Branches rf g fo leue Pithm 
our ſelf ehe oouetiſes. g offer Wililtidneſſes ¶ nd ſaid li; 
Re as We Reps our ſelf From the mul titude of metes for th 
helth of our body / De ought by a grete reaſon & abſtein vs 
from Biers for ch ſatiacion of oure faults ¶ Nndp faire he 
chat Dreth & his gen til neſſe nobleſſe Vith good manets 
and) eon dictons is Porthy to be pꝛayſedꝰ. Ind) le thas 

eakeh and ſuffiſe th him conly Beth te gentik neſſe that co 
meth to him by hys ynred) /-Nithoute purthaſſenc) erp 
othes Wn oe no & de bach fefa & Ro 
noble ¶ Nnd) ſapd) if thou fele thy ſelf more true bo t 
bync / than e chat 0 be bey liſte o ter 
res o7 leſſe/yet᷑ thou ought not to he therof/ſoꝛ thin 
ax laſt in) randy fo az not theires Gnd ſapd/ f orp ba 
ue enuie at the /and) by exe (arth emi? of the Sete not 
kbeaby/and) thou Bale haue yeas With hym/ſoꝛ he ſeketh 
not but for co haue nopſe ith the Rad ſapd) mey ought 
o kepe Tele their halidapes / that is to Bitte pꝛinci pally from 
euil doying ) And) ſaid) /t he more that thou art eval ted 
in high aftate the more thou ought to & melie and) ater 
fe (o th people & He ende-that their loue may abyde With 
eRe if orp thing ſhul de befalk ehe. offer Bpfe thay Bele 
nd) ſapd) onneth may amar Reve the _—_ frẽ 
des /if he Wo correct him ru dely of his faul tes And 
ſaid) a Ppſemay ought for to cheſe goode men to & his ſex 
uauntes / Fike as men cheſe the goode grounde for to la 
four hit 
| iſtocle by inte ꝛp tacion in grelles Saco ful fil 
dp 07 complete of goodeneſſe / nd he Was fore 
& Michomadus / th Vhiche Bas right donnyng 
in fifihe and a good ſiſiciey / z Vas Srey in the CoBne of 
Stagree-and) he Vas of the kinred) both by his fa dirs fp 
de/ and) by his mo dirs ſpe of Eſculapius of ele Vhiche le 
ve hyfoꝛ bath bemade mencion for he Was in his kyme the 
mooſt eveeſlent Nard) che beſt of alk the arelies / and Bay 
the ſayde ariſtotle Pas. vi. xeres of age his fadir putted⸗ 

him in the cite of &tle nes that thay Bas willed) the Cy; 
te of Vyſ dom. andy there he Kenedy Gram are Tetorilie 
andy other boolies of poetrie. udp therm he ſtudyedo / the 
ſpace of. ig. peres prouſfyting) gretelp thexty / And m 
tos dayes mey ſette moche ſtore by the foreſapte ſcience s 
and Das their oppmioy that it Vas the laddre & go vp in 
& alle offer ſciendes / (Nud) ceꝛtayn offs Vpſe men at ehe 
fame tyme as (Pptacroras and pytoras and) dpuets offs 
reputed) and? held) the fapdy ſciendes for no ſtieides g did 
But molie and) ſtoꝛne the um that lerned them / Saying that 
fudhe ſcymce as Gramare Peboriſ and) poetrye / Bere not 
oouenable to come to eny Vyſ dom / nd) that Gramare 
is not but fer co teche the childeren / Poetrye but for to bell 
fables andy & make leſynges / Ketorilte for & ſpelie faire 
and) in &rmes , (And) Way Ariſtotle haꝛde this Woꝛdes 
he had) grete meꝛueyle theꝛof / and) Bas gretely agreued) 
Weh fuche as kla eh fame oppnyoy*Aind) ſtrength ſin 
aftes his power & ſuſteyne alle manere of Gramaryens 
(fe petes andy allo tie Letoricians And) ſapdy pleinty 
that Sapience cay not evcuſe Bor of the ſaydꝰ Seiendes for 
Peaſoy is ay Inſtrument of Byte as It apperech open, 
ly +that linoſdync of exp thyng) is bo vſe of Feaſoy/and 
this pꝛeroga tiue / Phyche cody Fad) peuen & men is right 
noble and) Dfoꝛchy to tlentenbe that amongis the mey 
Be ſhuld) be holdey for the mooſt Moble and) moſt Byfe 
that more $ſeth of reaſoy . (Nndy that better andy mo, 
we couenably receyueth in hys ferte thynges + And? 
telleth hem i place and) tyme oduenable. N ndd for as 
mode as Sap ienet is mooſt noble of alle offer thinges 

ſte ought to be declared) by te beſt rapſoy and) coucrable 
— the Ie = (Goré Bones that 
Gary be wy Nit hout ezwur or letting) the ſenfence fos is the 
weaſoy be fpolity inpaꝛſeitely the name of Viſ dom if loſt 
cheꝛby/and fo is the ſpelteꝛ ty fate Andy fo te herezs re 
ſtey in doldte of the ſentende / Nndp af tir that ariſtobeles 
boſdde khe ſcintces alouey ſaid) he leꝛned) of plato m aplace 
Called) Epidenie Echilies and) the. iijj ſciences theologi 
bes / and at that cyme he Bas. x vn peres of age / and Thay 
plato Went che ſecõd tyme into Ceale/fe left Nriſtotiles y 
his place 9 the faire cone of Epidenie / Jn the Vhiche he 
taught ehe ference andy lexned it and after the deth of platy 
the Gong phelipe of macedopne ſent fos ariſtotilles Thicke 
Pen & him in madꝛdoyne and) tex d dell edꝰ Vith him du 
ring his kyff teching contymally the ſaidy feroree andy af 
tir the wth of king) pheliſpe Reigned) his fone Nlexan dre 
ehe grete (Nnd) Thay Nlex andre wprstedy from mate doy 
ne for $0 go into the Countre and) vegioy of Wiſe thoo ve 
furned? Nriſtotitk to athenes and) there he Welled)+ x. 
peres ſtudying til that he heavy aſouuera iy cleꝛſi/g apreeft = 
acuſed) him by enuie to che Cite zins bell inc hem that he 
Voꝛſhipped) not the ir pdolles like as other people dide as 
that tyme Wherof aciffotit Vas Duertiſed) andy haſtikx 
depurted) Fro Nehoes and Went into ß ne of ſecagire 
Where ſe Was borne ſering that Hep of Nth:nes Bold fa 
ite don to him as they dide to ſperates if he had dBelledy 
enger Vith theym Bid he oꝛdeigned) aplate 9 ſetagere 
There he helde and liept the ſcoles peuing many good in 
ſtructions to the people Nnd occupied) the tyme in goode 

WHE. Windy paue grebe aſmeſdedis Eo youre people. andy 
maried many pure chil dꝛey that Ber fa dir and modir lees 
and) he taught lenignelp alle tho that Wolde ſtudye That 
aſtat oz nacioy that euer they Ver of / and ediffied ¢ bil ded 
nelle apey the ſaid) Cite of ſtagire and) therm oꝛdeigned 
laddes · and) paue inſtructions to kmgis and) prmas Thy 
che they Cooke andy Rept right veuerentely + and) af tir he 
deyde in the age of lxin · yeris · they of Stagire ole his lo 
nys and) right Po:ſhipfully put hem ma ſhryne Wer hep 
held) their oounſcile for his grete Bitte / and alſo for the ave 
te and) ſeruent loue that they hadde & him · and as often 
tymes that they ha dde ado eny grete matere for to haue the de 
claracioy cbwf. the mey Thiche Were of counfcik Bolo go 
and) ſtande as nigh che faire ſhreyne er te bonys Tere 
as they code for to haue knoWſege of ÿ trouth of their ma 
tere. and) thus they did for to Woꝛſhip him the more. and 
their opimons and) Keep truſt Ver for onely beyng nygh 
the ſaid) ſhryne their Bretes ſhulde be the bectie andy their 
vnderſtan dyng) more pure andy ſubtik . (Ando the ſaid⸗ 
Mriftoti€ Grove in his tyme many kmges ſones that Wer 
his diſciples · and) he made in his dayes Wele ay · C. booltis 
of ch Bbiche Be ſaue noe, vp Bip Cowie, S h. h nate 
re the Book of Ethil + Book of polltiß the booke of Methy 
ſiſilie · that is named) theologilte and) the Bookie of th Wit 
tes of geometrie / and) platoy rebulied) him bicuuſe that hy 
Protte his ſciences in Bookie / bo Phom he ſaid) in eveuſing) 
him that it is athing Bnolber and) notified) ynoſße . that 
ale cho that loueth ſciente ought to do nothing that ſhulte 
quſe the loſſe of her Nndꝰ therfore Jt is good to compoſe 

and) malie Bookie by the Vhiche ſeitee ſbalbe lerned/ z Bray 
our memorie (Fal faple it ſbolbe vedouered by meane of Boos 
Bis for fe that ag ſerenee (BAP not proffite ry hit though | 
it & fo that he ſe the fookie g biholde hem yet (Gal he ſette not 
By it / but depaxte Wore ¢ leſſe Vyſe thay he Was « fore. g J 
haue made and oꝛdeigned) my lookis ny ſuche forme that che 
Wyſe mey (Bal lightly g aifely vnderſtande ſem but te is 
noraumt mey (Bab haue but Gal auaple bo hem Nndꝰ th 
ſaide Nriſtotiles Golo gladly in his hande ay Inſtrument 
of the ſciẽce of the beate) ſaid to bing (Nlipandre 
he that bath m this Voꝛlde good g laudable name g the er 
of god ought eo afGe ne deſire non other thing ¶ And (ard 
thus & him / directe thy ſelf firſt for if thou he not iuſte ho 
Ve maiſt chou Bele direct thy peole . g if thou be m exrour 
thou canſt neuer gouerne hem Vele/ſor a pouer may ory not 
make another vie, he that is diſ Woꝛſ hipped) ory not Thor 
ſhip auother/ he that is right feble may not hel pe another /g 
fo map not goodely ne Bele ap may directe anotler. but 
I he dyrecke him ſelf firſt, And) tHe xfore if chou Bol take 
of the fil thes From other /clenſe thy ſelf firſt 102 ellis thou 
(halt be as the leche that is (eRe g any not bel him ſelf and 
Erxueilet bo Bele offes that haue the fame ſekeneſſel Ando 
ſaid) It is a grete chaſtiſement to ehe peple bo haue a right 
Wps Lordy . End) Je is a grete corrupcioy Sito theym & 
haue a corrupt andy myſruled) Bona ET Chuo fapy Bere 
che fro couetiſe for chou dicghteſe & thinſi and) vemembre 
Wele chat Je is not laudable thync) & baue rpcheſſes m 
this Told, and ſhame iy the offer ſexing that this Woꝛld⸗ 
is no more but onefp alaytyng) place for 60 go by th 

offer Borkoe ¶ And) ſaid/ f tou Bol be vide fuffiſe che 
With fuche as thou haſt / for le that bath not fuffiſaunce cary 
neuer be riche That goodes tat euer le harh ; (Nndp ſayd) 
If it Were fo that by ene doyng It ſhulde fortune the to ha⸗ 
ue ſom good /g by Bele doyng to haue ſom harme/yet ofthe Be 
the an? orellis thou ſ halt be deceyue d atte laſt g euir do Be; 
le g atte Caſt thou (Balt be remuneredy ther fore ¶ Ind fays 
de / ſuche thinc) as thou pꝛayſes Spon thyſelf blame it not 
vpon another. and do not hing to other / but as thou Noldeſt 
it Ber wy to the -refrapy thyy olbne Wille / hace not offer 
mey / be not oruious / and) haue hym not ny Indignacioy 
that hath offeiſedy the fox no may ary ſomtyme eſchedde ex; 
wur / be not oouetous for couctife lettith the mines reaſoy / 
taleth aVepe the knolege of teouth / do not Sncouenable 
Werkis ake compapme Vieh Pyſe mey and ſtudie in their 
Bookia / fle fines, for the lyeꝛs lyeth not but for vnlino⸗ 
Ving of reaſoy-and of her ſaules / the left harme that cay fall 
& alper / is (hat no may bileueth him of nothing that fe 
9 may may bettir be Pare of a the ffe Gay 
of alper « (Andy ſapdy the hertis of goody people accozdeth 
Gaiters Ake as winta Bate With che Vatre of th ſee, x 
che her tis of euik people ary not lighely accoꝛde/all be it that 
ep be foodies / as che vnreaſonable beſtes that playe g lope 
gde formyl flle & fighting I Ende ſoit p orwigne 
chat pour offices and) auckoritees bey peuen to theym that 
Fourth e foloſdeth er outh g right dyſnes andy cauſe chery to 
haue rigowus peynes ß bey har me does g loueth falſhode x 
deſepeioy ¶ Ind ſaid/ If pe haue Vee in ary thing counſeile 
you to Byſemey gg if they diſpraiſe you therof be ye ne Broth 

theꝛſore/and) if amay hach ſom Bree g beſtoe that Fath ma⸗ 
ny L2tues pe ought not ehe rſore to lete to aſlie him co eile 
Andy ſaide many may (Bal loch lette ¢ Exouble the thas 
cary not hel pe the 2 (ard Juſtice is « meſure the BGs 
che god) bath oꝛdeigned) vpoy the eꝛthe by the Thiche the fe 
ble is defended) fron the myghey / and the true from the 
vntrue ; Ind faire the Vpſe may lnoſdeth What ignorẽ⸗ 
& is in af mode as ſomtyme he Gath bey ignorant but the 
ignorant Was neuer Bok cher fore he BnoWeth not What 
is Vyſ dom Andy ſaid eo Nlexãdte / ther be many litil bes 
ſineſſes in thy wyame g many grete ¢ generalk « if ſou pe 
ue poudir & eny pſone Spon ehe grete / z thy ſelf & ocupie che 
litik chou ſ halt Wele Witte g poepue that gvete domage ſhal 
cherby fall & che in tyme compra if it falleth not forsee 
(Rnd ſaid liberalite is to pene bo ne di peple oꝛ (o him þ bath 
deſeruedꝛ 1€/fo that the gift be aftar the poſſibilite of the ye 
uer for he that peueth ouer reaſoy ought to be called Balter 
6 not Feral And ſaid) ſapiẽc is the defenſe of ehe ſaule 
¢ myreour of veafor Nhe r fore be is right bleſſed that traueil 
eh eo haue her for ſhe is the fodemẽt ¢ p mote of at noble 
dedes E laudable thingis ¢ by her De may Pine the good en 
de ar do eye vs From peyne euerlaſtẽg Mundy ſatd O alex 
andre if thou Ve thy puoi and lordſhip other Vyſe Fay 
chou oughteſt to do · thou ſhalt be enutedy of muie (Gal tom 
leſingis -of leſingis ſal om Ininſtier g amemptee / of In 
iuſtic and) ennemptee ſ hal oom bataile. and by kataylle the 
lade ſhal be periſſſydꝰ. the people hurt. andy thy pſſeſſrons 
foſt + Gut if ebou fe + By lordſhip as tſou oughtet 
& do twuth (Bal encreſſe in thy Vopaume of trouth 

ſha k come Juſtice*of Juſtice Coucrof loue grete pefkis · g ſu · 
retie by the Vhiche · lle lalde · the people andy thy good) fra 
be mapntpned) g enerece Andy ſaid) he that makeh his 
Fopaume ſeruaunt to the la We ſhalk reigne /g he that taketh 
@ put out tle lade from ehe wyame ſ hall not reigne ¶ Nndy 
(ard, & king ought to be of goode ¢ ſtrong courage /o re; 
meb:e Wele the ende of the Berks, g to be our boys a fre · g 

to refrapy his Breath Whee it apparteigneth andy ſhewe hit 
Where it nedeth/& Beye him from eouetiſe to be true to co / 
uerne him as nygh as le may aftir his goode predeceſſous 
& yeue & his mey as they haue deſeꝛued). to deffende 2 lie pe 
the lade g the feith · g euir to do Bele af tir his might / ¢ if 
the ſtrength of his 65 faile him the nne to Rope the mighe 
of his coracre-Þy the Vhiche he ſ halbe the more aſſured iy all 
his ne dis (And) ſaid) che ling that gouerneth him e his 
waume Wel 8p his Myſ dom Js Woꝛthy to be greetly praiſed 
c fauded) ¶ And ſaid) b Nlexandte / ſeche to Pynne the riz 
cheſſes that be not trã ſitories. the lyf that is not moeuable 

ehe kiyngdõ that ary not be taker aldeye from the. x the euer 

laſt ing Joye. + be pite fir but not ſomoche that thou ſtãde in 
daumqgiez cherby / do pugnicioy ( Juſtide & thaim that haue vez 
ſerued) it Vit hout delay krauaille th & fortiffie th la Be 

for m that is the loue g dꝛede of god. g They thou ſ halt be cõ⸗ 
pelled) to take vẽgeaunſe of chyn Inemp put it not ouer tif 
another tape for the foꝛtune. g oon diciõs of this Wꝛol de mo; 
eue g chaunge oftẽtymes ſodaynely ¶ And ſaid thou ought 
not & hate him that ſaith the ſothe nor to chide him that Bey 

eth the ferthe but he chat (Bal do cõtrarie to che feithe be chou 
bis 6tnemp Vith af the poder of thy vopaume ¶ nd fair 

It is bettir tha thou correcke thy ſelf and amende the aftir 
the evemple of thy predeceſſours thay thy ſu ceſſours ſhuld 
amend hem aftir the evemple of the (And? ſaid Woꝛſhipre 
the goode men g theꝛby thou ſhalt haue the loue of the people 
andy ſette not al thy Wil m this Woꝛld) in ele Phiche hou 
maiſt not long abyde nv (aire Woꝛſ hippe ſapiẽer x For, 
tiffie it by good) maiſtris Viſciples g ſcolers / Woꝛſ hip hem 
paye for the ir expencis g Reve hem of thy houſehold) / af tir 
that chou ſtukt ſe they (tall preuffyted e ſped) ty the ſion 
ce Nd) thou ſhalt fynde that grete pwuffyt @ Vo: ſhip (5° 
dom to the tlerfore 6(Nnd? ſaidyle is of bygge g ſtrong) 
dorage of good) diſerecioy g laudable feith / that bereth pra, 
entelp alk his duezſitees for a may oxy not be Enoben in 
his proſperyte ¶ Nndp (aid thou ought & thinbe that tle 
Webefe of alk thyy oinemyes is ſiwonger thay thy ſelf 
nd) ſaxdꝰ thou ought & cheriſſhe thy kenightis g thy 
pomanry/and to haue hem in as grete loue m Epme of peas 
as in tyme of Verre/ſoꝛ if thou ſette litil by them in tyme 
of pas / they (Bal forſake the Whay thou (Pale haue more ne 
de of hem ¶ Nndp ſaide the gretteſt provffpe tat tou canſt 
do in thy ropame is to talte albepe tle Tyklird prple/2 bo re 
Barre the goode And) ſaide a may 16 of ank g dia oy that 
fake no Bore but to the Brees g fabees of offer yy diſprey⸗ 
ſing of them ¶ N nd ſaid Voꝛſ hipful deth 26 bett thay (ho 
meful liff Indy ſaid the ſapiẽce of a may of lodde ware 
is Woꝛſhip g the felie of him that is of high ware is aſſame 
e auarict is the thig that talteth a Wey the na me of gen til⸗ 
neſſe (And ſaid the good price ought eo gotine th pple as 
his goody p debeſſours haue wy or 6 cheriſſte the good) 

and) true peple more tay his kreſour oꝛ offer Noꝛdely goo⸗ 
des / and bo delite him 9 that / that he Gath right dyſly / 2 

not Vwoug fully ¶ And) ſaid no may ought & & aſſha med 
to do Juſtiœ/ſoꝛ if the Eing be not iuſtꝛcial he is not Enigy 
But he is violent and ra pax ¶ Nndy ſaid) te Bhs mey 
oleye for dꝛede/and) the goode fot cheire goodeneſſe ¶ Nndꝰ 
ſaid) mey ought & do Pele to the good) peple ¢ to chaſtiſe 

che Wileltid) by rigour  Wnd) ſaid) Brash ought not & 

be to ſtaꝛp ne & . Rete / and) he Brotte ay epifto® & Whey 
andꝛe / that che Sines been Woꝛſ hippedy foꝛ · ij. thinges that 
is to Witte for inſtructioy of good) la des / ſot conqueſtes of 
landes ¢ wgions and for to propliſſe x diſtwye deſertes x 

1 he Brotte alſo & al ꝛpãdꝛe that he ſhulde 
not be Will ing to correcte alt mẽnes fa Wies to rige wuſely 
fox it lith not entierky in mannes poder bo Bere him from 

doying eupk / g ther fore it is good ſotyme to foꝛpeue errours 
g if it E 5 that of nede pugnicioy muſt be don / mey ought 
& ſhelbe hat theydo it by copulſtoy & amẽde g pugniſſhe te 
errours g not in manere noꝛ — of vẽgeaunde/g he ſa⸗ 
Be a may that ade his hand ſmpttey of for thefte hs hy 
had) wy ¶ Nnd he ſaid for aſmoche as that may lad Ber 
From offer fuche as Vas not tet oſõne men haue talen from 
him ÿ/chat Bas his Nnd ſaid thou maiſt not fo Welt cate 
fe thy peple & loue the as bo cheriſſhe hem g (Bebe hem right 
Pyſeneſſe /g if chou dooſt the contrary though thou haſt te 

loꝛdſhip of their bodies thou Faſt not the loꝛ dſhip of Chew her 
tis ne of the ir oour ages /g that ſhalt thou finde Phay thou 
calleſt vpoy their ſeꝛ uiſe at ty nede Vherfor it is a crete da 
gieꝛ for al ing to do ſuture and do make his peple hate him 

And ſaid he is right Fypy ß tay chaſtyſe him ſelf tab g ex 
emple by other / Ind ſard ſo: tifie pour faults Wit h good de 
des g departe pou from couetiſes Vhich diſtropeth the feble co 
rages Ther is nothing) that malieth amay leſſe & 
be ſette by/t hay to pꝛeyſe g loſte him (elf of his goode de dis 
(Nud it Was aped of him That is ele cauſe that Biſemen 
Bol not be Trotfe g np may Bol beche fy, Ando he anf 
uerd for aſmoche as Byſemen leno den that ſciẽer is a right 
pꝛoffitable chig / Nnd ſaide he that Rol not nor y not do 
Tele atte Left ought to Reve him from euil doyẽg rid ſaid 
bo his diſciples lolie chat ye laue /iiij/ eres / ij/ſor to alice 
6 lerne ſeimas x ihe @ ohn g the other -y fox pour 
other Worrely beſineſſes The mooſt ꝓfitable ching) to 
te Poꝛld) is the det h f th euil peple, nd ſaidy a may 
map not be fo Thele knoVey as in grebe auckorite / Ind (ard 
in all thicgs the eſt quãtite is the lighter to ere fauf oneky 
in ſtiẽces/for Be that Gath mooſt theꝛof the lighteꝛ map bere 
it And it Bas aped of him Nhat Nas the mooſt eouenable 
chig fox a diſtrete may to haue / Nnd he anfuerd that / hat 
ſhuld abide Wich him if he Ver af arppedy out of a dꝛodned 
(Grp in ele ſee/Nnd ſaid mey ought bo loue do lerne the eſs 
of tle ſciccis as the bees loue the (Beret of the floures / g h 
had a noble e Worſ hipful heritage of Be Which he lete offer hs 
ue the gounace Wol d not go ther him ſelf / And it Was 
axed him the gauſe / And ix anfuerd that he tat ofteneſt 
goth & fc his heritagis hath more diſpleaſirs / And ſaid 
the koge of a foole is the hep of his ferret / And ſad to one 
that Was ſloſothfutk and Bold) not lerne /ſithen thou Bol 
not take the peyne for eo Gene , thou (Pale haue che peyne 

to be led e vncõnyng. nd ſaid eps the fon the feliſFip 
of him that ſino eth not him (ef f+ Tho that bey 
daply enclened g vtteꝛly diſpoſed to Lites may not encveſ 
fe in good ne proffpte in ference, Nnd ſaide if thou ol bas 
bun done to thy body al His Wil thou ſhalt be the Borfe both 
in helth g in all other thinges g atte aſt thy ſaule ſ halbe 
dampned) theꝛfore ¶ He that is entierkp enefpndy & do 
for micacioy may not be pꝛayſed ne eome to good ende / Nnd 
(aid a meꝛy may Bol not lighely be Broth, «& N l. 
feral may may not Bele & oruious / ne a couctous may cd 
tent With his richeſſe. And ſaid the may is preued ( tsp 
ed) by his Werkis as the gold by the fyer. One of his diſ 
aples made & him ay auk ræpoꝛt of one of his felabes. 6 
hoy he ſaid ] Wol not beleue thyy euil Woꝛdis apen(t thy 
felade nor ] Wil not beleue his an? Woꝛdes ayẽſt the nd 
ſaid like as te rapy may not proffite to the doꝛne ß is ſa; 
Den vpoy tle Drpe ſtones/nomore ary ſtu dien auaile to a 
foole f & mannes tonge (PUG his Witte or his fol ie 
¶ Experience ought bo corrects a may and to hel pe him to 
liue Vele / Nnd (aire ſapiẽce malieth richeſſe to be faper a hy 
deth poůtee/ t Has aped) of him That Vas faper ſpeleing 
Bundy he anfuerd to ſpeũe Gal x laudably g to pene reaſona 
ble anſ Weres · g he Book thus & alexandte /ye be a noble 
mighty Ring g more mighty thay pe Bere ¢ ſhal enerece if 
pe direcke ¢ gouczue Bele x iuſtely pour peple / g in ſo doyng 
the peple ſha? obeye pou/but if ye be ay extoꝛcioner g take ab 
their good) from them thay pe fate ford of the pouer yep 
and) thay ſhal pe be Pike him that hath leuer goune tle dom 
leeſtis thay the mey/ne ther is nothig fo cournable eo alia 

as bo coucpée vn duelp the goodes of his peple Ando ſay⸗ 
de he that bath aliti of trouth defireth to haue more / And 
ſaide reaſoy malieth ama to be more ſouueram thay heeſ tis 
& he that bach no reaſoy is but abeeſte m many thinges the 
ne weſt is the beſt / but loue is dont raꝛye / for the elder if is 
the more it 16 Woꝛth/ g one N hꝛaliyn lord of ſcimees axed) 
him What thing ama ought bo lerne firſt that ſeleth ſapi 
nebo hoy he anſ Werd) the gouernemẽt of th ſaule/ Jy 
af moche as ſhe is euerlaſting and) more noble Vit hout arp 
companiſoy thay orp thing that De haue / Thay they apeds him 
ho de may the ſaule acquere ſapience / andy he anf ered) as 
a ſee may ſelieth his fifiaen and as ablynde may enque⸗ 
wth of the colours to theym that ſe hem /andꝛ it Bas apedp 
of him fotbe a ſaule might fe her ſelf/and he anf ered the 
ſaule that lakReth ſapiende cay ſe not hing as che eyen Vith 
out light that nether fe hem ſelf nor other UMnd ſaid all 
manere of thinges haue propertes / ano) the properte 0 
diſcvecioy is & cheſe Bele the good from the anlk © And 
ſaid? the loꝛdſhippes Dome bp ſtudy dangiers andy peynes 
and) ſo kept /ought Bek & dontynne and) proſpere; N nd 
thoos p be lightly Bone x Kept m Joye and pleſaunce / om 
me to alice prouffpt atte laſt /g We fe cõmonely the tones 
Wem te inha bitaun tes take grete labour be thele mayntey⸗ 
ned and enereſſe WEG grete richeſſes / and) the cod nes full 
of pleaſaunce g deliœs falk & mpne ¢ diſtructioy ¶ Ind fat 
& haſtineſſe of ſpeche maketh men to ere Nnd ſaid j mes 
ueille holde  p mey lade Vithout cuuſe accept it 2 is ple 
aſed Nich all /g he of Bom men fap euil Without uſe is an 
cry With ae nd ſaid lolie that thou & not as the Sub tes 

Whiche caſtitf the fleure g Repeth th: bꝛenne ¶ Indo faire 
men ought not to take th gouernace of the peple & a child 
& him alſo that cay not lnodde the nedis of the poure peple 
to him that is couctous to him that Pil Werlie Withoute 

deliberacion / ne to him that is vegeable ¶ Nndp ſard ther is 
no differẽce bit wip a Hild of age g a child of maneres as 
of. oon diciey That age that curve he be of for ehe condiade of 
men aren knocy g fe Wed by dedis g not by age Und) 
faire It is nedeful eo amay if he Wol be good that he be able 
of him ſelf to noe trouth g do it in dede oꝛell is that he ler 
ne hit of other / for he that of him ſelf quant Indeꝛſtande 
hit noꝛ Wil lerne hit ary not be geod ¶ And) ſaid) coors 
neſſe is deuided) in / in /maneres / the firſt is in the body the 
ſcoold) in tle ſaule. and) the kherde in the operacions Wheꝛof 
the mooſt noble is the goodeneſſe of the ſaule for in Bf ig the 
Lertue therof / is fone and lino en the for me in good de dis 
Andy faire aman findet h ſapienee and) good con dic õs w 

long lernyng of Krap ſciẽce · nd ſaid ther be many perfor 
nes that Enotbey the good Ther kis g doo hem not Vhiche re 

ſebleth che ſelie folks p axe help g gſeill of he leche g do no 
thig ther af tir /g therfor the lodyes leey Vit hout pech a the 
ſaules Without bleſſidnes · nd ſard one may ſinoſde the in 
Vaꝛd diſpoſiciõs of amar by his outÞaxd operaciõs. nd 
ſaid Wele doing is a laudable thig-neutleleſſe it is ſomÞbat 
haꝛ de (o do but lightfp one may do euil as ay azhier to faile 
of the Butte is no Wo der But to hytte the puke is agreet maiſ 
trie · Ind ſaid in diuets manere Be may be euil but Be may 
not be good but ny one Dey / Nnd ſai d default of Witte cnu; 

ſeth many harmes ¢ maketh many men to fall by 1gnorice 

Mot lnoding) Vhat chinch to be voy or left ¶ And) fardy 
ge dy fol ſtis louen cogider / andy fo doo not chil deren fox 
olde follits haue their deleckacions like @ pores fol bis in di⸗ 
uers Bepes ¶ And) ſaid) agrete ware of menes fe; 

fate is fo be Wele frendedo Bay ama Whit out feliſſhip cay 
not haue hole ſelieite Tid) ſaidy euery may Hath nede of 

frendis / Vhetlher Be ſtãdeth in goode caas oꝛ jn adde / if & ſta 
deth in cut cõdicioy/tſey for bo hel pe him / and if le ſtande 
jn good) q fe bo make mery hym and) cherpſſhe them 

that they map hel pe him to reſiſte incõuenientes that might 
falle And ſaid) nooy hath dſectactoy in iuſtice/ but the 
iuſte may / none bath fauour to ſapicee but the Vyſe mã and 
nooy loueth frendeſ hip but the true frende ¶ Ind ſaid the 
Wililiid) mey fuftepne their perilles by their bodely ſtrength 
and? the good mey ſuffre their perilles pramtly Sp the vez 
tue of thare ſaules Phiche mcience cometh not by unght ef 
axme nor of Bando nor nonotſeꝛ mẽbꝛe / but onely of grace 
of tle ſaule/and) theꝛby bo reſiſte aeynſt couetiſe and other 
grieues of this Hoꝛl d) truſting) tleafere af tir b come to 

bliſſe /e he Pwte & ing alixãdꝛe in this formerthou ough⸗ 
Eſt eo obeye Wele th cõmandemẽtes of god / ſor he bath pene 
the thy deſires / and all that thou haſt aved) of him ¶ Nnd 
ſaid fapiter is lyf g ignoꝛãde is WEG and theꝛſoꝛ he is fas 
pide is a ſpue-for fe vn deꝛſtãdeth Bhat he doth g he ß is igno 
oꝛãt᷑ is dee for Be vndeꝛſtãdeth not Wat he dot he And ſayd 
th ãtiquite of the tyme maketh the Berkis olde /g bydeth no 
thig but renome Phich reſteth ty the Portis of the ſuceſſouss 
it is nedefu f Ray to donquere good renommee ¢ ther by Bal 
ardour nobleſſe¶ And ſaid leſig is the ſelieneſſe of the ſaule 

Vhiche ety —— but Bp fie meane of reafoy Why; 
che lieth neuer © nd) ſatde Nmoche Byſemay is he that 
ꝓnounſeth not the thinges into the tyme that he is preſent 
that Dol vnderſtande hem. Nndp the eft ſpelter is be chat 
ſpeſteth not til he is Tele purueped) What he (Bal faye g 
p beſt Weꝛlemay is he that begineth not his Werke into the 
tyme that he bach Pele diſputed) g auiſed) it in his Bere 
(Nethez is none that ought to haue ſomoche thought as the 
Byfemay, for it is neceſſarie to him to be purueped) andy 
eertapy of his Werbis ¶ Nndꝛ faire mey are more enclined 
to couctife thay to veaſoy. for couctife bath acompaigned 
they from heir chil deldde. a reaſoy cometh not to thery til 
that they be of paꝛfyte age nd) far, the chil dꝛey hate 
their maiſtres hay tley ede lem for th y Broke not What 
good) may befall chem tleꝛby + but hm oneſp th: labour 
of the peyne of the ire lernyng nd he ſaid) Nriſtotelte 
call ido ¶Nlexãdꝛe axing him queſtions Spor tle gouernãce 
of the lor dis g of th peple. eo Who alexandꝛe paue goody 
anſ Weres + Mut neuer the leſſe Nriſtotiles beet him Vith 
a Zod, nd) It Was aped of him Thy he Grd. beet him 
Without cauſe, (And) he anſuezdy this childe is liſte g able 
to be a grete lord) g a mighty lin. Nndꝰ ] haue bete him 
all onely for to holde him low ly, and) in melteneſſe for 
he (Balle to ſooy probe And ſapd) If thou canſt diveck 
anotle: , directe him as thy ſelf , (nd a pong) may ax 
ed) him Why he Mac fo pouer / To Vhom he anfuerd), My 
pouexte bath nothing) offenſedo me / ne doth me no farms 
ut thyn bath won the and) ſſalk dv harmes prothhe 
A ndp ſaydz + The Popaumes ky mapntepned) bp 

th laddes oꝛdeigned) by the lein) and) pꝛindes And ſaid 
th kinges and) prices bey fuftepned g vpholdy by kmahe 
Bow / nd) the lnyghtis key maniteynedꝰ by monepe /g 
money cometh of che people / and) the people is gouernedꝰ bp 
Juſtice Viehout Phiche no Popaume map profpere 

Zepander the grete Was ſone to phelip li ing of ma 
A ee done / Whiche phelip warned), vi · xere / Nnd the 

ſaidꝰ &lexander begay E regne ny che. x vii. per 
of his eage / Nndꝛ Be ſaid & his peple m this Byſe / Fapr 
loꝛdes J Wi in no Byſe be contrarpe to pour Vylles ne bo 
pour wre Hut J (BeBe & pou that J hate fra Bees g mali, 
/g a6 ) haue louidꝰ pou duryng my faders kyf/ſo Wil 
doo tyme oomyng Cf {And J Bote counceplle g pray pou 
that ye dꝛede goby obeye him as ſourrapy of alk / Nnd cheſe 
him for king /g be moſt obeyſſant to him that (Bal beſt your- 
uxe for the good aftate of his peple/g that (Bal be moſt delo⸗ 
nape @ mereyful & poure fol lies that beſte (Hal Repe Juſti⸗ 
coy @ the right of the ſeble on the myghty / him alſo that 
[Bak beſt diſpoſe for che publyRe Vele/ g for no deleckacioy of 
Woꝛl dly pleaſaces (Bal not be (RoR full to Rene 2 de fende you 
and) by Blow pe (Pal be defended /g aff cuit g harmes bp 
the meane of his good dedes [Bal be deſtroyed / and him that 
moſt har dyly (Bal put him forth for to teſtrope pour ennemr/ 
es / Foꝛ ſuche ought to ke choſen Epna) and) none offre 
Bhan his people had) herd) tle reaſons aboneſayd and no? 
Wey his grete diſcrecoy Nytte and) vn deꝛſtã ding) they be 
re gretly ameruaplled) and / anſ Wered to him thus We 
haue herde and) Inder ſtandꝰ thy grebe reaſons / Nndꝰ ſaue 
reſſepned) and) reſſepue thy good counceptl / and ther fore be 

Bolt and) byſeche the that tfou mye andy haue the lord; 
ſhip Spy vs Durpng) thy lyf / We hopt that ther is none 

that Gath fo Pele deſezuidy tobe our liyng) © And) thus 

they chees him & ther Ring) andy, to their forty and corned 
him e paf him their b iſſinges / and pꝛaid) & cody that be 

Woldꝰ bleſſe c mayntene him ¶ To whom be ſapd) J haue 
erde the prayer that ye laue made for me/beſeching) to god) 
that ſe Bol ſtede faſte the loue of me in pour hertes g corages 
Inde that by no manes of the delectactoy le ſuffve nie to do 
thing ayen — proffites ne & my diſ Woꝛſhip. 2 fone af⸗ 
ter he ſente lettres & aff ele primers and) good) tones of 
his Lopaume ¶ (nd) Thay he had) ſent his lettres One 
mire ling of perce and) of mere ſente & (Nleyandre for tri 
Bute ike as he had) of his fader (Nndo he ſente him Woꝛd⸗ 

that ehe henne that leyd) that egge is dede And after 
this Nlexander made grett oonqueſtis · andy Phan he had 
gqueredy Inde he Vente & acontre call id bragmay/ le Thy 
che Vhay they Niſte his coming / they ſente many Bpfe mey 
to him / Thiche ſaleVed him ¢ ſaide / ſir alexãder thou haſt no 
muſe to Verte vpoy Done to be euil Dill ig Fox Ve len both 
pure @ meſte,z Ve haue nothing but only ſapiẽce/ the hi; 
che if thou Vokt haue / pꝛay to god that he Vol peue her bo the 
for by hataytt thou (Pale not haue her (Nnd Play alexan 
der herd) hem ſape ſo/ſe made al his Ooſte to tarye g Dith 

Fee of his Enpahtes Wente Vichy the ſaid) contre for ten 
quere further of the twuthe & nd) Thay be entred) With 
in the ſame ground) / he fond? many pure follies Women 7 

chylderen al nalted) gadring) Socks m the feldes And he 

avid) of them many queſtið · (o Vhiche they anſueꝛd righe 

Wyſely/and) thay le Bad) lem axe of him fomme khinc that 
mpahe wo 925 good g & alle ther peple/ z he Wolde yeuen 16 
lem gladdy U (Nnd the nne they ſaide / Sir De axe 40 05. 
offer thing but þ thou Wilf gyne vs euerlaſting lyf UC hen 
ne Nlexãder anſuerd a ſaid/ ou might ama malte other mẽ 
nes lines euesſaftẽc WHA fe mape not lengthe his obey lyf 
an oure bid pe axe of me is in no mannes wiker 
that fpucth UT hun they ſaid? to hym · Spth thou Saft goo 
de lino dleche Eferof., Berfore trauaylleſt thou thy (eff to deſ 
trope alt tie Voꝛld/and to gadꝛs alle the Woꝛl dly &efoure 
and Woſt not Bay thou muſe leue hem U Theme Nleyan 
der ſaid) & hem. ] do not alle theſe thinges that ye faye of 
mp ſelf · but god) bath ſente me thurgh alle the Vorl de for 
&yalte andy magnifye hys lade and) & deſtroye them 
that bileue not ty hym. And) ſomkyme Alexander | 
Vente cee viſyting) his loꝛdes and) enqueryng of 
er dedes U (Nndo vpoy atyme he ca in to a to Une of his 
one, And) falbe t Wo men of the ſame toune byfore a Ju 
ce pleting) of the Thiche one fardy bo the Juge / Sir Juge 
J haue bought ay hous of this may/ Nnd) longe after J 
haue founde Within the fame a treſour Withiy therthe/Vhi 
che is not myy / And ] haue offred) to diliuere it & hy 
Wnty be hach vefuſe d ic/ her fore Sir J biſeche the that 
he be compelled to talie it for as mode as he lenodeth it is 
not mpne for ] ſaue no right therto The une the Juge 
comand his a dueꝛſe partie tanſuere to the ſame · and then 
ne fk ſard) / Sir Juge that ſame treſour Bas neuer mpy 
but he hach edyfyed in that place that Was bpfou com yy to 
alle cho that Wolde haue evyfyed) hrin / And therfore J 

haue no right bo take it / And thenne thoy bothe required the 
Juge that he ole tale it to him (eff, to how he anf Be, 
red) andy ſaide / ſithey it is fo that ye ſaye / that pe haue no 
right 6 Whom the heretage Gath longedo) and) pet longet h 
Where che treſour Das founde / fou ſ hol de ] haue ony right 
ther to tlat am but a ſtraſiger in that cane / and) neuer a 
fore le: de ſpelie theꝛof. ye vol de excuſe pou therof and) cine 
me the chaꝛge of the treſour / that is aui l wo ¶ The nne he 
aid) of him that had) founde the treſeur Bhethet he had ony 
childeren / Whiche anſueꝛd) he hade a ſone / and) he axide tlat 
offer 9 ie Wife /g he fatdy he had) a doug her / T henne th 
Juge ſaidy & Juged that a manage ſholde be made bit ene 
them andy that they ſ hold) haue the treſour by that meane 
And) Bory Nlexandꝛe heꝛde this Jugement / he had) grebe 
mezuap® tſerof /andy ſaid) thus to the Juge · ] Grothe chat 
ther is not yy al the World fo right dis ne fo tree a Jug? 
as thou art / Nndꝰ the Jug? that knee him not ſaide andy 
apid) of him Phe ther ony Juge Wold) haue dy otſe: Vyſe 
Pe ceꝛtaynfy ſaidꝰ Alexander ny many londes / heme the 
Juge hauynq grete metuaplk thewf apedy of him Wly ther 
it rapned) and the ſome dide ſhyne m tho landes as though 
he Bold) haue ſapd) that is Was meruaph that god) ſhuld 
ſende ony light oz vapne 02 other good) thinges to them that 
doo not ryght g tree Juſtices / And) therof Nlexander had 
gretter mo than byfore andy fatd that ther Tere but 
felbe ſuche peple Spon eꝛthe/ as they Pere in that lande 
And as Nlepater Vente out of that lande he paſſed thurgh 
a eite /in Vhiche alk the houſes of that cyte Mere of one Frigh 
te /g byfore te dore of eue ry hous Was a grete pytte or graue 

jy Vhiche epte cher Pas no Juge / Therof he had) grete mer, 
uayſle · And) avedo of the inha bytauntis eher Pher fore fu 
che thingis (Bold ſerue · The Thiche anſuerd) him ¢ apd; 
Firſt {cx the outrageous height of foufes .foue @ Jute 
cary not be longe in a oly among the peple · Nndꝰ they ſay 
de that the pittes oꝛ graues Pere thir one houſes eo Which 
thy (Gold fone go & g there Welle vntil the dap of Juge 

mat, And) as touching that they had) no Juge. they ſane 
that thy made good) Juſtice of them ſelf Tbe fore they ne; 
ded) no Juge, Theme N lexãder depaz ted) ſwom them right 
Wel pleſed: YG ndp afore his deth le Vw be a i 

his mows deſiring ler & make no foroBe for him U Rndy 
fone after Nlexãdꝛe died) a Was put m a Coffre of gold) 
and) buried) m N liſaũdꝛe · a he as boꝛy theres Vith grete 
reuercee by kyiges princes ¢ other grete ee Rept g 
ful filled) his teſtamẽt as he Bady orteigned) UT henue (text 
vp one of the grette ſt loꝛdes of them that Bept him ¢ for 
thus / They that neuer Pepte for ol her le inges no ought 

& Pepe for this fame ins th} neuer had) meruarlk of 
uͤſite/ſholdy nod haue meruailk of che teth of this being) 
(Rnd) he deſired) the offer loꝛdes that they ſhul dy ſape ſome 
ood) thing for to gfoꝛte the pꝛple that Was gretly diſmai 
edꝰe troubledy for the dech of king alexãdꝛe/oꝛ for the det h of 
the Woꝛthyeſt ling that euer Bas ¶ hene one of them ſaide 
img ale xãdꝛe Nas Woe & liepe gold e ſeluer / z nob gold g 
ſeluer liepe him / Nnd he ſaide ie uſe of the cheſt that his 
body Lape in Thich Was of gold UNnd another ſaid alexa 
der is. dp ted) fro ſ ines @ filthes g nod his ſaule is Bich the 
good ſaules Thich bey purified (And anothes (ard alexãder 

Vas Wonte & chaſtiſe alle mey / and) no he 16 <aſtyſed) 
nd) another fard) the kmaes Were Vonte to dꝛede him 
2 the ppureſt may of al the Voꝛlde dꝛedeth him not 
And another ſaid), peſteꝛday al the eꝛthe fuffiſed) not 
& N lexãde /g noÞ te lengehe of his body ſuffiſeth him 
And anotte r ſayd) Nlexãdeꝛ might here yeſteꝛday g no lo 
dy durſt ſpelie aeynſt —— no euery may may 
ſpelte a le leerith not Und) another ſaid? Ae more þ ta 
tate of E ing Nlexãder Was grete g more y ent the more 
5 thocaſioy of his deth greuous g pptefult -U(Nud ano; 
ther ſaide thoo that fae not peftertap Rlexander ferede lum 
grebely / and) noÞ cho that fee him fereth him not Mno⸗ 
ther ſapd lex ande Was he Tho enemyes durſt not come 
nere him rand; noÞ his frendes diſpreyfe and) Bil not ſee 
byy End Thy Nlexandez Koay & wane he Vas but 
x vii · peres of age / Nnd he regned) x vj. pere of the Thi 
che he employed). ix. yeres m bataylle and) ij conquerpnd) 
&ndꝰ · vii. pere he veſtydꝰ hym vifiting the gwundes and 
landes that he had) conqueryy And he lad Dictorpe vpoy 
soptin maneꝛ of langages / Rnd in t do peres he ſought 
alle thorient andy ogident And) the nombre of his kmgh 
tes that Were comonly of his reteneÞ g at his Pages Were 
CCC. vii · M. Lit hout yomãrye g oles mey neceſſarie 6 
his Barres U{Nnd) he deyde in che eage of. xxx · eres · 
he Das of ſangſweyy colour his face ful of pts, One 
his epey grape and) that offer black/ſmale g ſhaꝛp teth vi 
fagedy like a lyoy. Nndy Nas of grete ſtrengtle g loued 
moche Parres fo his chyl delode vnto his lyues one And 
Bs omandedꝰ that the people (Solo) Dorf hep god) @ Beye hem 

from ſpyne nv aire lle Porkdy is nol ſuftepnedy but 

comonly Bp ſcieice / Nndꝰ the wyames be not Jivected) bus 
by the. ſame/g all chinges bey goueꝛned) bp reaſoy Endo 
faire ſapiẽce is meſſagier of reaſoy Udy it byſelk that 
Nlepander gaffidy thurgh a touy Wher m/ vij/kinges had 
regnedy bifore / N nd) he aſltidꝰ pf ony of their b indede Vas 
alyue And) they of the touy ſand per a fone of one of the 
ſaid) kmges / Nndp alexãder deſired) to fee him / Nndꝰ te 
peple ſatd) to alexander that he Vas euer m ehe chirchexeꝛd⸗ 
(Nndy alexander Wente & ſee him. g axid) of him Ther ſore 
he alood fo in the chirchexeꝛdꝰ /e Why he Wol d not take vp⸗ 
oy him ſuche aſtate as his fe der had) his Runeeſtris/as 
other men doo/ See ing) that it as the Bil of ak th peple 
Cindy cle pong) child) anſueꝛdꝰ ¢ ſaide/O right loumte 
uous Rig) J haue here a thing & do / the Bhiche Bhay J ha 
ue wy it /] (Bal do thy eoma undement / To Who thenne az 
lex ander axid) That chen it Nas that he had) eo do there 

(Andy he anſueꝛd) J am ſechyng the bones of my fader g of 
myy auneſtris ſiinges for to put hem a paꝛt from che offer 
but J finde hem alk fo ſemblable that J can not ſiuoſde one 
Frony the other AER me alexander (aire eo him /tfou ough⸗ 
teſt tacquere Woꝛſhip j this World) / Nndꝰ If thou favs 
deft goody and). ſtrong) oorage / thou mighteſt haue alt thy 

ſaders goodes andy of thp preeceſſours ¢ alk ther honours 
To Vhome the pong child anſuerd g ſaide. ) haue good her 
te · And alexã der axed him Wheeny (And) he ſaide bp cauſe 
hat] haue folde lyff Vit hout deth/xougtſe it hout eage / i 
cheſſe Wit hout porte -Jope Without troble ,z hel the Without 
ſelienes Certaynly (ard alexãder of alk theſe thiqes haue J 

none / Theme ſapdy the ehilde/yf ye Pil haue em /axe hem 
of ham that bath hem / and he may peue hem g none offs 
Theme Nlepander ſaid) that he had) neue (coy may of (6 
grete diſcrecioy ( Nlexander ved) enezy day to be Ma cer, 
tapy place for to here the donplayntes of euety body / Nndy 
it Das fo that Spon a day onely that ther cum none to dom 
playne vnto hy1y And) ther fore fe Bole not that day 
ſboldy be put n the nombre of the dayes of his vegne 
And hay he Nas ve dy to fyghte Vith linge daire/it was 
told) hym that the ſame daire had With hym more thay, c 
M, good fyghting mey · Vhxꝛto he anfucrd ¢ ſayde a good 
cooke ought neuer to be abaſſhed to ſee in his kechyy ma ay 
ſtep among offer beeſtts CNnd) the prcrparBee g prela⸗ 
tes that Vere for that tyme cam andy (apd) ko hym. God 
bath yeue to the leꝛdſhip vpoy many wyames /regi ons and 
dont rees bo thentente that thou ſloldeſt haue many chil dꝛen 
begotey of thy body / for to haue the fucceffion of the ſame 
after thy deth/and theꝛfore it Bere good) that chou ſholdeſt 
haue many Vyues / To Whom he anſueꝛd) , that it ſhold⸗ 
tone to hym to grete afBame þ had oueꝛ dome alle the mich 
tyeſt men of the Voꝛl dy for to be dyſconfited) Sp Vomey 
Ther arm & hym a poure may Bel and) Vyſely ſpeliyng) 
Whiche Was pourly araped) / To Wlom &lexander ſapd) 
J aue maꝛuaylle that thy clot hyng) is not after thy ſpe⸗ 
che / Fox cher is byt dene them grebe diſſerence · Theme ifs 
pure may ſapd, O myghty kinge J may of mp {elf lerne 
& ſpeke g eo haue reaſoy With mere pe maye reſonably elo 
fi me/thene Nlexãdeꝛ made him to be clotlydꝰ With one of 
hie beſt golbnes ¶ Alſo tler paſſed a href byſore alepadzo 

that Bas goyng to be banged) / Phiche ſaide/O Gort by ling 
ſaue my OF for Jvepente me fore of mp myſdedes / Chime 
N lexander comandd) that he f holde be hanged? Phyle he had 
goode vepenta mee A Alſo vpoy a kyme one avid) of him 
v · pieces of golde / To hom &lexander faire thou art not 
Wort hp é haue fo mothe/ (nd) he ſaxde bo him e 
if J am not Woꝛthy & haue fo moche pet ar pe able bo peut 
it me And) alexander apid) of &riſtotle Phat thing a 
good) ga manly king ought eontinuelly to doo / Nndd he 
anſuerd) that he ought to thinlte euery night to the good go 
uernatice of his peple/g the day foloſding) to put it in effect 
(And) it Das axid of him Plat thing) Bas mooſt des 
leckable ty conquering of landes andy of counfrees . N nd 
he faite the mooſt deſectacioy Was & gyue largely andy ves 
compenſe them that haue dooy goode ſetuiſe bo him ¶ And 
he apidzof Ariſtotle by What mene he ſbolde be comncepTedy 
Mind be anſuetd) ¢ ſaide/Oꝛdeine vpey the gouernemẽt of 
thy houſ hold) him that hath many ſeruaũtes g orn Tele ru 
le andy gouerne them / malie him thy ꝓturour and recs 
uour of thy money that Gath grete lyuelode g ſpendet h diſ 
cretely andy notably ¶ And) a Patriatke axid) of hym 
That he Vole do Vith fo many mey as fe had) / Find) he 
anfucrdy J that am lord) of ehem that key grete @ mighty 
lordes may Bel foꝛbere & be loꝛd) of three ſerualltis nd 
ther um to mey bifore him differẽt of opinions / ko hom 
Be ſaide/che ſetente that (Bal pleſe that one (Bal diſploſe that 
otler /g therfore cõſente pe co tle kwout h/ that (Bal pleſe you 
Boeke ¶ N nd) it Bas axidy of him Thy e Noꝛſhippid more 
his maiſter thay his fader / And ſe anfuerd for as moche as 

J haue of my maiſter eatin we J Sane of m 
fader lyf but for a ceꝛtayy tyme ¶ (Rnd Phay dares dug 
ters Were taken it Bas tol de him that they Pere right fips 
re. g therſore he Bold not ſee them feeryng to haue dy ony 
diſtÞnet thinges. ſapng that grete dif fonour Bere Into 
hym that had) oůͤome fo manp notable g manly mey in the 
hataylles pf le (Fold. be ouomey by Romer beynch th his 
ppſons ¶ (And) it bifelle that one made a longẽ ſermoy 
byfore him Phiche noyed moche & aleocider Vher fore he ſay⸗ 
de the predicacioy is not to be laldded) that endureth ouez 

po dez of the herbeneꝛs. but that is good that mdureth afteꝛ 
che poſſibilite of them that hereth it · nd) it Was apid) of 
him hodd men myght acquyre el loue of offer mey⸗/ z he anſ 
ueꝛd) in doyng hem good. 02 els atte leſte in doyng hem no⸗ 
ne ane in ſayd mey ſome tyme throue fetter by their 
enempes thay by there frendes Cl And) it Bas axid) of him 
Fo he might be fo mphty*conſiteryng that hꝛ Was fo yong 
of age. indy he fatty for as mode as J haue erauaylled⸗ 
facquere Frendps / and peupy & mpy enempes+and by this 
manex J ſaue poder Brow hem alle 1) Nndo ſapd) it is a 
grete loſſe eo d may to loſe his fren dis andy more thay to 
leſe his fone or his kreſour ¶ Nnd ſapd the frendes that be 
dequerid) bpcrood de des · bey better thay tho that bey acquerid 
By force ¶ And) vpon a tyme as alexander Wente & ſpoꝛ⸗ 
be hym priuel y. ꝛtapy men beyng al a TyndoV eſte Wa: 
ler vpon him. Benpng that be had bey one of their Rao g 
Beary khey ſaVe p it Pas alexãder they Were gretly aferd/g 
alexãdez badde hem be not aferd ſayng p they had Bete d none 
but Hoy p they fought & Wege And as ariſtotſe taught 

many kiynges ſones Tith Nlexander Lr apedy ones of one 
of hem / bat ſbalt chou gyue me Tay thou ſhalt be a Ring 
The Thiche faire J Gal malie the my grete goueꝛnour /g iy 
Ge Vyſe he axid) of another / Phiche ſaide J (Gl yeue to the 
falf mp topame · Nndꝰ lh nne he apidp of alexãder / Phiche 
anſuerd) him thus/Maiſtre enquore of me not chis day vp 
oy that /that ) haue bo do to mowſde/ or W han] fink ſee that 
4 neuer ſaVe, ) (bal thinke chat J neuer thoughibe/ but if 
J regne as thu ſayſt 4 ſtal thine J (ial doo as thou ſhalt 
fre g thmkie bo le couenable/ And) theme Nriſtotle faire bo 
him / Certaynly ] Vote Nel that chou ſhalt be a grete ga 
mighti ling. for thy face g thy nature ſhewderh it (oT Rhys 
an dre ſayde to one that long had) bey his lieute naſit g had 
nauer rebulied) him of no vide / J am no thing pleaſid it h 
thy (carters hy ſive ſapte his lieute nat / y cauſe ſapdy 
Alexander chat J am a may as another g erre g haue erred 
many a tyme/ſit h thou cam in my ſeꝛuice/and thou ſaVeſt 
neuer no falbée m me / ther fore thou ax not ſuche-as J ought 
60 haue (o be ee ia thou art not Vyſe /g if thou 
haſt ſcey g knoVey my fa bes and not corrected) me therof 
Thou art not treſde co me nd he ſaid / Feaſoy letteth 
ndt bo acquere ſciotee/but (Routh VifprayſitÞ it ¶ Wnty 
ſomme aped) of a Vyſemay called) Nychomalte/ Plat Bas 
the cauſe that men olepedy fo lightly & Rlexãdꝛe / Wnty he 
ſapd) by cauſe that he Was Lertuous / that he Gado Wel kept 
Juſtice andy le had) bey of good) coucefacion andy of right 
evoell ent goueꝛnement ¶ Andy there Bere t Wo mey Whiche 
axed) euezp of them & haue & his Vyf the doughter of a ri 
che may / of Whiche Boone Nas riche and) the other pouere 

(nd) the fader paf the doughter & He pure may / Bor fore 
(Riepander avid) of him Thhp he did) fo. Andy he ſayde by 
cauſe the riche is ignorant @ liſte to Boome a poure may. a 
the youre is Wyſe gz able to Koome a riche may EXlepanter 
axid) of a Wpfe philoſophre by What mene the doya mes We 
ve Bel Jirectid) g hol den in goode aſtate And) he anſuerde 
by obeyſſaũd of the peple g the raſtice of the Ring Mund as 
Alexader foughte ones in bataie many Womey aum in the 
ſame batar apenſt him thene he Bithdꝛe de him haſtely g ſat 
de to his mey if he fholde haue vickory of this bataill Where 
thiſe Vomey bey / it Pere no Noꝛſ hip eo Vs /g if they had the 
vickorie -thene it Pere to vs a p petuel ſtame/Plexfore he 
ſbal not fighte ayenſt them Vhyle the Vomẽ bey there / Rnd 
fair it is a perillous thinge aman tabide fo long ty the (ce 
that che ſtoꝛme (2 tepeſt come Dion him / that may Bek wpe 
during the faire Veder / Jy liſte Pyſe it is of them that Welk. 
in princes g Ringoes fouſes (Rnd) faire it is a foul thing 
& amay to haue gree Woꝛdes Nit hout effecte., x it is a fap 
ve thig to him that put his WerBic before his Woꝛdes / Nnd 
faire the gretteſt ¢ moſt laudable liberte that is to amay · is 
to Reve him from douetiſe indy Whay his fader cõmaun⸗ 
dd) him that he ſhold gladly ere th gmaundemẽtis of his 
maiſtre/ſe ſaide/he Vol d not onely lere them / but he Wold⸗ 
ful fille them Vith glad) her te to his poder ¶ Nnd ſaid Fé 
is at ama to haue defaube of diſcreaoy thene of richeſſes 

Holome Was a right Pyſemay g Pele vndeꝛſtãden/ 
in eſpecial m /iin / ſcidcis that is to Mitte Geometrie 
mufiſte/ariſ metriſt g aſttoloqie /g le made many good bokrs 
amoncq tie $hih one is callid Al mageſte the Which is of 

Nſtwologie/ x he Pas bozne 9 Reepandie th xxeteſt de 
that is in the land) of Egipte. g chere he mate hys confidence 
cione m the tyme of kixng RN pah, and) made hys ditti⸗ 
ons Vpoy the conſiderucions af Poors / fe Was not lipney 
alk be it tat many perſonnes calleth hym Epnaq / Nndꝰ 
fe par kxx diij. eres ¶ &ndꝰ fapty he is Pyſe that 
diſpofith his tonge bo ſpelie of god / and) he chat knoldeth 
hun not is ehe mooft fool of a® ¶ And) ſaydy / he ne 
is eelyned to his Wille is nighe fo the Ire of god / 
the never that a may appwucheth che det h/ che more he | 
& ſaboure and) traueylk to do ele ¶ N nd faroo Sapi 
ence abpdeth no ſenget in the lert of afoole , Bay afleyng 
thing) that may not tazpe in no place Und) fapdy good 
Wytte and) good) diſcreaoy dey feats ¶ And) ſap 7 
A may of good) fapionce ny not dye ne a may of good 
vnde ſtandyng ary neuir be pouer Andy ſayde Sapien⸗ 
ce is atre that Wexeth grene in the hert andy fructifieth 
7 che conge UNnd) ſayde Lee that chou di ſpute not 
ith him that Gath no tknoBlegt-ne peue not thy gſepk but 
to him that aſhhith it/ne belle not thy ſecret but ko him that 
eay Bere it Windy fa yd Be that Bot kyue Bek ought not 
to Reve in his best alk his Rucsfitecs UNnd ſaid the may 
tre of agrete fouſe hath many melItofpes Wind ſaid ſpe; 
Re Pyſcly aſVele for thyſelf as for alt offs Nnd ſaid if 
mapſt not eſchedde ſotpme & be Bench acte leſt lette not 
thy Vrath laſt long Ind ſaid the heztis of good peple ben 
tee caſte} ¢ foꝛtereſcis of ſeeretes ¶ Nnd ſard a ma that is 
not (o be woretctid hy other mẽ map furky correcte them of their 
ful bes ¶ End ſald he tat aſliid eonſeil of the Fyſemay 

andy doch ther af tir Phether it futneth him 60 good) oꝛ to 
euil he ought not to be blamedy therof kinds ſayde · It 
is bettir /a Binary to directe his peple thay to haue grete hu 
londaunee of Cpaſiti ¶ Ind) fapre Surete putteth a 
Weye ſorodde / and) ſere empeſcleth gladnes U And) ſayde 
The Woꝛdis of god) auapleth not to them that haue put a? 
their fost to the Worle ¶ Andy ſayde Je is to grete folie 
amay to t hinlie co moche oy the thinges that paſſith his 
Bnderſtandyng nd fayde men been of · j. natures ſom 
Bole neuer & content holde be it that thy finde ynoughh /e 
ſomot her (eRe and) finde nothing ¶ And) ſapte mey cauſe 
tacquere g gete money. Ando money is the cauſe tacque 
we mey ¶ (And) fade · He of the Whiche the Science ever; 
dich his Bitte map be likened to a ſeble ſhepherd that hat ha 
gebe Prep of (Beep in his leping ¶NKndꝰ ſaide be that bath 
put al his entente to his fleſſly delites / is more Bove thay a 
Reptif ¶ Nndp faire the hygler that a may is eval tid sy his 
al ce more greuous it ſable bo him to falk Feo 

ame ¶ And ſaide thought is tle Rep of eextapneee 5 

aide the reffuſes of a nygard) ben bettir thay the laꝛgeſtes 
of a po dygall Balter And ſand , thou canſt do 
nothing fo acceptable co god) as to do Bele to him tlat hath 
offenſed⸗ oe chee¶ Andy ſane if thou Bol be Pyſe be not 
in feliſhip Wich ſoolis . Gut be euer in feliſhip With chem 
tus ley der ay thy ſerf And) fave te faule cay nol 
be decepued into the tyme that the lody talieth his one And 
ſaide. Folye is the gretteſt one mp that arp body may haue 

nd) ſapd) , Goody Wit is cle fondement of all good) 

Werſzes /g good) Berkis is th meſſagier in the other World 

Ando ſaid) le (hat beprth the good) opinion g leueth the 
ew ® peueth grete reſte to his heꝛte nd) ſapd) Selie⸗ 
neſſe 16 the pꝛiſoy of the body andy ſaluacioy of the ſaule 
Sſawy ſapd) that a kmig) m his lyngdome may 
be domaged) andy hure / andy ſpecially by fyue 
thinges /tle firſt is by to grete drieneſſe as to be 
in. pere Vithout Tayy. the ſedond is by expen ding) more 
the y his lyuelode cometh tothe therde is / to Hſe bo moche Vo 
mey Wpy and) hunt yng / che fourthe is & be of euylt mane 
res g cf Kicked eon dicions g alſo & be & cruck g Senaea 
Bic /the fyfte 16/60 nue many onempes nd ſayd the 
mooſt notable maneris ¢ conditions the mooſt prouffpts 
ble is & be liberal and true of his Borre ¶ And faire he 
that is liberal may not kyue amys / the true ſpelier may not 
le ſbamedꝰ of his ſpeing the meſte g foibly may ary not 
le hatedꝰ / the ſobre may orn not be fettera that Tele x dy; 
ligoitly Sndeeſtondief & his byſeneſſe map neues repente 
th wf g bringeth him & good pfectioy Ton ſaid a ling 
02 a prince ouqht not & truſte chem that diſprayſe hym i 
him that is couctous /i him that is com from grete pouer⸗ 
tie & grete richeſſes / y him ſro the Vhiche he bath taſten 
the goodes andy loꝛ dſ hippes /in him that hach ſuffred many 
domages and hurtes for the wya e mageſte g oꝛdinaunce 
Me in him that hath made orp alla une oꝛ ꝓmeſſe Vith his 
ennempes a le ought to be Bele Bare that he peue no powder 
to noon ſuche as thoo aboneſaide ¶ And) ſapte It is ay 
empoſſible thing that the may map liepe him from fall ing m 
ſom falbte that is eval tidꝰ Vith a king in grete iuaq mi ficen 
« Without deſſerte Andy ſaid Thay a Wyſe price knoBeth 

tat ony of his mey had) offenſeth axenſt him. he ought haſ 
tely to enquere the Erouth of th: ee 4 and) tle quantite of 
tle treſ pas. and) if it be won Bilfullp oꝛ by Jgnorance cmd 
able If he Vas Wount & do fo , and) if he be Whe & falle 
therin aßen. nd Lpoy euery of the fame pointis & Re 
me dye ha ſtely at (Nnd) ſayd), The kynges ſeruaun tis 
ought to ſheſde in ſeruyng) hym their good) Lertues thir 
feith the nobleſſe of their Eynrede , to thentente that the 
kyng) may bettir RnoBe hem andy do to euety of th m as he 
ſtalk haue deſeruedꝰ nd fapdo / If N kynaq loucth 
and) cheriſſte th the vntrewe andy Ti do mey as they 
that bey good) and) true , he ought not (o & called) lynch 
for fr 16 not Ge to veygne long) ¶ Ando ſayd) . Tf 
tk liyngis oon ſeyll ours his phyſiciey and) hys confeſſour 
deleth Vyth other eh inges . than langit h to their offices 
The liyng) (Bal contynuelly be rrommagedy , ſche ef bog 
dp + and) of the ſoule / And) phe & come to a foule ende 
nd) ſayd). He that ſapth not trouth to his lecle 
Minin he that couneeplleth yt h hys frendꝰ nd) tellethß 
hym not the troutle of hys counceplle , he Byſtropath hym 
ſelf . Andy Rffaroy ſapd) + & byng) fFoldy not 5; 
mytte bo another th beſynes that ys neceffarpe & hym 
(tf for 6 v . Aud ( ſſawy fapdy + The moſt ſerv 
te counſeplle of the png Js his confcrarce and) his good 
xs is hys leſt treſour / ¶ And of alle men . the tre 
Weſt is the beſt. (Nnd) the RE Rycheſſes bey they that 
be frucfp andy duely goben (And he ſayth /a ſiyng 
(bold, cõmitte his beſyneſſes & him that he hath proue d w 
apt h/ m Witte g in good) gouernance /g if he may finde no 

ſuche take hym that hath euer be cduerſantk Vith Byfe mer 
© And) k ſapth a Byſe Gone of goed) Snrſconding; 
amenteth and) auaylleth moche his counſeillours ¶ And 
he ſayth Bay a liynq) of good? diſerecion Bath eo do t Wo 
right ha ſty thinges/he ſbolde begynne at the nobleſt ande at 
che moſt pwuffpttable / Nnd) If they bey both: Wo of one 
eſtate Raine at that Thich map beſt be recoucrdy in tyme 
compnay ¶ And) be ſapth pF a kpney be merepfuk His ber 
ſpnes [Bal goo Bel his Byſeroy (Bal auaple hym in time 
compra -yf he be tree his people Bal reiopſe With hym/g 
xf he Be Juſte. his vegne (Bal endure ¶ Ando he ſayth tins 
ges ſlholde gete good renomee and olher mene dignitees by 
good meſure for onfrageouſnes is not orduryng And 
he ſapth ys belongeth & a conquerous Eynch bo ſette andy = 
Reve good) Juſtice in his Lopames g offer loꝛdſhippes go⸗ 
bey / Andy hou be it chat it is a greuos thingy bo conquere 
them /xet is 16 a more greuours g more chaꝛgeable thyig to 
Rope them Wel ( (Andy he fapth he that is moſt complete 
of Nytt / is he that knoVeth him (elf, Rudy that depaꝛeed 
bim not from thobeyſſaunde of god for That maneꝛ occaſion 
that cometh to him /g that oontynuelly hanlielh him for the 
goodes that he bath ſent hyy € End aſſawy ſapth that 
ay euil lade and the loue of a ſhreVe laſteth no lenger thay 
che ſ$adolle of acloud «| (Andy aſſawy ſaych that a Ey⸗ 
ſemay en foꝛeeth hym & fle and) ar harme 
(ind) the foole doch grebe payne to fynde hyt Waid af⸗ 
ſawy ſayth Fay a Pyſe may tat is councepfour or offpees = 
a linge ſeeth that the kynge Wille wo oꝛ ſaye onp thing 
dmage able and haꝛmefu l & him oꝛ $6 his Bopaume or & 

his peple andy ſubgettis he (Goldy Doreffe and vemembte 
him of good) evamples of cronpcſes and) hiſtones of hys 
noble and) Pyſe predeceſſour concernpng vnto that purpoos 
jn fo moche / that the kyng) concepue and) haue knoſdleche 

that he ſapth it for his Bele and) Porſhip (0 

Egmoy Vas bory in Ethyope andy ler ned) his 
e ſerone iy te bond of Alſtepy jy ck byme of ling 
dauyd) the pwphete Woy Pas bought 8 a Jee 
for ay eſclaue oꝛ bondmay fot / xxx marek, Windy his mai 
tre pleyed) gladly atte diſe · and tler ray by fore his maiſ 
tres gate a Fyuer ¶ And) oy a tyme as his maiſtr x ay 
other may playde ate dyſe. they leyde g fee ay othe eo ple 
ge / that Who of eh m leſt a game · ſlold) do ehe Wilk of che 
Winnar + 0: Be ſhol dy drynbie alle the Bates that ray andy 
paſſed) a fore his pate, So it hafrendy that his maiſtre loſt 
(Andy chat other eomaunded) him that he (Bold. doo hoolly 
his comaundement + N nd the loſer anſuerd) that he Bac 
redy & be at his Jugement · Thenne be ſayd) to him. thou 
(BalE gyue me alk the good that thou Baſt of ony KaleBe, or 
thou — Irynlte alk the Batre of Gre Eyuier / Nnd) he 
that had) loſt demandedꝰ only veſpyte of one daxe for tauiſe 
him. g that offer graunted) 16 to him Andꝰ thus he abode 
fy bis Gous right penſpf andy fi of tſughte Bo & might 
eſcape fro this periike , Nnd) as he Bas in this thought 
kegmoy his Sonoma and ſexuaũt aw home g brouht Spon 
his necke a burt hey of Wood) g ſaleVed) his maiſtre. The 
Whiche gaf him no anſwer, for te klought & Vas sy + 
Bode & it he Pas accuſtomed) for tarayſone hy for the 

00d Voꝛdes that he forte ty him. g theme lemoy ſapdy to 
hym Maiſtre Pho hach angridꝰ 02 greuid) tle And) he an 
(Berry nothing) agapy And) legmoy ſaidꝰ/maiſtre belle 
me the cauſe of thts 2 and) Þ00- Fo: J ſha? lygtehly 
reme dye it if J max · and thane his maiſtre refered) to 
hym all eh faxte as is afore rehereed / And theme legmoy 
ſaid? to him that he ſhold) in no Pyſe abel] Be him / For he 
Wold gyue hym good) councep® Thou ſhalt demande him 
ſayd) Serif thou ſalt drinlie that the riuper cõteyneth noÞ 
this preſent tyme oꝛ ell is all that. that (Halk reme and) 
dome continuell'p,and J Note Wel he ſhal fape that Chou ſ hal 
dꝛinlie alk that it oonteyneth now /and Vhoy he bath fo ſard 
thou ſ halt faye to him / that le ſtoppe and) male the riuyer 
o ſtande Wit hout rempngx onp more / andy that chou art 
re dy to dꝛinlie hit that it hol deth nod and thus thou ſhalt 
Bynne thy cauſe «/YOhay th: maiſter herde th: counſep of 
his bondmay le Bas moe vedomfeꝛte do · Nndꝰ in like y 
fc 09 the moꝛñ he faidy to him that had) Wonne the ole /g 
in this Wofe he eſcaped) fro the paryſt/ and fro khẽne ſors 
thoy he af wanchiſedy ſegmoy and) made him fre that afore 
Was bonde g khrall / Nnd he dide and) gaf him moche good 
and Vas reputed for right a Bpfemayn ¶ nd one of his 
ſela ws of tyme paſt mecte him oy a tyme/ nd demanded 
of him aꝛt thou not he that Were Font ko liepe Beep With 
me / And he anſueꝛd) yes / how ſayd) that other Who hath 
ſette the m this eſtate/ ] (Bal telle the ſaid) legmoy ſaync) 
of twuthe/to be treſde / and) not tentende Spo» vnpwuffi⸗ 
cable Hinges nd) it Was ſapdy that a Lys apperyd 
& him / Phiche fapd & him / Polt thou be a grete lord) Spon 

theꝛthe and) he anfuerd pF god) Wi/ J Gil — 7 him but 
pF he Vik apne me the chopſe g mp playfir /] Bik reas 
One aſſed) hym Vherſſore fe Wol de not be a kynge / he anſ⸗ 
ueꝛd / pf J iuge right fully / J map not e cheue the hate of 
many men / And pf 7 diſſimilt /] (Bal Richdꝛa de me fro 
the Way of para dxſe /] had) euer ſaue in this Worlds faffi⸗ 
ſaunce With pouerte ¢ Benne the blyſſe of that otheꝛ Pole) 
tay for & loſe bo be hyghe veyſed in this Bold ¶ Ind tas 
utd) Was in a place Three moche peple fpack among Phony 
legmoy Was ſtylle / and) he demãded) him Des fore ſpelieſt 
not thou /as offer wo fe anſuerd by axufe ches is no Voꝛdy 
GOOD) but of god ner no good ſilence but ko thinlie oy god 
nd) thts Jede that Was mayſtre of legmoy gaf hym 
moche good / the Nhiche he diſtributed) ty al meſſe / @ lente 
it to poure ne dy people Dit houte vfure Wnty theꝛſore god 
mul bepliedꝰ al his goores gretky ( Nndꝰ if 16 fapdo ly ef 
te alle his richeſſes and) made hym ſelf a recluſe m a tẽple 
ſolitairely Sto his deth / and) there pꝛechid many fapre che 
gis g Vyſedems to his fone ¶ Nnd) ſaydꝰ / Sone take ab, 
ſtinene g reſtrayne thy Bil, For pf thou pꝛeyſe te Voꝛlde 
andy the diueꝛſe Duentures that dayly omen in png of; 
fenſis in thinge deffended) of 0 él deſireſt but deth cher 
fore enforce the teſchecde the cup and to ſolo de the good ſoz 
le goody moztifieth andy deſtropeth che aup® (Ando faze 
de fone ſpelte euet of cod) andy god ſFaf euer put goody 9 
des Hy thy month ne ſctte al way thyn odden Perſips 
bofore thpy eyen / nd) offes minys behynde th « pase 
Sone Thay t du ſeeſt onp ſymaꝛ / vepꝛeue hym not of hys 
fae / but chynlie oy thpy ow ne Thiche of thou ſhalt pare 

atompt Sone employe not thp covnere in te loue of this 
Woꝛld) · Vhiche is a Hing that paſſeth andy weepucth alle 
they that affie in hit / Aindy Golo the content Neth litik 
 touepte not the goodes of offer USone ſette attemprraiice 
in thy lpupng)., andy be vepleniſſhidꝰ Brey Saprence andy 
conue:ſe Wyth Pyſemey andy ſo mapſt thou gete Tyſdoy 
¶ Sone & ſimple, Be doxing) . khinliyng) moche · and 
of fetbe Woꝛdes. but if they be tree. and) be no grebe laldg⸗ 
her. (Nnd) be not diſpreyſer ne mocquer of other / be ſtylle 
and) not ful of langage / for ] haue of ez vepentedꝰ me of 
moche ſpeleing) thay of &ynay (ep ¶ Sone BeBare that 
the cor be not eꝛlyer aVaked) in the more nynch) thay flou 
(And) drede god) and) liepe the from deyn glorie Sone 
BeBare that chou be defra Wed) for co byleue. that chou haſt 
5 ching. Whee thou 44 85 though that mer bere 
the it on honde by flaterie ¶ Sone ho louet y god) Eft 
dꝛedeth him moſt ¶ Sone lerne goodnes g after teche it 
forth} & other. For doctours andy techeꝛs lope their techin 
ges bey lpſtened) vnto ſpꝛynging) Velles remiyng · of Phi 
che the pple bey continuelly ſeruid). g pet they abide al day 
ful ¶ And) EnoVe thou fone that f a foole ſpelie le (Pals 
be mocquedy for his Inturtais ſpeche/ If he be ſl g ee 
not Le [Gal the euif if he do ony thing /it is euil g loſeth 
hie ent Ge ſette him to ſtudye/he a leſe his diſpence 
e (Bal not pwuffpte/if of auẽture he be riche he (Bul be pꝛoude 
@ preſumptuous if he be poure/ſe (Bal fall M defpayr. FF he 
halle onp good) garmente / he Wil be proud) kherof / If he de⸗ 
mailde ony thing /he (Bal ape it vncurtaiſly/g if ony may 
axe of him to foroÞe /e Bal denxe it. If he gxue ought 

be \baP reproche hym . of a may gyue lo Hy1y he (Bal come 
him no thanke, hay he is mezp oꝛ Jopous /it is out of me; 
ſure. Andy Dhan he is angry he is in lilie Pyſe / yf mey telle 
him onp thing 9 ſecrete / he (Bal diſedueꝛ it. vf he haue puiſ⸗ 
ſance oꝛ myght/fe Gal ſecretly ſeche ocaſion eo wo antl x 
Bal trete his ſubgettis by Hpolence , pF men fſelaliſhipe 

Vieh hym. le ſ hal mate hym angrye / pf mey ſoloſde hym 
he fleeth he peple / Pho fo Wil ooveecte hym. he Wik not doo for 
him but Bal hate his dorreckoꝛ / Andy his ſele Ds Gal brs 
te hym / yf he ſpeſte Be Nil be herd · Nndꝰ pf other mey ſpe⸗ 
Re he Wel not here them of mey pꝛaye hym to paꝛdone ano⸗ 
tes / he Bal not do ic fe Fourth better deceyt thay twuthe/a 
may map not put him from his oppimoy/ Fox euer he Wil 
haue his by hym (eff / Who fo dot h cup? Le repubeth it for 
Wel doy/yf he ſtudye oꝛ ſpelie Bich Vyſe mey/he Pil not me 
Re hym (eff neꝛ take hede fo hem / And pf he be With a mo⸗ 
re fole that he is hym ſelf /e Bal deffame and mocque Hy 
he (Bal comante them to doo Bell · Indo Be Wil do the Perſe 
he ct / nd he [Bal omande thery to ſaye troutſy g he ſhal 
lye / his dedes [Bal be moche diſcoꝛdaunt to his Woꝛdes fos pf 
his t6ge ſaith one · his here thinbeth another pf ß be riche/he 
ſa1th thou art ay vſurer/yf thou be pouve he (Bal ſette noght 

bx the pf thou doo Bel / e ſarth thou dſt k by ppottiſie/ xf thou 
do ctrl Be Wel deffame che / yf thou gyue to him he Wik calle the 
Rafter, yf thou apne bo him noght he (Bal holde the for a Baty 
tyf e nigard pf thou be debonayr /e ſhal ſape thou art a beſte 
& Who fo zaVeth hem fro his copanpe Pe faith he wth it fos 
pride Mut th: Bypfemay is alk of otheꝛ cõtraꝛy goictone fos 
be hath gtinẽ c /uuſtiee beſines forpeuenes @ meſtenes he ey 

Wel ſpelte / and) be ſtylſe ty place x kyme/ le EnobaGh ¢ wth 
dl bath Gis Aa in bis pupf fade g per Bere li 
berall fo demaũders /he is Wyſe m ſpebyng and Wel Inder 
ſtãding the Noꝛdes of other / If he lerne he (Onl meue good) 
queſtions / If mey do him goody fe (Bal thanlie hem / Who 
telleth him his ofep Se (Bal Beye it ſecrete / z he (tal tuiſte 
Wel in ot Ber if he yeue/he gpueth gladly Lithoute reproche 
fr wir wo none offer ay But as fe Bolde Be ay , f ke 
ache k (BaP noe Be noudy roof If Be k pute c riche he 
{bal not forgete god), he (Dal al'Bap pꝛouff pte ty ſtioice. he 
Much credence & him tas teeth him Be (BAe not quits 
che bo a gretter thay he is / ner diſpreyſe a laſſe/ he ſhal axe no 
ching but if & haue right ther to / ſe is agreable y his anf; 
Vers /g ſaith no thing but if he ſinodde it Wel/he hydeth not 
his ſciẽce /tle more he acom panpeth the mey/ the more he for 
uech (& m/ he coſtreme his Will & twuth Dh eher it Bil 
or not / he correctath hin ſelf geuing wample to other / he is 
lighely toꝛned) to do Wek rf he bere Bitnes / it ſhall Lerita 
BL: Af hebe a Juge le (Bat ünge @ do all ching tracfy if men 
do hym har me / le (Bal do good) therfore / he ooueytet h not the 
goodes of other mey. le reputetÞ him (elf as a ſtranger ny 
this Noꝛlde /g t hhiltet hh not / but oy his depar ting. he dot h 
Bett and) comandeth offer to do the ſame / he defendet hh ail 
‘andy kepeth Biny ſelf fro vyng ie, Andy ht Cpe iy hie 
erte / the tonge monoticeth · and) his dedes bey acoꝛ dyng bo 
his Woꝛdes Sone vnderſtande Vyſ dom and) eycerſiſe the 
fame Vichoute thilimg oy offre thinges for Phan thou haſt 
Segen ie uc (Babe & aur jy ope Aud) Enolle But it is 
not gobey Sut by delonairte · g by good) leping of thy tune 

Fox the kunge is the dore of the almexpe of ſapionce / Vheꝛ⸗ 
in euery may map Wel entre pF it be not (Bett / N nd) thxꝛſo⸗ 
ve mey ſholde Bere Wel the lieye / that is bo fape che Hinge 

more leſily thay his gold) oz ſiluer 1 5 ſs not thyy 
obey thmges for lepynge of ſtrange thynges / Foz thy 
propre thinges len thy cgoodes / Phyche thy ſaule ſhal bere 

pth hy / End th riceſſes che (Ba acer after 6hy ath 
\bal come & other mey / Sone honoure Vyſe dom / And 

denye it not Go them chat deſire it /g [Pelbe it not bo hem that 
deſpyſe it ¶ Sone Pho that bath mercy oy weg r {Rat haue 
meꝛey on hym ſelf one be thou content With that thou 
Bafé Wit houte couepkpna) of the goodes of other / or of tit 
Whiche thou linoſdeſt/thou mayſt not haue Sone eer 
prepenthy the Wordes of correci0y / E of pech yng though 
they be haꝛd) g qreuo?, And ſaid ly is right vnhappp that 
ſereth g Inder ſtõdeth Rot /g pet he is move vn happy that he⸗ 
reth g vnder ſtãdet h g nothing pwuffyteth bo Huy fone ac; 
cõpanye the Mit h then that god louet one elde thay; 
Emais to our loꝛd god of the goodes that he bath ma de che 

to reſſepue in humilite /g departe them to thoos that & nedy 

Sone pf thou haue wy ony good p the ſemeth good /gyue no 
laude ne pꝛeiſing to thy ſelf thezof/ſor thou Mote ft not if god 
& pleaſid Vith al oz not / Jy mezy Berke is comonty ſom 
thing euer contraꝛye / g tha dueꝛſaꝛye of the Weꝛlie is proude 
thought fone doueyte not the delites of this Voꝛl de bul ouly 
them ÿ may make che nyghe to god / Sone truſte thou Ve; 
ryly in god g ſour them þ obeye him g haue the 19 hate p diſo 
eye him /ſone theꝛ is nothig more acteptable to god tha coo 
de vnderſtan ding a that is 1 tey dondicions that 26 to Neben 

in not pꝛeyſing him (elf ry bet winch /in beyng content of 
thinges neceſſarie to the lyff/ to gyue of his goodes for god 
dis fabe/bo Will Poꝛſhip to him ſelf /o Gere him ſelf Frow 
wing ſhameful thingis ny geting (erence g conspire all the 
dayes of his Ppff fo Gere him (CPF from anger. Jy ging) 
his loue to all them that deſice it / And) to repute him ſelf 
Werſt/ and) the other better. for the men bey of co manets 
Somme Ky good). and) ſoy bey Kidde, Wheꝛfore a may 
\boldy humble and) melee him to Both / lo the goode ty prays 
ing god) & make him ſemblable g (ihe to hem /to the eupll 
for as moche as it is not linoſdey. Wether his goodnos be 
Within hin Gy · Ind) he Wil not (Pee it by yy glorie 
And) 19 doyng thiſe thinges is a may reputed) for ſage g 
Þpſe one Vorſhipe god) andy pꝛaye ham that he Wal le 
pe th from hauing ay euyl Wyf / and) he Wik ede g enforme 
her fer tler is none other reme die ¶ Sone (Be & other 
fuche as kleu haſt ler ned) ne felauſhipe the not Vieh ſhre 
Rye, tal (fou be not one of them. a haue thou none affiad 
& in che hous Pere the peple lyue this day g wpe to moto de 
one enhabyte thy ſelf Vith che Byſemey eontinuel⸗ 
ly/ for god) eilumindp the ir hertes by Toes of ſapienee in 
ſuche Wyle as the goodes vnder erthe bey mopſted) by rapne 
and) With dees And) ſomme mey faye that legmoy 16 
buried) in a Coun called) karaualle bit dene the meſquitte g 
the marche. Wnty tler bey burie do. kxx. proplxtes that deyde 
af tes legmoy the Thicke te chil dꝛey of pſrack kept fo long 
in boſtage that they deyde for hunger ¶ Nnd) hay Leg/ 
moy Das nygh his det h he Wepte fore, a his fone axid him 
Wh he epee for fere of wth oꝛ for foroÞ that he had bo leue the 

Borloo He anfucsdy J Beye fot none of th (Bo thinges 
But ] Wepe bronuſe J haue aBap for to goo, from Bhiche J 
ſadde neuer may come agapy-and) J kre but ink $ytartk 
With me. a am chaꝛged) With many grete charges · Ind) 
J Bote neuez Whether J Bal be aleged g diſcharged) ar no⸗ 
ne Vhay J (Bal come to chende of my Bape {Ando he ſap 
de to his ſone / Sone thou oughteſt to dꝛede god / z not onely 
& le Poꝛſhippid) of mey Sone hay thou comeft m apla 
& Vhere Bal be ſpokey of god / abyde there / ſoꝛ if thou be a 
fool / thou mayſt 4 amẽ dedꝰ. g bedome Wyſe/yf thou be Pyſe 
thou Balt encrece thy Vyſdom /g pf god ſende them onp good 
thou ſh alt haue thy parte / but g pf thou haunte places Where 
god is not (poRey of / alk che cotrarpe (Bal happey to the / ſo⸗ 
ne be aſeꝛd of the Sengeance of our ford as moche as thou 
mapſt /g drede hu g coͤſidꝛe his right grete puiſſance andy 
might Gan’? faire ny ike Byſe as in geuing largely a 
may make j his emp His Frente / right fo by pꝛyde a 
may maketh of his frende his emp ¶ Nndꝰ faire the Bor 
de (PBich che Wpſerory of the may g ther fore ought amay 
& be Vel auiſed Phat he ſaith ¶ Nndd ſaid) atreVe may 
reſteth in his twuthe /g the reVard of a Ppaz is that le be 
not bileuid of that he reheꝛſeth 8 aid refexce ne tell 
nothing to hym that Wil not bileue the / ne demaunde not 
that thin) that thou Woſt Wel ſha? not by graunte d bo the 
ne pwmyſe no thin) but thou mayſt and) Wilt holde andꝰ 
Reve ¶Mndp ſaide thou oughteſt a boue af ehmg fle the 
companpe of a kyaꝛ /g if thou maye not eſche Ve his compa 
nye /atte leſte beware that thou bileue nothing that he ſaith 
And ſaid ſone ſette t not 19 tle hieſt place for it is better 

that thou be taken vp Feo the loddeſt place for bo fatte in the 
hyeſt/thay to be takey from the hyeſt andy be ſette al bene; 
the ¶ Sind) ſapdꝰ Sone pet ones J comante the tha tou 
dꝛede god) aboue alle chinges. for that is thing right ful x 
pwuffptable & th, Andy wo fo that alle thy thoughtes be 
alBay ny him and) thy Voꝛdes ſeucblablp+for the fpeſipna 
and) thinking) in god) furmoũteth alle other Boxes andy 
tfoughts as Be him (eff fur mollteth alle offer creatures 
(Nudz ther fore men ought tobeye him. not dichſton dyng 
ony other thing) that they bey conſtrepnedo to ¶ Sone ma 
Re thy cniſons g prayers duely to him · for paper is as a 
ſhip chat is in the ſee, for if fir be good? ſie ſhalbe ſauf and 
alle that bey therm. Nndꝰ if (be be cup +f Be (Bal periſſte g 
all they that be therm And) ſapdy N may may lightly 
Fyne his liuyng andy his neceffitece ty this Woꝛldo/ hy 
che is of litil during as to vs extatures. but a may (Bole 
pourueye him of thinges neceſſaries. for to be re Dith hym 
Wbay he (Bal de parte ar Gin fapdy Hold may a may 
make anotlyꝛ & chaũge his i ll that een not vef reine his 
one Wil And) ſapdy Goody Bik is one of ehe goodes 
Dh rof god) is ſezuid. And) gladly to here EB inges oR 
ble. is (o him agreable. N nd a curtoyſe anſuer ought mo 
che to be pꝛeyſed⸗ the behoueth to ſende onp meſſage 02 
legacioy. ſende a Dyſemay+ and) if thou maiſt none finde 
oo thy (EF ¶ And) fapdo byleue not him that kyeth to 
the of anotler may · ſor he (Bal lye m ie Wyſe eo another 
may of ehe And) ſayd it is more light & challge mons 
taignes fro one place to another thay for to malie him vn⸗ 
derſtande that hach none eibendement Andꝰ fapdy do not 

n thou ſholdeſt haue (Bante to (ce another doo it 
CT Wo pacientis bey ny this Worle of Nhiche one is he 
that ſeech g axdureth pgalently that he habet h · g that otf x 
is & vefrayne his Wille Ther ben thre eſtates of mey thi 
ſey EnoVey but ty thre maneꝛs · chat 16 & Witte th motone 
is not bnolden but ty his Duerſite z in his JreeU The Laz 
fpant may ys not knolkey oy Wet (nd? the frende 
is not Tnobey but ty neceſſite OF alle other maners 
condicions the Borſt is a may to be ſuſpeeionous of his be 
de. and) & diſcouer thinges ſecrete fo ſaue kruſte andy af 
fiaũce in eueꝛy may · (o ſpeke oumode of thinges vnpꝛofft 
table · in daũger of euplk prple for couctife of goodes 
tre" ¶ nd ſaxde the thought is the myrr our of the may 
Wheꝛin he may beholde his beaute g his filthe N nd he faire 
Bare g liepe the for (0 * ſuſpecioy taketh a 
Way the loue fro the peple®! W itte Lit hout doctrine is a tre 
Without fruyte N nd ſaid for & be ioyous ¢ bo ſale de eueri 
may gla dli/to be liberal 1y gyuyng « receyuyng 2 to forgine 
dl'p his cul Wil maken amay to belouid of eche body 
Meſe the phyloſophre ſaith. Whan men Pepe ole 
The ir Lertues bey dyſpyſed⸗ riche mey 
ben more ferful than pure mey®1 Ando be ſaxdꝰ 
the noble wth is better tay a vyle domyna con And fat 
de the moſte and) gretteſt e xᷣre oꝛ ſappe of amay is & haue 
a good) ſeladde · node thenne acco the Vith good) po 
ple and thou ſhalt be one of ce One of the gretteſt Sp 
lonpes g inyquitecꝶ of tf Woꝛldy is for & do vilonie vnto 
ay impotent bn cs ſayd If thou Saft wy ony treſ pas 
cn fine repente the anon Pit hout abi ding vnto the moren 

wd he ſard thou ough&ſt to gyue hym Bank that dolh che 
good of Pas ce that he be of fo that he do it liberally 
7 in good enbente ¶ End ſayde l may not linodde ne apa 
cepue many thingis /t hat cay not axpezeepue ne linodde hym 
ſelf / And fard pF tlou wilt haue en during loue With ano 
ther put thy ſelf in payne tẽfoꝛme him 19 goode ma neris and 
(ard pf a ling be iuſte g rightful he (Bal ſeygnoꝛxe g be lord 
oi the corages of his peple if he be other Byſe though he be na 
d fox Bing yet Wil they laue their covacces vnto another 
Nedatge ſaith thut che Perkes of this Rokr bey dd 
reſſed by two thingis one is by ſcience of Phiche the 
ſo dle is Dreſſyd . 2 that other is byſenes of Vhiche the ſou; 
le g the body bey adreſſidꝛ e ¶ nd ſaid) mey leue for to do 
mode kane g erp Play they doubte g fore our foro, Nnd 
ſaid nobleſſe of lignage is moche cournable & veceyue fer 
G ¶ Thentencioy of the may ſhold be fox to ref rayne his 007 
rage from fylth g foule thmges for the good lyf maketh 
the good venõmee g Muſeth a good ode / he is right exellent 
Whiche is Honourable ny all his diſpoꝛtes / g of Thom che 
Wytte ſurmonteth the Jꝛe A he ſarde late it fuffiſe & the & 
a 6 Tſe thou arnfé deo Bef g Rept the fro doyng euil 
Tha is nothing ſo euyl vnto a may / as bo be euil ame 
trinedo / and) in eſpecyal / Whay he is pffued of noble and) 
good lignage nd ſeyd fox to come ſciẽce/it is a moche 
honourrable and) pꝛou ffita ble thing / For by hit goodes of 
this Po:ld) and) of that olle bey gotey / A Vyſe may Wil 
nothing haue of his pꝛyner but that Whiche he bath gotey 
by ſayng) toute and) by his good) Berkes ¶ Andy 
ſayd & is a goody lord that taketh Spon him payne to eps 

his facettis m fue Pyſe-as he ſiepeth his oden body. and 
that he be not fo rigorous and) oppreſſing) . that them bebo, 
ueth to leue his loꝛdſhip (Nd) that alſo he be not to ery 
fo debonayr. that they diſpyſe his maiidementis ¶ Indo bk 
ſayde the moſt tur teys gyuer is he. that gyueth Without ay 
ing) ¶ End) fayd Jy That ſom euer place thou be Vith 
thyn oinemp. be it 19 diſpoꝛte oꝛ other Pyſe. malie al Bay 
good) Vaeche oy thy ſelf though fo & eu e ſtrenger thay 
he andy mightier pet laboure al Way to malie peas ¶MNnd 
fayd in like Bpfe as it is grete payne bo the body of amay 
& faſteyne thing) that 16 mpoſſible to him · right 3 
greuous thing) to a Byfemay for to teche a fook Gn 
ſayde. N ſuſpecious may map neuer haue good) fpf ANnd 
ſaydꝰ he is right Janorailt and) vnſiynde that cay not av 
ue than lynch fer the geodnes that ys wy & J but pet 
he is more vnliynde that denyeth it eo other ¶ nd) ſap 
de. He that demaüdet h but reaſoy is able to Fapnquyſſle ¢ 
oue come his oinempe 
HBeſille ſapde. Thou oughteſt to loue bettir the Fu 
4 ¢ . de Lore that beey pwuffytable and) true, they 
th (Bete Voꝛ dis the Key of deceyte ¢ flateringe 
Som mey put denym 1y (Meee drinſtis and) the medicines 
that ſoneſt heleth people +arey bictre / and) of euyfk ſauour 
nd) ſayde It is a foule thin to be ſo arrious for the 
fe ding of the body. that it hurteth both it g the ſaule · Nnd 
ſayde/as aſhipmay taketh not te fee Without Be ſeth that 
he bath a coucnable Pynde. no more ſhuld) a may diſpoſe 
him to eny maner Berbers Bit hout that it Ter guenable for 
the faule Ind ſaid thou oughtſt to do that +that is moſt 

pꝛouf table for the Boop , andy rather that / tha is mooſt 
cournable for thy fauule, g not & do the cõtræꝛxe ¶ And) 
faite Be that cay Vole oonſeille othex/ought fo oonſeille Bele 
hym ſelf and) haue remembrance to the ſak uacion of his 
ſaule/foꝛ it is a grete vice /o amay to Voꝛſ hyp g hel pe ano 
ther and) dif Voꝛſ hip and) hurt hym ſelf bin fate as 
it bycometh eui ll amay / that hath afoule x Hncleny bo dy bo 
be clothed) With cloth of golde oꝛ Sith clol h of ſylle. right 
fo it is afoule ching) to haue grete beo dote of body and) of 
vyſage and) be full of up We ys ¶ Nndyſaid We ought 
by veaſoy to Gere chen?» our bodyes + Ve az mot ſpecyally 
bounde to liepe honeſtly and Bele that, that peucth vs Sno 
lege of our Lorn god) . (hat is the Vyſedom of He fault and 
not to hurte 0: oueꝛdom it Vith meetes oꝛ dꝛynltes. And 
it Was axid of him Soe amay myght Gere him from J re 
And) he anſuerd)/ ty remembrynch that it is inpoſſible le 
ſhulde al Heye be obeyed) / but that he muſt ſomtyme oleye 
Aud) that he ſhall not al Baye cõmaunde but he ſhal be wn 
na unded) · Nndd alſo that god) ſeeth afl Gina, c if he bath 
this in eonſideracion Pe ſhulde not longe & Broth andy he 
ſabe agrees fatte may & Thom he ſapd) thou paynes 
the ſore to breſte the Vallis of thy pryſoy ¶ Andy ſapty 
Bay thou ſhalt cowecte another ſhewde hit not · lite him that 
Mofo) enge him of his enemy but do as the phiſician that 
dour toiſely ſpeketh to his pacioit · nd) Bay thou Male 
correcte thiſelf (BeBe the as the hurt may doth to his leche 
int Gregorie ſeide Redoma unde € god) the bez 
gynnyng e the onde of al thy Werkio Nnd ſaid ſtu 
dye / and) trauaplle to ſinoſde alle thynges. and 

reteyne any ol de Þytb ehe thoes that Key moſt proffyta⸗ 
ble apd) . pouerte is eui N. but up richeſſe mock 
Woꝛſe nd) ſapd) . de thou pain and) haue reaſoy ii 
thy Wrath andy light thy ſelf Vyth Sapiende 9 ſtede of 
cãdelẽ · and preſume not to be better thay thou art · but thn 
fe thou art dedelp. Repute th for a ſtraunger andy thou 
(Bate Worth . the ſtraũgeꝛe U Nd fayre Bhay hop ſhip 
ſtalle laden With grete trnſquillite hay chou oughteſt fe, 
re to & zoned) C Und) faite men ought bo recepue mez 
rifp aft tlat god) — hem J n) ſayde ehe hatte 
of goode mey is better thay the loue of euyl peple ¶ N ndy 
ſayde frequente and baunte the companyes of Vyſemen and 
not of th ude ¶ Andy ſayde Iiforaiſ not a litel of good 
thmges+for they may gveetely encreſſe andy amende UNyd 
ſaide Endive paciently Without talipn g) Kngeaunce 
Alyen Was one of the Lin. leches Epght epcell7l 
g in medpane + Vhiche Were al , Viy ſuperlatyff 
aboue alk othe lechis. of the Thick the firft Vas 
Eſcuſappus / The ſceonde Gonus, The ther de Myrius Ele 
fourth w menides. The. v. platoy. The, vj. Efculapius 
the ſeconde The, vn. Ppocras Cle · Sit}, Galien Whiche had 
none like eo him / He Was borne after th Incaꝛnacioꝝ of 
oure loꝛd). ij. C. yeres ¶ nd he compoſed) and made Bele a 
iin · C. wolumes of bookis among Vhiche the rley · vii that 
bey ſtudyedy in ſuche (hinges as men deſire to lerne of tle 
art of medicine · his fader Bas right diligent bo put him 
& tle ſcolt x ſpen did moche good vpoy him /t ſent him n 
b tle countre of Nſie in the cite of Pasgame. Neſents Lo 
me > Alepandue-for bo finde the beſt maiſtres (And there 

he lerned) phyſi geometne,gramapre,and olhe x (crates 
Nn he leꝛned) phyſil of a Bomay called cleopatre Thy; 
che taught hym many good herbis / Nndꝰ pwouffytable & 
all manere of ſelieneſſes · Nndp he dVelled long in Egip 
& :for to linoſde all thyſe heꝛbis / Nndp long after he xp, 
edo nygh the Cybe of Eſcam faſt by th: grene ſee in the 
matches of Egypt , Rnd ty hys poutte fk deſiredꝰ greets 
ly bo ſinodde the fcimer wmonfteatineWrdp le Vas fo en⸗ 
clynedꝰ to lerne hyt. (hal Phan he depaꝛ ed) from the ſcole 
Vpth otleꝛ chil deren his mynde Was euer vpoy that + that 
hys mayſter hadde taught a + Whrof his felowes moks 
pd hym QTd) aped hym Why he Nolde not play -andp 
ſpoꝛte hym With hem. To Whom he ſapd) .] take as gre 
pleaſaunte to recorde my leſſoy . as ye do m par Hon 
of hys ſayd) felatheo hadde grete meruaylle U Nnd ſap; 
de chat hys fader Was la ppy to haue ſuche a childe and) o 
put hym to the ſcole chat fo Mele foued) Vyſ dom / his fares 
Was a grete le bourer + his gramit fader Bas a ſouerayy 
mayſtre carpentex · and hys gramitſirs fader Nas ay far; 
pes and meter of landes Vhiche is the ference of geometrie 
Gaſyey Was at Lome in the reigne of ling Octa uien 

VP hiche reygnedꝰ afte: Waren g their he made a Hoke of as 
naſcomie ¢ manp offer traitpes · Som ſep that grete part 
of his Sookie Tere Brent ¢ among) hem ſom of ariſtotilles 
Kookie Thritter, With his band) g of wnagoras g of Nudro 
mache. and a Boke that he ha dde made of Erpacks fox Sez 
nyms e taught the kyng) of greet bo breſte the hilles · and 
felle le dall ees and) & make pleyne Bepes in ther dun tres 
and edified) Cites g cloſed} hem Vith bigge Vall is. and 

alſo to mae ryueres vemic through the (ones / Nnd in 
other places. There new Was , Wd) & do alle ot her thing 
ges + that Bere & the ommone proffyt. (Nndz in thoos 
duyes they hadde more delectacioy and) pleſaũce bo the goode 
rule and) gouernaunce of their lexdſhip thay & the cafe a 
pleaſaunce of their 0Pne bodyes + (Andy thir her tis Were 
mode ſette & haue goode Hmuerſitees andy ſcoles of grete 
clerkes, (And) ſpeci ally in phyſplte + & ndp alſo they oꝛde⸗ 
igned) in euery Cuntre and) region certapy folleis & ga; 
der her les andy to breng) them to the maiſtres of phyſylte 
for to preue them by evperionce , And) the ſame herbes thus 
appreued) Pere ſent to the Riges cloſed) and) ſealled) Tith 
their ſealles. to thntent that they ſhul de net & chaunged⸗ 
e thay the kynges oꝛdeignedꝰ lem for (ee folbi 2 
th ſaydꝰ Gal yen ſaydꝰ Vyſ dem cay not pwufpt & a foole 
(Ne Vycte to hy that vſeth it not ¶ End) ſapdy He, 
upneſſe cometh of the thinges paſſed) + andy tought of 
thinges fo come , (Nnd) Gafyey Was ſoure ſcore pore g 
Sy . Thy he ſayd) that many grete loꝛdes be Janoraunte 
Whay thy be more enclyned) to haue fapre horſſes andy ri 
che goÞnes + andy offer JeVles , thay to Tyme coor fa; 
me by good) condicone] And) fare The phiſaaens Tere 
Wont to ſaue lordſhip g to gouerne (eRe fol bis x & cauſe 
thy to do ſuche thinges as Weer moſt evpe diẽt a pwuffy⸗ 
table for their lelt h. and) no (eRe may durſt diſoleye his 
phiſicien / but ſhuſdy be gpelledy (o ope him Wh zfore they 
Reve th ſoner recouered) and) hole And) node the leches 
been fubgettis & the ſelie folps , Rnd) be compelled) & 
handylle hem eaſely , and) ſoftly + And? & peut ſem 

(Wee dꝛineſtis thogh it auapheeh hem buf MAK and Aras 
fore ts thes the more feReneffes / and) lengeꝛ Bnielth 
Gnd ſayde / ſomtyme thoo that Were mooſt ſobre in their 
metis and) leſt danke Vyne Were beſt byloued) andy moſt 
prapfidy anid; noſe the moſt glottons / and) thoo that ofte⸗ 
neſt bey dꝛonlꝛoy at th: moſt ſet by/andꝰ the rat her ſette atte 
grete loꝛdes bourdes / Nhiche yeueth aryl evempell & othez 
Andy fapdy thou mayſt Bele Juſtructe a r mey/ſauf one; 
fp khoos that be Vithoute ſhame GR nd) ſaydo/amay that 
kenoſheth ele him ſelf bath power ynodde to correcte him ſelf 
CT] Rudy ſayde Way may loue him ſelf fo moche;that he 
is Korpucdy thezbp for Be fe many that ene and) ſe me & 
be goode/and) at contrarpe G ſapd) Ae is iuſte hat 
may both do right 02 Dronge and) yet Reve Juſtice nd 
$ is Nyſe and) dyſerete that knowdeth that that ſuffifath to 
be Bnotben andy chat dolh Pextnouſeky to euerp creature 
And ſayde lite as a ſelte may deſireth/not bo depaꝛte from 
his phiſicien/tilk he hach redouerid his hel ch xhiche he oo dd 
de not do by him ſelf Jy like Byſe amay ought ko deſire the 
tom panye of a confeſſour for the helth of his ſaule/ Ando it 
ſa de a may tat Was gretly made of and) cheriſſhedy Vith 
Emages for the ſtrenght of his body of Glo he ſayde/pauen⸗ 
dure Te (Ua cauſe hem & repente hit at laſt 
T Has af Bed of one culled) protege / Why ſore it 
Bas that one of his nepghlours made dye his he⸗ 
we in BRE /e anſuctd), by cauſe noo may ſhulde af 
ke & kerne fapienee of him / and) plutes fapre the more goo⸗ 
de that a fook hat h dy more he is ſodle/ Nndy it Nas axid 
of one ariſtay/ Fay 16 Nas goode do lxe Vith a omay/ he 

anſuerdy-at alepmes Rhy amay Wylk hurt appre andy 
feble his bodp/ (Nudp it Baw aſſed) of dymicrates Phe by 
be lineſde andy prieepued) leſt his Witte / He anſueꝛd) Jy 
that that J chmlie/] Indenſtande and) knoVe but Keep 
¶ Und ſaide th Pyſemay that veplieth is bettir than the 
foole that accoꝛdethj & euerp poꝛpoſe / (Nndy ther Was awyſe 
may called) azee /that Bas a priſonne: & Whom his mayſ 
ter axed / of Phat liynrede he Das / He anſuerd enquere not 
of my lynage / but axe of my prudence andy ompnae / and 
Was axed) of anoths called) Spgonee, alſo priſonne: of 
one that Vol de haue bought him / Wherto he Vas good / nd 
he anſueꝛdd to be deliueredy / and) another may axid of him 
If it Were goode that he ſhulde bye hym / To Blow he anf, 
ueꝛd) J am no thing Worth but pe ox for other bye mes x 
anotſeꝛ ſayde fe diſpraiſit h him ſelf. that diſpraiſeth alle 
other / and) yeueth him ſelf ladde / And) thr Bas one that 
praied) god) bo Reve him from the daungeꝛ of his fren dis 
(Nnd it Was aſſied) him / Vhy he praped) not rutlet / that 
god (Gol de kepe him from his nnemxes thay fro hys frẽdes 
Hird he anſueꝛd) / for aſ moche. as ] may Bele kepe me 
from myn oinemyes in Vhom J haue no kuuſte/but J may 
not liepe me from my frende Blom that ) truſte / It Bas 
aved) of awyſemay Whiche be the mooſt noble Voꝛl dly thin 
ges / To Tio he anſuezd) / to Four faprenee / and) bo hate 
foolp mat to & aſhamed to lerne Andy it Bae apedy of 
Nꝛchaſam / Phiche be the ſciendes that childꝛey ſhul de leꝛne 
He anſuetd thoos that cauſe them bo hate icnoꝛã ce in their 
aage And) it Pas apedꝰ of anotheꝛ · Why he Wol dy haue 
noo ſifuez,and) he anſuerd for af mode as it come to nen 

by fortune · g is Rept by nygar dſhip x couctife 2 is of ey fo 
liſteky ſpent g to euyl vſe End; — lala ch — 
a fook ſhalbe more noyſant & the thay his hateredꝰ. (Andy 
tler Bas amay.that faydy & another. ] (Bal put my pepy 
and) Spligarer & Viſtrope the. He anſuerd) andy fapoo 
J ſkak onforce me bo dyſtroye thy mafpeerand appeaſe thyy 
Gee And) ther cum byfore a Kong, ty, Pyſemey + Th 
one Vas a grelie · The other a Jede. (And) the theꝛde a ſara 
ſpy. of Blom the fapdp ipne dſcrid, tht pe of ken bel 
vtter ſom good) and) notable ſentence  Thay the Grelie 
ſapd) J may Pele correcte andy amends my thoughtis/ but 
not mp howe, Chay the Jeſde ſayd) +J haue meruap of 
thm , that ſoye thinges preiudiaal . Phere ſilence Vere 
more prouffitable , (Nnd) the ſaraſpy ſapd)+ J am mapſter 
ouer mp Voꝛdes . oꝛ it le pre nunced) / but hay it is ſpo⸗ 
Ren ] am ſeruaũt therto. Andy Jt Bae axed) one of them 
Who might be calor a liyng) / And l anſuerd)+ He that 
is not ſubgett to his one Wirt U(Nnd) N ſſawy fayd to 
ay euyll paper that deſired to bow de money of him. that he 
Wol d lene him none. foꝛ J knoe Vel that he ode not Bf 
pleaſe him ſomoch m refuſing the lone. as ny axyng him his 
payement ayey nd) ſapdꝰ . The Wyſemey ſpeke With 
good) deliberacioy · tle foooks ſpeſte Bit hout uiſement · 
(And) Teofrates fair he is of good cõdicioy that reporteth 
e ſapeth good of other ſolltis /g kepeth ſecret their defaul tes 
{And it Was axed of diſcome That thingis Bere moſt ne⸗ 
deſſarie for ama & Bere him out of offer folie daunger 
nd he anſuerdy If he le riche eo lyue moderately. and if 
be be pouer o laboure dylygentelp © nde Upomake ſald 

tet is not fo goode adockdur / as diſcrecioy-ne fo goode apre 
cher as the tyme /g Be ear cortectith hym by othir is right 
diligent g Tele ocuppedꝰ Rudy it is bettir to take exemple 
by other thay other to talte yt by bym © nd Thyme, 
tus ſapdy -medle noꝛ vndeꝛ tale not Ppth the gouerng unte 
of a foole , for Ik qi not peyſe nor concepue / Vhat good) 

tou dooſt & hym / we more thay a loꝛſe o other beeſtis ta, 
ke fete Ve dre thep chaꝛge hym Byth gold) or gæuele/and 
pt Bas apedy of Nathlpy / Bhp mey ben pumſikd) for 

their myſdedes , andy not for their tfoughtes . He ſapdy 

their tfoughtes arey reſeꝛued) onely to gedꝰ ¶ (Andy (N; 
menpus ſapdy / ther be. th .thpnais that a prynee ought 
o eſchede , The fyrſt is to moche drynlting) . The ſecon 
de is to mode deleckacioy in muſyl + (Andy the theꝛde do⸗ 

tyng) of Women / for thyſe · ij · thyngis put a Wey ak his 
bac r goody tloughtrs indy fapd) kughe for thingis 
loſt and) cup toy that ary nat be amended) foꝛpeting) 

the ꝛof is the medycine a Ny ſayde frouth is good) & 

& ſapte g ſpecially Thay it pwuffiteth every body / nd) 
ſapde + If thou cay not attepy & the Dyſe dom of a uncient 

mey at Ae leſt ſtudye and? ſee ths bokis g ſomme profyt 
thou maeyſt haue cher by nd) quidarius ſard J haue mer 
uaile of tfoes that blame fo moche the foule thmgie vpon o⸗ 
ther and) thinli hem fayr Spon hem ſelf / Dimperates ſaide 
pacienoe 16 a caſte imprenable ¢ Woꝛſhip is the frupte of 
trouth g repttaunce is the fruyte of haaſt / And) it Pas ays 
id of dithomages / Vhy the riche mey be more pꝛoſdde thay bp 
ſemen / and) he ſaid) for the Byſemey lino den ¢ dꝛeede our 
lord) and) vndeꝛſtande That offence pride is vnto him. but 

the riche may taleth none kde therto · nd) ſom aped? of 
him WhrGe Pas better co haue ſaptotee 07 richeſſe + nd) be 
ſapde , ther is no goode richeſſe / but it be af Bek proffytable 
m the otleꝛ Wold) as in this · but ſapiter is goode for either 
Po:kde+ It Pas tole &riſtotles that a may had ſaid good 
of hi · Wind) ke fayde J ll recompenſe f/ Tley aged hey 
Jy Plat mance, Undo he ſayde J Wik ſeie of him m Ge 
Wf Und) Octpploy ſapte & mannes Witte ary not at 
teyne & do thinges aloue his Inder ſtanding. but vndꝛe he 
map execute liſte as pe may put no more Byy in a pyre that 
it cõteynethʒ but leſſe ye may Und) Oricas ſayde a man 
of goode vnderſtan ding may Bele eſehe de grete quate of 
the mfortunes of this Vorkte , liſte as che goode ſhipma 
RnoVPeth by experience the Weder lilly & be m the fee Sa 
marcy ſayde ] haue loſt ale that ) Sado /g tlerfore 7 fere no 
thing 1 ſapde Fy alk thy ent repriſes/ſaue more truſt 
m thy ſcimce thay in thy ſtrength Bregorius ſaide. The 
peyntours map Pele malie pictures ſemblable & thmaes 
ut the propre thing none cay male / but onely god a na 
ture (Nnd) he kyng) Nrmeſ ys calling) & him his bꝛe⸗ 
Ehren ſayde ko them JF pe Wolk repente @ talte me / dut only 
as pour Broth r ] Nik [Ne you chat J am pour ling / but 
g pe ake me for pour bing J (Gal (Pte you / that ye ar my 
threy Windy Cake myloſtius ſaide /) baue grete mers 
ucple of them chat for Tozdefp goodes put hem wply in pt; 
vil by londe g bp Bates of det h/ aſ Bele by fete of merchã diſe 
as other Nyſe/not Bro Birt, Who (Pal fuccede oꝛ de park their 
od) after their deth / e might Ric h leſſe milger ¢ peyne 
lerne Bapronce . by * gie ther goode name and? fame 

ſhulde be more laſddedꝰ and) pꝛapſed) /as it is ſapde in a pro 
uerbe / he is not dede Bhoos renomme and) fame Taſte 
(Pyagoras fap, Samee bath noy enmemyes but pornos 
rane meyll Andy ſaire-clateringe of folies is diſplepſir & 
Byſemey-Like as te ſtenche of a Rarepy is to ter that 
{mel 1€/for the fool EnoVeth no more the fake of his fre 
che thay the baren wth of his (tenche/ Rnd) it Bas aped 
of another hoe men might bepe him from moche dꝛpn⸗ 
Ema/Anto he anſuerdy in behol ding Wele the grebe Jncon 
uementis that be fal the dꝛonliey mey Ando Eugene 
ſare/Many peꝛſones hauyng reaſoy andy Dnrerftandpna) 
apey candell and) light for bo ete their mete But fee peꝛ⸗ 
ſones ths le that kynelf g ſharpe thew Wettes in geting) 
ſciences for th pwuffyte of their ſauſte nd) Efccoy ſai 
de / deth is diſpleſaunt to alk perſones ſauff & the Vyſemen 
for ſapience is the thing that mooſe lettith the ſere of del h 
Andy adꝛien ſaide /f J ſhulde nat loue ſapiẽce / but & zu 
ſe ſhe diſpraiſeth deth/yet ſhulde J loue brs / Nnd) her mes 
ſaide / the grete prouffyt that ] haue ſoun de 19 ſapience Js 
that ) haue compoſed) and) linyt all my oughtes in one 
Aird quirams ſaid/ may map not be Withoute hough 
tes /he ought eo vemẽ bre the Hinges ppetuell Andy ſayd⸗ 
ſom thinke it goode/that eueꝛx body Were of liſte on dicioy 
but thynlieth che contrazye / foꝛ they eueꝛy may Wolde coms 
mande and) noy vay [And demepates ſaide Thay khouu oo 
meſt into a ſtræunge countre-ſexliey diligently , af tex tle 
langage g reaſoy of thy peple, Nnd If thou fynde thy ſelf 
as Vyſe or Vyſer ey they Endoctryne them / Ando ellys 
p*py thy if o lerne of epee fore and) doctrine rather 

chan & beſy che in olher pdelk and) viyne ocupncions ¶ N 
phyloſopher Phiche Was Diſciple of ytagoras ſaide · He 
ought not to be callid) manly that Wek (trike hum + tas 
cay nec finde Gig elf Rind Spl Jy a in 
gys the meane is beſt (nd) bo lyue Warely is a grette tre 
fure , & nd) & fyue Waſt fully cauſith pouerte Rind) pet it 
is inpoſſible & pleaſe alle men ther Bich Tay ſapd) be 
not Noth Vith him that ſapth truth. haue puctence and 
god) [Bal come & te cher fore Endy ſaide the Til Crd) 
lor dis reſemble & the dꝛonliey mey that m their dienen 
(Sip hate all fapre g goode Lertues / and) louen alle diere g 
fil tbis but Bey his dꝛonbenſhip is paſſed he is aſhamed 
of his dedis ¶ Nndy faire N liyng of goode Witte ¢ diſere 
cioy ouch & be Belk content and) pleaſid) / Vhey men of⸗ 
fre him their ſer nee Nnd) ought in his pras andy pwſpe⸗ 
rice & Woꝛſhip g cheriſſhe his knyghtis g mey of Pere ¢ to 
pape them Mele tir Mages alk be it le Bene & Gane none 
ennempes · ſor he cay not be fure ole ſone & ſhal haue nede 
ef his ſeruauntis ¶ Nu) Melious ſayd) He is not ris 
Be, to Ly th richeſſe laſtey but itil. ne fre Bay they 
map be lightly taltey , Gut che laudable Eycheſſes ben 
thoes · chat Purey perpetuelly ¶ End) eBrakalplie (aire 
The couetous may . hath noo veſte. N ndꝰ ele nygaꝛd⸗ 
map neuer be Eyche nd) helype liyng) of Mas 
ee done fapdy & toes that counſeled) Hy to brey tie Cp, 
te of &tßenes , Vhay he hadde Wonne it. We ſhufdy 
thay ſeme men Ipſcounfys + Where We haue onereomme 
our 0:newyes And) Nrchydes ſaydꝰ . The tinge 
map Welk make leſpngis . Withoube thaſſent of te [erte 

nd) fe+fore it is c0muenion that the bone g the bert to 
be of one opimoy €] (Nndy ſayde / Make no deſir to gov for 
that that thou mayeſt Bele haue / Thiche is ſuſfiſaunce but 
pray andy require him that / that tfoÞ Faſt may fuffife the 
itagoras ſatde/ſe that beleueth not the refurrectioy of may 
is [ike a dome beeſte that fallith for febil neß ¶ Nndp faite 
may ought & do his Weꝛllis / by deliberacon / ( by grete 
pwuiſion and not ſodaynly ¶ Andy faire if thou Þyl ep; 
ede thyy eme mx / alle Gio no foole nor taletellaꝛ⁊ noꝛ oleye 
none of his Drees / fot thp blampng) Tex & him a arte 
laude Indy (air he that Vol de fs laudid) ef his Dorkes 
ought to ſaue a tree frende & rapoꝛte them ¶ (Nud) faire 
Rope thy Frente aboue all thingis / (Nund) thinlie That leſt 
thou ſ halt haue / if thou-ſabe a treVe frende/if thy Boule fal 
ſeth wy thou ſhalt not leſe theꝛby / but the depar ting of the 
ſtones g; the tymbre / but if thou fe thy frende/tſou mayſt 
cede tie ꝛby many ennemyes ¶ Ind ſaide Boa amay is 19 
grebe Ire g Breathe map le likened to ay houſe takey With 
five in Thiche/foꝛ the quã tite of the fmeRe g of the noyſe of 
the fiere ther may no may ſe ne here khetiy / c may alſo be 
likened) to a ſhip in ay outrageous tepeſt 19 the * /W5p, 
che Bil not be Wele oon dyted noꝛ ſtered fos the ſeruentneſſe 
of the fame tẽpeſt/g fo Bay a mannes blode g come is ſte 
red Nich Vrathe and) Jre/ cher map no pezſuaſions nos hol 
ſom counfeil auaiſe not ſtere him & his pwufit/ and) is fo 
curfidy that alitił ſpazke of hit maluth lightly a grete fre 
re /yet Vrath is many atyme pace fied by ſilẽce/ as the fiere 
quenchith Phen the brondis be aber albey / Alſo a dꝛoncbbey 
may ory nat pez æyue his dꝛon ſtenſ hip til he Re ſobre/g af tes 

Wary Be (CEG anocßer dꝛoncken /e SroBeeth kherby zy Bhat 
caas he Bae ty (Alſo the angred may rebourneth by his 
pacieee 2 ſeethj another angry / may Pele peroryue his one 
defa tes C And) ſapte ; De ſe domonly Women ſonner 
any thay men /the ſelie mey rather thay che hole le oldt 
may lighel yer than the yonge + Vher ſove it is (o be thought 
that Wrath cometh of ſebleneſſe of odurage . Alnd) a maif 
fre rebulted his clereli ſeyng / hol de thy pras bondemant fone 
And) le anfuerde ] am not che leſſe Woꝛch for my liynne 
Hut thou art ti Bors for thy db 2 faire N 
Byfemay ought eo faye tat that is cõuenioit a ſomtyme 
& here that / chat is not co be ſaivel] (nd) ſaide ther is no⸗ 
thing that greueth ſomoche thy frẽde / as to ſhoe him that 
thou haſt him fuſpech N nd) ſaide Companye a wh fo Vith 
the peple/ that they Viſche after thy prefenfe, Shay thou art 
abſent / z that tp lament x Bale thy det h/ Nmay Wepte 
Thay his ſoone Baw borey / And it Bas aged of him Php 
he Mepée g ought rat her o be ioyeful / Nnd) he anfuerd) J 
Were for my fone tat goth noe CoWare his wth / Nndꝛ 
it Vas aved of him Phat ma ner peple be leſt beha bed N nd 
he anſuerd thoo that may nothe help nor hurt g that dot h 
nother good) nor har me / for th euil peple hate the goode/and 
the goode hate the euill And ſaide Cuſtume is harder & bre 
Le thay natu nd ſaide ther i” oy 7 abſtnice 
One is Vith goode Wil 2 che other by force Whiche is not 
goodel And Marge aid. ehe but pwu ffita ble chinges 
nor ev no more thay for thy fuſtynallee/g (che & haue no⸗ 
ching / but that is poſſible bo be Hay . ne dompleyne che not 
of thy frẽdis. taſte not vnhope of that · that thou maiſt not 

amare RiRe nothing of Fe douetous may / beche that (ou 
cay. peie that thou ha ſt · haue pacience jn thyy Duerſitees 
Do to be Brictey iy thy ſeale oꝛ jn thy ſignet Boeke goode pe 
ple and) bad) ſhal ede / g beßolde that ſentence effry, Andy 
ſapdy. Short vemembraunde and) haſteneſſe of ſpeche maß 
Reth many a tyme may fuple andy ewe j his Juge mot 
Andy one Xebulied) a Viſemay / To the Phiche the Wyſe, 
may ſaide. Thou rebultes me nat of alle my viert. nd) 
It Was axid of him · hy he Wolde haue no fone / he anſueꝛd 
J fad) leuer be Wit hoube for Thy ] beholde the gvette Fog 
ue that amay bath & his chyl de and th grette pepnes and 
twubles he bath bo bryncy him vp. and) acte Café muſt leſe 
him ; that forobe Were more bo me / than the Joye It Nas 
Duiſed one that Vas copies in a ferre vyage / that he ſhuld 
nat holde his Jurney / leſt he oped tleri · And he anſuerd 
That deth is a l one to me / be 16 m other Countrees oꝛ at 
home ¶ And) Je Was aped of another That ching is not 
bo be don / though it be iuſte a tree. And le anſuerd/ amay 
4450 & prayſe him ſelf + of np of hys goode dedis 
nd? ſaide It is ſomtyme good) & ſpare the ſothe for ( 
peut hopt & his ennempes /g & ſaue his frendis from del h 
for twuth nedeth nat al Fayes bo be ſaid / And it Pas a 
idꝰ of him Bhat thing Vas moſt deleckable / Nnd) he at 
uerd that one is not ſure bo liepe long in one degre g is moſt 
difficile to be ſollde ¶ And) ſane Wmay that deſareth & oo 
me bo eny grette Vele / dught not 6 fue it though le attepy 
not ther to at the firſt, but ought & continue his eitrepꝛis 
for it cometh at oo tyme · that cometh nat at/ C/ End) 
ſeid the Vyſemay is not detepue d by flate ringis deeryuable 

or (Bete Borers / liſte as te ſnaſie / Nhiche is taken ¢ eben 
ip th pecolt i behol ding the fa yr fethres of his taile. And 
albitty price may hel pe him iy bis Parres af Wele Tyth bad 
people as Wyeh good) in divers maneres ¶ Ando fair 
de If thou hate amay,, thou oughteſt not eher ore hate alle 
8 nd ſapde. Though amay haue bought 
abvoke Jt oom pelleth hym not to ſtu dye andy rede ther 
Wd) faxd). Nen ought a ſexue god iy 1p, maneris, tn 
16 & Wytte ( pelde him graces +02 the beneſetes that he 
bach yeue hym + bo bere paciently his Duer tees & fpeke 
EveBip, eo pape alk that e poomitteth/to Juge right Pyſely 
60 be temperate , to do goode de dis after his poſer oꝛ he be 
required co Hor 9 55 frendis . (o ſoxpeue the fates 
of hys ennemyes . & deſire noꝛ do en ching) bo op may 
but as Be Vol de be wy & nd) one Was blamed) bicuſe 
e hadde yeuen hys ſilueꝛ to ay erp peꝛſone . beynch in ne⸗ 
deſſite ¶ Nn) he ſayde · J haue not peuen hym my ſikuer 
for his badnes. but by cauſe he Vas i neceſſiee ¶ And ſat 
de exeeꝛcite of diueꝛs labours is he leh and deleckacioy of the 
body And) Tas axed) him. fitfey Thay fe Was Bayer 
Boſe , (And) be anſuerdy, fitſy eB tyme th J legay & 
diſprayſe and) myſtryſt my ſelf · he herde a may rele1ſe le⸗ 
ſingis and) SréceWe Wo: des. To Phew he ſapd) + If thou 
bardeſt anol her ſep, that thou fayelt ,¢fou Woldeſt not by; 
leue him Vheꝛſore thou maeyſt Del t hinbe nomay bileueth 
the ¶ And) Nriſtophanus ſapd)+(Prctorie of Voꝛde is not 
Victorie ny dede. but the Kray victorie 16 in the Neꝛlte · nd 
Anaxagoras ſayde N goody Byſemay fereth not the th 
fo: Vyſ dom gouerneth his Witte · and his toͤge g his Lopes 

twuth gydelß his here and) his Vit / pytie g merey hey 

his frendis. ſelinig of Pyſemey len his fete / his loꝛdſhip 

is Juſtyc. his reigne is meſure, his f Werde is grace / his 

We pey is prac His aroſde is ſaluacion/his ſenyghthede is the 
counſeplle of Pyſemey , his oꝛnamoꝛtis bey ſtrength. his 

treſoure is diſcipline . his loue is th com panye of goode pt 
ple/his loue ę af his deſar is bo fle firme @ 6 ſezue g loue god 
CT Andy ſane N grette treſour ys to haue frendys ¢ is a 
noble affection / Vlerfore it is conuement bo ceriſſſe g eve 
hem Bele, g to Vinne one by another as efte as Spree mas 
Bey many into her company And) a ling apid of a Vyſe 
may Vhom he reputed) & le a goode Juge / Nnd he anfuerd 
He that is not deceyued) by flateries / that is not oorrupt 
by peftes · g is not deceyued for faldte of diſcgecioy Nu 
another ſarde Selandꝛeꝛs ben Bore Gay theues/ſor theues 

ſtele but the goodes ¢ ſelan dteꝛs talie and) dyſtroye loue 

And another ſaid Noꝛſhyp peuen Without cauſe atte Café 
tourneth to ſhame ¶ Nndp another faire Jt Bere better to 
& in conpanye g conuez ſaunt Vith a ſexpent . ay Vith 
ay euif Woman {And faite one ought & tube Be ſubtilt 
bees g craftes of his ennemp if he be Pyſe /g if be be a fole thay 
mere his folles nd another ſaid/ the moſt liberal ty this 
Woꝛlde is he that reputed) for a grebe thing the goode de dis 

that be don to him / g that he reputed for lit? that he bath dy 
fo offer-g that holdeth him content Vith that be bath be he 
pouer oꝛ riche / Nnd ſaid the moſt nigard of al mey is ſe that 
axid inpoꝛtunatly af ter he is ones denied g refuſed) his aſ⸗ 
king / Ind another ſaid oꝛuie diſtwielh the World 2 freteth 
( Verech it as the fil th of a gouge doth the troy, Andy 

another fapre Like as no thing map be Briten in a peyre of 
tables a redy Pꝛyten in Vithout te firſt vriting be put 
out / (NT in lie Pyſe the vertues g nobleſſes may not & 
hadde in no body Nithoutey the vide „ ky 
firſtput adde {And anoths ſapde lie as amay may not 
a at ones · by holde With one vpe the (Bpe-¢ Vith other the 
erth / Ty like Nyſe amay map not arrevpe g diſpoſe his 
Wyte & Vertues /g 60 Vices & gpter ¶ Andꝰ anothe ſaide 
the right ſtedefaſte four is lay the frendis bey of like wn 
dictons / and) if khey be dyueꝛ ſe 02 contrarious vnneth that 
loue map long en dure nd) faire peple ought to whe 
tir E jng g him obeye Vith fere g in loue · Nndꝛ ſom axed 
him Whay the Witte of may Nas parſeyte / (And) le ſapd) 
hay chat le ſpelieth crouch Nndp a notles ſaide te ui 
ous habet h the liberal / g the nygaꝛde is Broth Bith that 
another ſpendet h/ And another ſard alk getting may not 
be iuſti fied ne hel th may not be glotonie / ne fredeſhip With 
decepetoy me nobleſſe Wich bade diſcipline ne loue Vieh pri 
de ne inſtice With neceſſite ne reſt of heꝛt Vith enuie ne Vis 
te g diſcrecion Vieh voꝛgeaunee nox pers Wit houte oſeil 
nd) anothes ſaid truſte not afook not heꝛ for loue ne for 
neyghbourſhip for it Vere as good bo haue bo thy neyghlour 
ahouſe take Vith fiere · And anocher ſaid he is thy grete enne 
my Whoos Wezſiis bey harde bictre ¢ noyng to the 2 his Nor; 
des (Rete g curtops / nd another ſaid the Þpſemey endure 
here all cheir lyues laſting / g after tleir wth their goode Koz 
Ree ſ hal Lalor m mines myndes / Nnd another ſard gſiderg 
Hon of the ende of the Borie hel peth moche to the goode geluſt 
oh / nd anothpꝛ ſatd thou ought bo loue though thou be not 

louedo ¶ Andy anotfer fapre afook Bence ener that god 
bath no thing Bele roy nor employed) / but that he hach yo; 
uey him & ſemeth that he ode haue made g oꝛdeigned⸗ bis 
Borlon bettir thay god bath doy/hodd be it he can no? crore 
his one pſone onely U And) another ſaide be Villyng & 
peut the nedy peple/g in ſo doyng thou ſFakt do ſeruice {x ple 
afer co our loꝛde cod) Rnd) anoffer faire bettir is amay 
to holde his peas thay to gtrarpe g aꝛgue Rich a ſoole/g is 
as goode & haue the ennempte of Kid) peple as ther frondes 
(Sip -2 ehe Garde g the ſharp lyf n; Bele doyng · is bettir thay 
the ſ Wetteſt 1y doyr g ay k dedis /g it is bettir to le Without 
fame Bary & haue hit bad) /g pouerte is bettir thay the riches 
of ſieptepues /g the youre may Without Biers is lettir Bay 
tle riche may that is Voꝛſzipped for his ſinnes Andy ano 
cher ſaide It Were bettir not to linodde ay muſt ling thay 
& & his gſeyll our. o: neve in his doe ind) another ſaid 
If tfou peue for & haue fame oneky ther by/that is not libe 
ralite for thou doſt it hut for thyy one auailt N nd ano 
ther ſaid) He is of no laudable lf that is not this day as 

good oz bettir / as he Vas te day paſſed ind another fair 
thou ſhalt not mode haue that / that thou teſiveſt Tithonss 

that thou Bre paciẽtly the greues that thou Voldeſt not haue 
And another ſaid a meey ſtalbe in thy bandes as long as 
he (Gal fruſte cle / Nud it Pas avid of a Vyſemay / Why be 
deſired not to haue a fone fe anſueꝛde Ficauſe that J aue 

Fad pnough ado for to chaſtyſe my body g & adꝛeſſe mp ſau 
le Nithout hauing exp offer pſone to rule or teche / Ando it 
Was avid) of him / Who Vas that moſt ve penteth hym in 

this Hold) . Andy he anſuerd / The Vyſemay at hys 

del h/ by cauſe that be Fath not Beoughé after fappater andy 
he that Fath dooy goode to ay vnleynde may! (Rudy it Bas 
axed? of him / Phat thing encreſed) the laſde/ He anſuered) 
truth , And) Wat ſuſtyneth twutg / Keaſoy and) Vytte 
and? Verb is Pptte gouernedꝰ / by Geppna of the kong / 
BoB is the tonge kept Wich prciener, What cauſes pacienee 
dred? of cod? , and) Nhat cauſes dred) of god) Often to 
hep Tara det h/ and to conſidere x knoVe his frail 
nes ¶ & nd) another ſaid fupeꝛfluyte maketh the body ſelie 
Vpy twublith the Pptte/ Vrath is gtrarye & Bpfrn Bue 
tẽptrance don ſortet h the leꝛt/andy put a eye alt heuineſſt 
andy caufith helch ! N dy faite hodde be it chat a Tyiſemay 
be of foe Epnred) yet is he noble /g though he be aſtranger 
Be ſbolde be orf 5 — e tough) he be poues pet the preple 
haue nede of hin (And) anotheꝛ ſaide he that en dureth / g 
taketh no papy in his youth reſtith him not m his aace 
And) anoche: ſayde the exrour of a ſoole peueth litik reſte 
to his tloughtis Indo another ſaid the tonge of adiſerete 
may is in his herte g che heꝛte of afocle is in his tõge / Nnd 
another faire not Nithſtan ding) thy nature Hſe ener more 
goo g laudable gdicions / nd another fatd amay ought 
cõtinuelly & exquere Bhat mey ſap of him ¢ There 19 they 
laddde buy ¢ Ber 19 ehey blame him /yf tley Laibar him he to 
eue that afc ceontinuellp Vit houte pride > rof ¢ pf chp 
kame him / he & &Bare from fall nc) any more to that at 
as andy not & hate hem for thair aueꝛtiſſement Andy 
ſayde he is Byfe that is humble andy meke in hys myght ¢ 
2 : Rnd Thay he is in gvett «ſtate bo dyfprapſe the 
anon andy is attenmperate in grete auctorite. Andy one 

Defivedy of a Tyſemay bo telle him the Difference yt Wox 
this Poꝛl dy and? the offer Woꝛldꝰ . nd be anfuerdy/ this 
— — the otler Noꝛldy is a thing ada 
ſted y nd) another ſayd). Mettir is bo ſpelte Bek thay 
eo ſexe ſileng. andy bettir to Beye ſilence thay eo ſpelie aul 
Ind) another ſaide ] haue acom payned) me Vith the vi 
che mey g haue feey their ude arcaye change @ ocher thin 
gis better thay mpy Were. Where Loy ) had) fuche gute ¢ 
melandol ye that J might haue no reſte m my ſelf / Tay 
acompayned) me Vith pouer mey / lie as J Was. x tay J 
Bas ſatiſfyed) and) in prace Nn another ſaide like 
as « may that is ny a derbe Laue map not ſc his propre ft 
gure / Jn lie Pyſe the ſaule that is not elene nor pure map 
not 8 fee percepue ne knole the treVe g eft goode⸗ 
neſſe of almighty god) ¶ End) another faire like as the 
childꝛey hay they & boꝛue in peyne ¢ oitred into this Voꝛld 
reſioyſſe hem after Bory they be grete /g ſele the delites and 
eaſes therof / Jy lie Bpfe men be forobbfull Bhay they (hal 
dye. pet if they haue kyued) Bele , thy go after in & a 
better Borkd)+ Move t xx thay (Ba? vefiop fe them perpetually 
<q Andy another (apd . Ns the goodneſſe of Tyſemey 
goth euermore in amen ding Jy life Bpfe goth the malices 
of the ſooles euer day ij empapring ©! Ando another ſaid⸗ 
If chou correct a Byſemay, he (bal thanlie ehe ther fore a if 
thou teche a foole he (Bal Iyſpreyſe ei (And) ſaxd He 
ps thy Lerray frende. that in thy neceſſice offerith hym ſelf 
and) alle his goodes vnto th: < Ando another ſaide the 
gouernour of a Pyſemay is pacioioe x the gouernour of a 
foole is pride Nndoanother ſapd aman that is ſlo ddt hful 

in his Pexkis is comonefp mutous of the Tele of offer mey 
And) another ſapde. JE is goode bo enquere tres of thin 
ges BnlinoVey-for the firſt queſtioy is of Wile, andy the 
ſeconde is of diſcrectoy Mud anotfer ſaide frouth is god⸗ 
des meſſage; Th:tfore (Be muſt be Woꝛſhipped) for the loue 
of ſex maiſtex nd) another ſaid} that mul tiplieth bis 
temporal goodes dyminueth his eſpüalles / Andy anotlyr 
faire thoos that byleue and) dꝛede god ſtedfaſtlye haue not 
delectacioy but onely in by g in his Tertis ¶ Andy anos 
ther faire the mooſt * le Rerkis that one may doo is & 
obeye tie maundemẽtes g pleaſer of ou forte god) / and the 
Weite of the body Joigned) to the Berke of the herbe is mo⸗ 
ve laudable thay ehe Berke of the lee onely ¶ Nndꝛ ano; 
ther ſaide the aut creatures Key Woꝛs thay ſerpentes lyons 
o carapues / N nd) ny ie ple as vpoy the erthe/cher is 
nothing bettir thay eſe goode creatures / Eight fo ther is no 
thing Bors . thay thoos that be Bylied? ¶ Nnd) another 
ſaide he that taliethh vyoy him higher aſtate thay & him biz 
longith/puttethz grete yepy bo be euyll ſpobꝛen of ¶ N ndy a 
nother ſaide he thas Wyk haue reſte in his kyffe / ought to 
kept him from · iin · ocaſions th f irſt is that he ought not 
& be Woch though ſom creature kyue / Whiche he Wolde haue 
dede/ſetonde is pf ſom dye Whiche Be Vol de haue alyue / the 
cher de is. if le hath not that / that he defareth and the fours 
the is yf he ſee that fortune raſe andy bring vp fomotbes of 
locder degre chan he is Wudy anofler faire to ente medle 
and) wh Gok Vith Poꝛdely Werſtis is a thing that map 
eſte kept amay from alle ine dueinentis ¶ Nndp another 
ſane t& more a Wyſemay is alone te gretez is his Jope 

be it dap or nyghe (And anolfe: fard the euil diſpoſed Gitte 
is ike a carapgne pp maketh the ext ſtone aloute it / z the 
goode kipng is libe ehe fayer rẽnyng ryuire that is pwuſfy 
table to che cveaturaſ f And) another ſaid Te Bpfemey ar 
nat content & prouſf xte onely the ſelf / but ſemblably do 

auãtage & other /g the fooles hur te not onely eh y ce 
wether take gvete labour to hurte andy trouble offer fol bes 

(Andy anottes ſaido / afoole for a litik thing) epoſeth him 

lightly to foꝛtuneſ ¶ Andꝰ (ard tu maieſt not be ſo Wel. 
arraped nor be ſeen / as With truth Andy another ſayde 
abſteynyng from Þrath e couetlſe is laudable ching af thele 
in this Woꝛlde/as in the other nd another ſaide/fe that 

yeueth gſeile @ prapſith it him ſelf Bold ſeyy be callid dif 
creE¶ And anoths ſaid lete not & do Welt though thy good 
dedis bey not knoBey-for Bel doyng is fo goode of hit ſelf 
that if ſ halle ill able pnough & the atte laſt; nd) ano⸗ 
che: ſaꝛde / amay of good) diſcecioy / ought not to evoeꝛciſe 

him ny thnges inpoſſible/ne ſap thinges not illable/ne 

ſpende more thay his Mnpng is / ne peomecte more-thay he 

map fill fille & nd anotleꝛ ſaid-amay may haue but peynt 
g laboure in this Noꝛl de ¶Nnd ſaid le that eteth not fine 
dye for hungre /g if he cet h more thay pnough he (Balle (eRe 
her ſore it is a difficile thing to aman bo be long m {lh 
N nd another ſard truſt him not þ foxſBenth his ſeith ſoz 
Voꝛldely thingee And anottes ſaid del neſſe ig dꝛech ig 
noꝛãnce/g ignoꝛãnce oigẽ dꝛeth errour Nnd anolſeꝛ ſad) 
thou (Balt finde eueri Bere clot hing mete /g place for bo oibeF 
le m if thou be ought / but gz that ſuffiſeth the not p 16 & the 
neceſſarie/ thou (tab be faze bo Huetiſe /g yet thou ſhalt 

ſable thy deſir. And) another ſaide Jy feng ſleping is no 
pwuffit / but harme is to Hſe it / z amay ought to beware 
that he diſpẽde not half his lyf in Idel neſſe / Nnd another 
ſaid the goode ſaule Bol haue no reſt 9 this Poꝛl d thay he 
that Bol haue a goode ſault,ought to beſdare of veſt / Wud) 
another ſaid beware of the copanye of a lyer in all chy Per 
£16 Be thep in gvete auctorite oꝛ iy (mal And anot her ſaid 
& that loueth th With feynt loue g for Noꝛdelp thugs (inl 
hate the m lil Pyſe/ but he that Foucth khe for the ppetuel Pe 
le (Bal große Oy thy loue / Rnd another ſaid gouerne 
the fo Nele that thou Repe the from ant wing / 6 fuffife the 
With he goode de dis that thou ſhalt do beſyde / And another 
faire he that Bil Vite Whet hir his ſaule be noble x elene/oꝛ 
foule ( corrupt Pe ought to gfidere his dilectactoy g his gfci 
ence /n if he delyteth Huy in doing good dertues g noble thin 
gis Bithout harm. thay his ſaule is chne g noble /g if he deg 
lyteth him in doing foule g trãſitorie Hinges g of no Kilte 
ey his ſaule is ſoule + for every thing) reſioyerh Thith 
his ſeblable / the good Dith the goode /g the euil Vit h che aut? 
And another ſard he is happy that gooch the right Wey for 
he fin deth ſoͤner the place Troi he Bold 0-4 he that goth 
olbe of his Wepe / ehe more he goth the ſerther he is behinde 
End it Was apid of a Lyſemay Phat Vas pfaytte fol xe/ he 
anfuerd to thnilt & dom to a good aſtate x pſperite by bad 
Verkis,to loue falſſede g hate truth /bo take delectacioy in ri 
cheſſes /e & truſt euczp may / Nnd it Tas apid of hem Phat 
is thy ſigne of Cel forſight g litil no lege / he anſuerd one 
to peue truſt Ver he bach bey deoeyued / Nnd ſuffiſe you Tith 
ehe (&aſſacioy of the ſaxingis of teſe philoſopheves .: 

| a endeth the bool? named) (he dickes ot ſapmtgis 
f th philoſophhres enprynted) bp me William 
Captoy at Veſtmeſtve the pere of our loꝛd) +-M-+ 
CLCCL+ Lop Diy Whiche hook is late tranſlated) out of 
Frenſhe into eiglyſſh, by the Noble andy Saler lord) 
Lord) Nntone Erle of Ppupers kozdy of Salts g of the 
Ile of Pyght / Defendour and) directour of the ſiege apoſ⸗ 
tolique for our folp Fader t Pope in this Lopame of 
Englond) andy Seueꝛnour of my loꝛdꝰ Prynde of Tales 
Ind) It is fo that at fue tyme as he hade acomplyſſhid 
this ſapd) Leꝛlie / it bed) him to ſende it to me in oertay 
quapers to cuetſee / Phiche ſexthBith ] fatbe g fonde tler 
many grebe. notable, and Bpfe ſaxoigis of th philoſophres 
(Neozdpng) Into the Lobes made y frenſſe Vhiche 4 fad) 
ofte afore reddꝰ / But ceꝛtaynly ] lad fren none in engliſſh 
til that tyme, Nndꝰ fo af te: Waꝛdo J em Sno my ſapd) 
fotos ¢ & dy him feld J Fady red g feen bis boot Ans 
that he had don a meritoꝛy wee in the labour of the tranſ la⸗ 
coy therof 1 to our rg tunge Bor in he lad) deſeꝛuid⸗ 
a finguler laldde g thank g / Theme my ſapd) lord) teſivedy 
me bo oueꝛſte it and) There as ) (Pelee fynde ſauce & cor; 
recte if Pere ] anſſeꝛd) Intd his loꝛdſhip /tlat J coure 
not amende it / But if ] Pole fo preſume J might apaire 
it / Fox it Was right Wel g eonnyguly made gz kranſ latꝛd⸗ 
mb right good? ando fayr euqliſſh / Mot wichſtondyng he 
Billed) me & oueꝛſce it x ſid) me dpuerce thinges The 
che as him ſemed) mpghe be left out as diuezer lettres nn 
ſiues ſent From Nliſander to tnd and) ariſtotle x eche @ 
otter Bhiche lettres Were lityl apper tinent Into bo dickes 

and) [aparece afoꝛſayd) for as moche as tp fpecifpe of 
other matess / And) alſo deſired me that dy bo put ehe ſapd 
Rooke m mprinte ,Nndy thus obeyjng hys requeſt and) o 
maun dement J haue put me in deuoyr & ouerſee this hys 
ſapd) Book and) belolden as nyghe as J coure hodde It accoz 
we Myth cherigynal beync) ny Frenſh . Andy J fynde 
nothyng) dyſcoꝛdaunt tler. Sauf onekp in the dyctes 
and) ſapengys of Sotrates. Wheriy J fynde that mp ſaide 
loꝛd) bath left out oer toyn and) dyueꝛce conclifions bos 
chyng) Women. Wherof J meruaplle that my ſayd) for 
Bach not Vretoy them + ne That Gath meuydꝰ hym fo to do 
Me Bhat cauſe he hadde at that tyme + Gut J fuppoſe thae 
ſom fayr lady lath deſired) hym to leue it out of his boobe 
Or ellys he Vas amerous oy ſomme noble lady. for Thos 
loue he Wold; not ſette pt m hys Bolt ., or ellys for th Sy 
ry affecpoy, loue andy good) Vylle that he Fach Into alle 
ladyes andy Gentyl Women. he thought that Socra tes 
(pared the ſotle ,(Nndy Tree of Vomey more tay krouthe. 
Whyche J aay not thinke that fo &eVe amay g fo neble a 
Ghyloſophre as Socrates Nas ſhol dy Bryte offer Byſe 
thay troutfe + For Tf he had) made fable n Vrytin q) of 
Vomey . He ought not ne ſloldy not be Eſeupdy in hys 07 
ther dyctes and) fapmace . = J appereepue that my 
ſaydꝰ ford) ſnoſdeth Krylp that fuse defautes bey not 
had) ne founden in the Bomen boꝛy and) didellynch) in kle⸗ 
fe partyes ne kegyons of the Woꝛldꝛ + Socrates Bas a 
Oreke Lovey in a ferre Contre from fens , Whyche cons 
tre is alle of othre oon dycions thay thys is. Andy mey 
Vo mey of offer nature thay they bey here in this dontre 

J Wok Del of Phat ſomeuet oon dicioy Vomey bey in 
ee. che Bomen of this contre ben right good / Byſe-play 
ſant / humble / diſerete / ſobre / chaſt / oledient to tleir huſbon; 
dis / lve We / ſecrete/ſtedfaſt/euer leſy/ z neues ydle/Netemps 
rat in ſpelting / and) vertuous in alle their Werltis. or acte 
leſte ſholde be foo, For Phiche cauſes ſo euxdent mp ſayd loꝛd 
as J fuppoſe thoughte it Bas not of neceffite & fette 19 his 
Book the ſaiengis of his Nuctor ſoerates toucſpng Tomey 
Gut for as moche as J Gadp comatemtt of my ſapdy forty 
& correcte andy amende Where as J ſholde ſynde faibee / and 
oller fynde J none ſauf chat he hat h left out + fe dickes g 
ſaynges of the Women of Grece / Theꝛſore in acompliſſhig 
his ooman dement for as moche as J am not in dertayy Whe 
der it Bas in my Cordis coppe 02 not · oꝛ ellis perauenture 
chat the Vynde bad) bloBe ouer the leef / at the tyme of af 
lacioy of his booke, J purpoſe & Vryte tho fame ſaynges 
of that Grelte Socrates / Vhiche Broe of tho Bomen of 
gree andy not hyng) of them of this Popame / Phom J ſup 
fe he neuer line lde / For if he had J dar plainly faye chat 
f Bokty haue reſerued) thin mefpeaall ty his FA dickes 
Bap not pꝛeſumynq to put 7 ſette they ny mp 15 loꝛ 
des book But intlende aparte 19 the reherſaytk of the BerGis 
humbly requirynq al them that (Bak rede this lytyl refer 
ſay ts pf they fynde ony faul te tarette it & Socrates 
andy not to me Phiche Vryteth as lere after fololdeth 
Ocaates ſayde That Vomey bey thapparaylles & 
— cache mey / but they talie none but them tht wil 
be poure /o els them that Grobe hem not And 
he ſayde chat thes is none fo grete empeſſement neo amay 

as Janorame/and) Nome <A Muy he falbe a Womay 
that bare fyre/of Phom he ſaide that the hotter Fave the coPoer 
And) he ſabe a Bomay ſe lie. of Vhom he ſayd) that the 
eupk reſtyth and) didellyth With ehe eure ¶ End he ſas 
We a omar brought to tir Juſtper and) many offer Bo 
men folo Sed) her Pepinch / of Vhome he ſapd). th erp bey 
(ore andy angry bicauſe fr eup® (Bal periſſſe ¶ Ind) he 
ſabe a Jong mapte that ler ned) be Brpte, of Whom he fay; 
de · hat me multiplied) euyl Spy cup {Ando he ſaxdꝰ 
that the Ignoraunde of a may is Bnokoy in thre thinges 
That is & Pete / Vhay he bath no thought to vſe reaſoy 
Whay he cay not refrayne hys couches / (Nady Thy he 
is gouernedꝰ by the concep of Romer m chat he EnoVeth 
that they knodde not nd) he ſayd) Into hys Dyſcyples 
Wye pe that J enſeygne andy &<e you Foe pe ſbal mo 
De eſcape from alle cup / Nnd tley anſuerdo/ye / Rndp 
theme he ſayde ko hem / For Nhat ſomeuer thing) that it 
be. lepe you and) & Wel Waa that ye oleye not to Tome 
Who anfuerd) & hym agapy , And) Bene ſayeſt thou by 
dur good) modes g OF our fufters / He ſayde to dem / Suffi 
fe pou/ ich that ] haue fapd to pou, For alle bey ſembla 
ble ny malice ¶ Nndꝰ he ſapde/ Who ſomeuer Wyle acquere 
and? gete ſcxoite/late hym neuer put Spry 19 the gouer naũ 
& of a Woman {Ando he ſabe a Bomay that made her 
freſſhe and) gaye, to Vhom he ſapd) / Thou reſembleſt the 
fyre/ For the more Bow is lexd) bo th fyrt che move Bok 
it brenne / Nndp tle gretter is th hete nd) oy a tyme 
one apydo hym / Nhat hym ſemed) of Vomey · He sans 
That th Tomey reſemble Into a Tre ale Calf 

Whyche ys the fapreſt tre o beholde andy ſee chat may be 
Gul Ppthyy ie ys ful of ny «Andy thy fapdy to 
m ANd) deman ded) Wher fore be blamed) ſo Bomen, andy 
that le hym ſelf Bado not comer into thys Voꝛld) ne none 
other mey alſo Ppthoute hem .. He anſuerd) + The Bomay 
vs ike vnto a Tre named) Chaſſoygnet , on Thyhe tre 
ther bey many thynges ſharpe and) pꝛyeliyng). Thiche Gur 
te andy pipcke them that approche vnto hyt , Mindy yet ne 
uertheleſſe that ſame tre bringeth forth good) dates and) 
[ete + Andy they demanded) hym/Vhy be fledy from the 
women . nd) be anfuerdy, For aſmoche as J fee them 
flee andy eſchedde the goody · and) eomenklp do euyl = (Nd 
a Pomay ſayde & hym +VÞylt thou Gave ony other Bomay 
thay me Nndp he anfucsre bo hs N rte not thou aſhamed) 
toffre thy ſelf to Spm . that demandeth neꝛ deſireth the not 

-y——/© theſe y the Dictes  ſapengis of cx phploſoph 
re Socra&&s Phiche he Wrote in his booſt / Rnd 
dertapnly he Broce no Vo:ſe thay afore is reherſed 

Andy for aſmoche as it is acordaũit. that his Spetes and 
fapenertes ſhold) be bad) as Wel as offers ther fere ] haue ſet 
te it in thode of this Boke / And) alſo ſomme pſones per 
auenture that haue rede this Boke y frenſſhe Bold) haut 
arette a grette defaulte in me that ) hot) not do my deuoir 
in viſiting g oueꝛſeeyng of mp loꝛdes bot acoꝛ ding to his 
deſir / Nnd) ſomme offer alſo ha ppely might haue ſuppoſed⸗ 
that Socrates bad) Vretoy moche more ylle of Women thay 
here afore is ſpeci fied/Vher fore in ſatiſfyeig of all parties 
6 alſo for excuſe of the ſaide ſocrates J haue ſette theſe faire 

Dees E ſaxetgis a parte ny theme of this Bok, o chentẽt 
that pf my ſapdy loꝛ dg oꝛ onyx other perſone That ſomeuer fe 
or ſhe be that (Bal rede oꝛ here it / that If khey be not Wel 

pleſydꝰ Both alk chat they Tyth a pemꝛe vate it out oꝛ ef 

lys vente the leef out of the boolie/ umbly reguyryng and 
leſechyng my ſaydg lord) & tate no diſplayſir on me ſo pre 
fampng) but & pr: done Mere as he (Bal fynde faulte andy 
chat ic pleſe hym & tale the labour of thenpryntyng in gre 
e Banke Vhiche gladly haue toy mp dpligence in thacom⸗ 

plyſſbrnc) of $16 wfive andy ommandement / Jy Bhp 

Be J am bounden fo to do for te good) ve Waꝛd) that J ha; 

ue reſſeyuydꝰ of his ſaydy lordſhip / Whom J beſeche Al 

myghty god tenereee and to dont ynue in his Vtuous dif 
pficcon in this Voꝛldꝛ/ And af tes thys lyf bo lyue euer 
laſtynglx in heuen Amen 

Et fic eſt ſinis.· 




Birra Bann itr 

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